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This paper deals with the syntax of the direct speech particle in Hittite, particularly its inconsistent use within direct speech. It is suggested that a syntactic account of what appears at first sight as an entirely chaotic distribution is possible.

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É. Kiss, Katalin 2002. The syntax of Hungarian. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. The syntax of Hungarian

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Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Juan Felipe Miranda Medina
Marisol Cristel Galarza Flores
, and
María Gabriela López-Yánez

governing which basic movements can or cannot be combined in order to form more complex movements? All of these questions relate to syntax . The effort of this work is directed towards presenting syntax as a relevant and necessary concept in dance

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. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 134 – 166 . Chomsky , Noam . 2013 . Problems of projection . Lingua 130 . 33 – 49 . Dikken , Marcel den . 2006 . Relators and linkers: The syntax of predication, predicate inversion, and the copula . Cambridge, MA

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; that is, this work is not split between the syntax and the lexicon. Being syntactic in this sense does not, however, necessarily mean being phrasal . To the extent that the theory allows operations that produce internal complexity in heads—what I will

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periphery. In: Guglielmo Cinque — Giampaolo Salvi (eds): Current studies in Italian syntax: Essays offered to Lorenzo Renzi, 39–64. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Benincà P

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identification and renovation of key spaces. 1.2 Space syntax Space syntax is a way of describing and analyzing the network connections between various spaces [ 1 ]. The notion of space syntax has been frequently utilized as a social logic language to interpret

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In this paper, the different syntactic and semantic constraints in the employment of phrases expressing duration in Han period Chinese will be analysed. Duration phrases are those grammatical features that indicate the time of reference in a text as a period (duration) of time, in a question substituted by “how long?”. They are syntactically and semantically distinguishable from temporal phrases, whose features indicate a particular point of time, in a question substituted by “when”. Both categories are subject to certain syntactic constraints and can be distinguished according to their syntactic position in the sentence. I will argue that: (1) duration phrases in preverbal position are analysable as circumstantial adverbials and in postverbal position they are - depending on their syntactic structure - analysable either as included in the VP or as predicates of a sentential subject; (2) semantically, they can be distinguished into those referring to situational duration and those referring to the duration of a resultant state; and (3) the distinction of the different duration phrases is due to the semantics - the situation type (Aktionsart) - of the verb employed.

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. 2002 . The syntax of Hungarian . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . É. Kiss, Katalin . 2006 . The function and the syntax of the

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metalanguage from the Middle Ages, the qualitative analysis is the only option available for different reasons. First of all, syntax was not a main topic within grammatical tradition – at least in an explicit way – until the XIII century, with the rise of

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