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A model is proposed to describe the kinetics of solute segregation to partial dislocations in solid solutions of cold-rolled alloys. The case when half edge and half screw dislocations are present is considered. The model gives account of the kinetic behaviour observed in a deformed Cu-19 at% Al alloy where two unknown processes could be assessed during calorimetric isothermal experiments. The faster process corresponds to segregation to screw dissociated dislocations while the slower one corresponds to segregation to edge dissociated dislocations. Experimental activation energies, larger for edge dislocations, are close to that for pipe diffusion along the partials corrected by pinner binding energy terms. It is also predicted that segregation occurs faster as the dislocation density is increased. A quantitative comparison of experimental results with model predictions is given.

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Dense in-group and scarce out-group relations (network segregation) often support the emergence of conflicts between groups. A key underlying mechanism is social control that helps to overcome the collective action problem within groups, but contributes to harmful conflicts among them in segregated settings. In this study, a new experimental design is introduced to test whether internalized social control affects contribution decisions in intergroup-related collective action. Subjects played single-shot Intergroup Public Good games in two groups of five each without communication. Subjects were connected via computers and connection patterns were manipulated to detect forms of social control that are activated conditional on expectations and on the composition of the artificially created ego-network. Results confirm the influence of behavioral confirmation and the conditional impact of internalized traitor and selective incentives. As an aggregated consequence of these social control effects, harmful intergroup outcomes were least likely when members of the groups were arranged in a mixed network. JEL classification: C91; C92; D74; H41; Z13

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. Morales , M.B. , J. Traba , E. Carriles , M. P. Delgado and E. L. García de la Morena . 2008 . Sexual differences in microhabitat selection of breeding Little Bustards Tetrax tetrax : ecological segregation based on vegetation structure . Acta

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A general model is discussed for assessing the energy release due to the pinning of solute atoms to partial dislocations. The present approach discloses the influence of dislocation character distributions on the magnitude of this energy. In order to test its validity in αCu-Al alloys, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) evaluations associated with the different peaks involved during linear heating were performed employing both cold worked and quenched materials. Dislocation densities were calculated from recrystallization traces. On the basis of this model it was concluded that the observed energy difference between the deformed and the quenched materials during the exothermic peak designated as Stage 2 corresponds to the pinning process. It was also concluded that nearly equal number of edge and screw dislocations are present in the dislocation configuration of deformed alloys. Nevertheless, it is proposed that dislocation-induced order might also occur as a consequence of enhanced solute concentration around the partials.

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Learning & Perception
Orsolya Szalárdy
Alexandra Bendixen
Dénes Tóth
Susan L. Denham
, and
István Winkler

, T. M., Szalárdy, O., Mill, R., Denham, S. L., Winkler, I. (2012): Different roles of similarity and predictability in auditory stream segregation. Learning and Perception, 4, 37–54. Bendixen, A., Denham, S. L., Gyimesi, K

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Learning & Perception
Tamás M. Bőhm
Lidia Shestopalova
Alexandra Bendixen
Andreas G. Andreou
Julius Georgiou
Guillame Garreau
Philippe Pouliquen
Andrew Cassidy
Susan L. Denham
, and
István Winkler

. 297–346). San Diego: Academic Press. Grimault, N., Bacon, S. P., Micheyl, C. (2002). Auditory stream segregation on the basis of amplitude-modulation rate. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111, 1340

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( Figs 2 and 3 ). The neighborhood, with its valuable built heritage, has been relegated to the periphery of the town and is now considered as an area at risk of segregation [ 1 ]. The objective of this study is to establish an urbanistic and

Open access

-network connectivity and decreased between-network connectivity ( Baum et al., 2017 ). Similar results have been found in resting-state brain network modules ( Fair et al., 2007 ). Furthermore, successful modular segregation of brain networks contributes to the

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The model of regular solutions, that may be applied to binary alloys (e.g. Au−Pt, Si−Ge) has been compared to binary societies: blacks—non-blacks in the US, catholics—non-catholics, foreigners—German citizen. The excellent agreement of phase diagrams and intermarriage data encourages a calculation of the multicultural society by functions of thermodynamics: Solubility corresponds to integration, miscibility gap to segregation, free enthalpy to happiness and temperature to tolerance of a society. Only a high level of tolerance will integrate ghettos and lead to a peaceful multicultural society.

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Az emberek térrel kapcsolatos értelmezéseinek vizsgálata igen érdekes kutatási terület, hiszen a valóságos térnek (akár egy településnek) az objektív módon meglévő térelemeit – és különösképpen a térelemekhez kapcsolódó különböző vélekedéseket – az ember maga állítja elő, és szubjektív módon értelmezi, határozza meg azokat. A mentális térképezés során a térről szerzett információk is egyénileg formálódnak, mégpedig úgy, hogy azok a magunk számára segítenek eligazodni abban, mi hol van, mely területen kik laknak, egy adott helyre hogyan juthatunk el, mit hol, vagy éppenséggel hol mit csinálhatunk. A kérdés legtöbbször az, hogy ezek e térképek mennyire tükrözik a valóságot, vagy inkább mennyire állnak közel a valósághoz. A tanulmányban arra teszek kísérletet, hogy felvázoljam és megnevezzem azokat a lehetséges tényezőket, amelyek befolyásolhatják a mentális térképek pontosságát.

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