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Egzakt, véges mintás, sztochasztikus garanciák gépi tanulási módszerekhez
Exact, finite sample, stochastic guarantees for machine learning methods
. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 63. No. 1. pp. 169–181. 5 Csáji, B. Cs., & Kis, K. B. (2019) Distribution-Free Uncertainty
. , J. Caers 2007 : A workflow for spatial uncertainty quantification using distances and kernels. – Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting Annual Meeting Report 20, Stanford University, Stanford
Principles of the expression of uncertainty in measurements are briefly reviewed and special aspects of the uncertainty quantification in NAA are discussed in detail regarding the relative and k 0-standardization in both modes of the technique, i.e., INAA and RNAA. A survey of uncertainty sources is presented and calculation of the combined uncertainty is demonstrated by an example of manganese determination in biological material by RNAA.
Special aspects of the uncertainty quantification in k 0-NAA are discussed and applied in accordance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), on a model case. The uncertainty budget is calculated highlighting the contribution and the importance of the different parameters to be taken into account. The importance of the nuclide-specific and neutron fluence-specific approach in estimating individual uncertainty contributions is emphasized and demonstrated by examples of Au, Cr, Rb, and Sb determinations.
2 , 2019 , pp. 447 – 451 . [23] Vu-Bac N. , Rafiee , R. , Zhuang , X. , Lahmer , T. , Rabczuk T. Uncertainty
uncertainty quantification is spreading in case of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) and fire spread simulations [ 6 ]. In case of forest fires one the first attempt to carry out sensitivity analysis was applied to Rothermel's semi-empirical model [ 7 ]. Later
. H EUVELINK , G. B. M. , 2014 . Uncertainty quantification of GlobalSoilMap products . In: GlobalSoilMap: Basis of the Global Spatial Soil Information System (Eds.: A RROUAYS , D. , M CKENZIE , N. , H EMPEL , J. , R ICHER DE
.12.002 Wilde , B. , C.V. Deutsch 2010 : Data spacing and uncertainty: Quantification and complications . – Proceedings of 14th Annual Conference of the