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scholarly quality which summarizes the incidence, intensity, and inequality of these journals’ highly cited articles. The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) (González-Pereira et al. 2010 ), presents an indicator of can be called “journal prestige” (Bollen
prestige of influential fields is to be sensitive to changes in the score distribution of each dimension, which allows us to investigate inequality among multidimensionally influential fields. For example, let be the set of fields of study at a
; Laband et al. 2006 ; Kinnucan et al. 1994 ). However formal rankings of economics departments are often based on one metric only (Dridi et al. 2010 ). Each academic paper from an economics department may be graded on the basis of the prestige
There are a number of publications on the traditional lifestyle of the Boshas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The present survey, territorially restricted mainly to the Armenian-populated historical-ethnographical region of Javakhk (Republic of Georgia), examines the manifestations of Bosha identity at the end of the 20th century. The subjects of the survey are the folk etymology of naming, language specificities, the area inhabited, mixed marriages, occupations, anthropological characteristics, system of prestige and relationships with the neighbouring population, as well as their perceptions and notions. The author has drawn mainly on the formulations of the informants.It is concluded that the present Boshas are an ethnographical group of Armenians of a different ethnic origin and they are still in the process of cultural assimilation into the neighbouring Armenian population.
A number of proxy measures have been used as indicators of journal quality. The most recent and commonly employed are journal impact factors. These measures are somewhat controversial, although they are frequently referred to in establishing the impact of published journal articles. Within psychology, little is known about the relationship between the ‘objective’ impact factors of journals and the ‘subjective’ ratings of prestige and perceived publishing difficulty amongst academics. In order to address this, a cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted in the UK to investigate research activity and academics’ views of journals within three fields of psychology; cognitive, health and social. Impact factors for each journal were correlated with individual academic’s perceptions of prestige and publishing difficulty for each journal. A number of variables pertaining to the individual academic and their place of work were assessed as predictors of these correlation values, including age, gender, institution type, and a measure of departmental research activity. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to perceptions of journal prestige and publishing difficulty, higher education in general and the assessment of research activity within academic institutions.
Mapping regional structures as outlined and produced by a system of marriage ties
The Case of Kalotaszeg, a Reformed Presbyterian Hungarian Region in Transylvania, Romania
Kalotaszeg is a famous historic and ethnographic region in Transylvania (Romania) consisting of approximately 35–40 village communities. The region has raised considerable scholarly interest since its early discovery at the end of the 19th century. A constantly reoccurring focus of studies has been to outline the structure of the region. Although it was not our primary concern, when we started our social anthropology fi eldwork at the beginning of the 1990s we soon encountered the problematic issue of how to delineate the external and internal boundaries around and within this multi-ethnic and multi-religious region and how to grasp in-group and out-group relations with a special regard to the context of socio-historical structure of the population in the area. We wanted to understand what kinds of diachronic and synchronic factors stood behind the formation of various networks of human connection interpreted as regional structures.
The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent social integration influences scientists’ research activity and performance. Data were obtained from a survey of researchers ascribed to the Biology and Biomedicine area of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, as well as from their curricula vitae. The results provide empirical evidence that researchers who were highly integrated within their teams performed better than their less integrated colleagues in aspects of research activity such as collaboration with the private sector, patenting, participation in domestic funded research and development projects, and supervision of doctoral dissertations. Nevertheless, highly integrated researchers did not seem to be more prestigious than less integrated colleagues, nor did the former’s publications have a higher impact.
A szerző esszéje elsősorban az óbabilóni birodalom és a hettita társadalom mobilitási esélyeinek összehasonlításával foglalkozik, többek között a hettita rabszolgák felemelkedési esélyeinek empirikus elemzésén keresztül. Az író külön tárgyalja a státusinkonzisztenciát az óbabilóni b__