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.) (1997): Anthony Giddens Critical Assessments . Routledge, London. Cohen, I. J. (1989): Structuration theory: Anthony Giddens and the constitution of social life . Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire
1 Introduction Soil-structure interaction is a field of mechanics implemented interest in the development and research of theoretical and realistic techniques for the analysis of structures subject to dynamic loads taking into account the behavior
ECSC-STEELRES 7C Project No. 7210-SA/821, Increased use of higher strength steel in structures , 1988.07.01-1989.06.30. Samuelsson A., Schroeter F. ‘High-performance steels in Europe
1998-1, Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures , 1–1, General rules — Seismic actions and general requirements for structures, CEN, EN1998-1-1, 1994. Thorburn L. J., Kulak G. L., Montgomery C. J
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, The pramount role of joints into reliable response of structures, NATO Science Series , Series II, Vol. 4, (ed) C.C. Banitopoulos, F. Wald, Ed. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000, pp. 417
+ { α , β } → { γ { α , β } } ). The repeated application of Merge to its own derivatives generates an infinite number of recursively structured objects, which are then sent to the interface systems, Sensorimotor (SM) and Conceptual-Intentional (CI
. IMF Staff Country Report Jensen, M., Meckling, W. H. (1976): Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3