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This paper aims to distinguish between the process of unification of law and the unification of national languages of the law and to show that both processes are partial and governed by similar rules. Translators are not expected either to make their national legal terminology or phraseology similar to those applied in the international sources of law, except for new terms coined for legal concepts previously unknown in a given legal system. Attention of the reader is also turned to the ignorance sometimes demonstrated by subject specialists in the field of the term formation principles and, at the same time, the unquestionable importance of their part played in the process of legal translation, as well as the phenomenon of “local translation usage” that, irrespective of its irrational nature, should be taken into account. This is why there is a need to develop the awareness of the specific register and phraseology of the national language of the law as well as to train inexperienced translators in their native legal languages in order to avoid uncontrolled foreign influence and undesired linguistic interference.
This paper outlines the roles of the translator, the terminologist and the reviser described by their input and output information in the translation workflow. A real application of the computational work-flow management of translation in the project Translation of EU Legislation Texts into Hungarian is shown. With the help of the computational translation tools developed for this project, 40,000 pages of translation by around 100 translators was done by a Consortium consisting of three translation agencies, a revision agency and a language technology partner. A very important by-product, a common English-Hungarian glossary of 11,000 legal terms introduced by the translators involved in the project was also produced.
Az európai uniós intézmények terminológiai adatbázisa: a IATE
IATE, the terminology database of the EU institutions
A tanulmány az európai uniós intézmények terminológiai adatbázisát, a IATE-t mutatja be az adatbázison dolgozó terminológus szemszögéből. Rövid bevezető után áttekintést ad az adatbázis történetéről és technikai hátteréről, majd részletesen ismerteti a IATE terminusfelfogását, a szócikkek felépítését és az adatbázisban folytatott terminológiai munkára vonatkozó alapelveket és előírásokat. Ennek során tárgyalja mindazokat a problémákat, amelyekkel az adatbázist töltő terminológusok és a felhasználók szembesülnek. Végül kitér az intézmények közös adatbázis-gondozási gyakorlatára és az adatbázishoz való hozzáférés lehetőségeire.
by Ágota Fóris in 2020. The translation into English was done by Eszter B. Papp (proofreader Peter Sabath and reviewers Andrea Bölcskei and Dóra-Mária Tamás). The book contains a useful preface by Henrik Nilsson – Terminologist and President of the
Managing terms in terminology management
Terminusok kezelése a terminológia-menedzsmentben
Handbooks, articles in scientific and professional journals, university theses, and terminology standards provide terminologists and term base administrators with general principles, methods and guidelines for managing terminological data. Terminological meta models (ISO 16642:2003), data categories (ISO 12620:2009) and exchange formats (ISO 30074:2008) reflect established principles such as concept orientation and term autonomy, and help terminologists to design, implement, maintain and use terminology management systems.
The paper discusses the needs for terminology management in a globalized industry and the benefits of adequate and consistent terminology as a major success factor for corporate language and corporate communication. Although the basic principles of terminology management are still valid within this application scenario, specific needs and recommendations for the management of terms have to be taken into account if terminology is considered along the whole value chain of information and content creation.
Enseignement des techniques d'enquête et formation à la qualité des étudiants en terminologie
Vizsgálati módszerek és minőségügyi kérdések tanítása hallgatóknak a terminológia részterületein
Teaching survey techniques and quality to students in terminology sections. Teaching quality in terminology is often focussed on the respect of a set of standards dealing with structuring, recording or validating data in a TDB. However, the scope of the terminologist's actions is much wider and requires a broader vision of quality approach. Training the students to survey techniques, which proved to play a fundamental role in language planning, appears to be very convenient to make them more sensitive to quality process. An experiment of this kind, developed in the framework of the Master in translation, section Terminology and Information society of the Institut Libre Marie Haps, and considering questionnaires at the same time as instruments for paedagogical integration, discovery, thought and communication will be exposed here. This project is carried by several members of the teaching staff and is considering several practical situations.
A terminológusok feladata, hogy a fogalmi rendszerek ismerete mellett a nyelvi rendszert is kezelni tudják. A magyar felsőoktatásban a szaknyelvoktatás és a terminológia hosszú ideig a szakmai képzéshez kötődött. Az utóbbi években a terminológia önálló diszciplínaként, majd önálló szakként bekerült a felsőoktatásba. Jelenleg a magyar felsőoktatás az Európai Felsőoktatási Térség része, a képzések többsége a Bologna-rendszer keretében működik. Ennek keretében nyílt lehetőség arra, hogy mesterszakként indítsuk el a terminológusképzést magyar nyelven, két éves képzés formában a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetemen, Budapesten. A tanulmány célja annak bemutatása, hogy a terminológia-oktatás fontos szerepet játszik a magyar nyelv, kultúra és identitás megőrzésében.
Multilingual term extraction from parallel corpora – A methodology for the automatic extraction of verbal structures and their translation equivalents
Többnyelvű terminuskivonatolás párhuzamos korpuszból – igei szerkezetek és fordításaik automatikus kivonatolásának módszere
The aim of this paper is to confirm that the methodology used to extract one-token translation candidates from parallel corpora can be extended for the purposes of retrieving multi-word verbal structures. The relevance of this technique from a terminological point of view is that it provides terminologists with empirical data and ample term-candidates, thus facilitating their work.
Verbal structures were retrieved from the parallel corpus in a semi-automatic way: a broader range of automatically recognized verbal structures were manually narrowed down to a smaller set of verbal structures that are relevant from a translation point of view. In the next step, every occurrence of the selected verbal structures was merged into a one-token unit in the parallel corpus, so that they could serve as input to the alignment algorithm. Finally, a core dictionary is obtained comprising multi-word verbal structures, their possible translations and the contexts in which they appear.
This paper discusses challenges Latvian terminology has to encounter at the beginning of the new millennium and the ways of resolving these problems.
As Latvian was proclaimed a state language in 1988 by the State Language Law, it had to face several challenges. First, Latvian terminology had to be established to serve Latvian as state language. Second, all specific subject fields had to be provided with proper terms in Latvian. This necessity required a rather quick term coining in every area of everyday life: juridical, economic, social, medical, technological, cultural and other fields. During the last two decades more than 60 dictionaries containing the terminology of different domains have been published and voluminous databases have been created.
After joining the European Union Latvian acquired the same rights and obligations as other EU languages possess. The EU juridical documentation, regulations, instructions and guidelines need Latvian equivalents, new terms had to be coined at a high speed. For creating terms of new concepts we can use words of the national language, coin new words or borrow some terms of other languages; E. Drezen, Latvian terminologist and interlinguist had postulated that terms of national languages are often better perceptible than borrowings from other languages.
The last but not the least challenge is finding agreement about methods and algorithms for data exchange; the main goal is to provide the common user with the necessary information about a needed concept and to enhance effective professional communication. Experience from developing explanatory term dictionaries and ways of extended data exchange is considered.
are often satisfied with direct borrowings or calques. They are followed by second-tier receivers who adopt these terms. Thus, borrowings and calques become established in the target language ahead of the forms proposed by terminologists and