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2010 áprilisában került sor a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építészettörténeti és Műemléki Tanszékének történetére emlékező eseményekre. 140 éve, 1870-ben jött létre önálló, az építészettörténet oktatására alapított tanszék a Műegyetemen. Az ünnepségsorozatot két kiállítás nyitotta meg. A HAP Galériában rendezték a „140 év éptört” című, majd másfél évszázadra visszatekintő rajz- és oktatási segédlet kiállítást. A „Közös Tört” című kiállítás az N&N Galériában az utóbbi húsz év tanszéki tervezésoktatását mutatta be. A tudományos rendezvények sorát 2010. április 19-én a Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Hivatallal együtt szervezett Möller István-emlékkonferencia nyitotta. A 2010. április 20-i kerekasztal-beszélgetés témája a mai építészettörténet-oktatás problémája, kérdései, nehézségei, esetleges megújítása volt. E rendezvényre az ország összes építészettörténetet oktató felsőfokú oktatási intézménye meghívást kapott. 2010. április 22-én zárult a megemlékező sorozat, amikor a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Építészettörténeti, Építészetelméleti és Műemléki Bizottsága és a Tanszék szervezésében ünnepi ülésre került sor, amely témáiban az építészettörténet-oktatás és -kutatás 1870 óta tartó időszakára fókuszált.
A Brief Account of More than Two Hundred Years of Teaching
Folklore and Ethnography (Including Cultural Anthropology) at Hungarian Universities
Higher education, including “universities”, began in Hungary at the beginning of the 14th century. That system was disrupted by the Ottoman invasion in the first half of the 16th century. The present university system was launched by founding of a Jesuit university in Nagyszombat (1635), which later became the royal, then the state university of Hungary, and today is the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. There from about 1784 we can register teaching activity, which we understand today as directed towards folklore, ethnography, and later even towards cultural anthropology. From 1872 the “second” Hungarian state university was opened in Kolozsvár, which fled from there at the end of the First World War (and operated in Szeged from 1921 on), came back for some years during the Second World War, and was divided after the war again. By 1910 other state universities were created in Hungary, which work today in Debrecen and Pécs. Ethnography and folklore are now regularly represented there, in Debrecen from 1949 on, in Pécs from 1989 on. (But, of course, with some anteceding activities.) In Szeged the first professorship in ethnography (practically in folklore) was established in 1929, and after many years of interruption today there is a university institution of ethnography, folklore and cultural anthropology. A university chair for visual anthropology exists at the Miskolc university from 1982 on. At the recent ecclesiastical universities in Hungary there is no regular teaching on those topics. The report gives a brief history of the university institutions, focusing on their major directions, professors and chairmen including also references to university teaching of the other chairs close to folklore, ethnography and ethnology (cultural anthropology), as e.g. (physical) anthropology, geography, archaeology, Finno-Ugric studies, Oriental studies etc. The bibliographic references include the recent publications, with indications of other publications. Because the paper is the very first one of its kind, it could not be exhaustive or complete. The universities outside of Hungary (e.g. Cluj/ Napoca, Novi Sad, Bucureºti), where today we find programs on Hungarian folklore and ethnography, were not specially described in this paper. From the careful studies of research history in Hungary it is clear that at Hungarian universities - in the modern sense of the word - the teaching of folklore has about a 220 years old tradition. (See the facts about Dániel Cornides.) For “ethnology” (i.e. traditional cultures of the peoples around the world) we can refer to lectures from about 1873 (by János Hunfalvy). It was Antal Herrmann, from about 1898 (first in Kolozsvár, then in Szeged), who gave special university lectures on ethnography and folklore. Sándor Solymossy was the first appointed university teacher of “ethnology” (in fact of folklore) in Hungary (special lecturer in Budapest, professor at Szeged university 1929-1934). The full university institution of Hungarian ethnography and folklore was created in 1934 at the Budapest university, under the leadership of professor István Györffy. Today there is regular university teaching of folklore and ethnography in Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs (to some extent in Miskolc too). Cultural anthropology (ethnology) has its university programs in Budapest and Miskolc (and to some extent it is represented at other universities too).
Nemzetbiztonsági felsőoktatási modellek - válogatott nemzetközi példák
Models of national security university education – Selected international examples
Összefoglalás. Az egyes országok államigazgatásában sajátos funkcióval rendelkező nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatok fontos szerepet töltenek be a biztonság fenntartásában, a politikai színtéren megszülető döntések információkkal történő támogatásában. Mindez képzett, a biztonságpolitikai és technológiai környezet dinamikus változásait értelmezni és értékelni tudó, a nemzetbiztonsági területen is korszerű ismeretekkel és megfelelő kompetenciákkal rendelkező állományt igényel, amely képzési folyamatában egyre fontosabb szerep hárul a felsőoktatási környezetre. Jelen tanulmány, nemzetközi példák alapján, modelleket felállítva, az egyre inkább felértékelődő nemzetbiztonsági képzési kapcsolatok felsőoktatásban való sajátosságait vizsgálja. Módszerként a témakörben elérhető egyes nemzetközi intézményi és képzési rangsorok, valamint az intézményekről elérhető szakirodalmi források vizsgálata jelent meg.
Summary. National security services, which have a specific role in the administration of the countries, play important role in providing security and supporting decisions in the political arena by information. This requires trained personnel with up-to-date knowledge and competencies in the field of national security, capable of understanding and assessing the dynamic changes in the security and technological environment. In this process, the higher education environment has increasingly important role. Concerning the security-oriented higher education courses, it is difficult to determine whether these can be considered as a form of “national security” higher education or merely as an educational field of defense sphere. Apart from the sectoral specificities, the main difficulty in making a comparison are the extreme diversity in the interpretation of security and its interdisciplinary links. In addition to trainings in the fields of intelligence studies and national security studies, international security, security policy, the military elements of security, and even the technical and cyberspace-related elements of intelligence training, all provide valuable knowledge for the sector. However, the international institutional examples of higher education in the field of national security may be worth examining, as they essentially create a link between the innovative knowledge of the academic world, which is the center of knowledge, and the closed security sector, which is open to relevant knowledge. In line with these ideas, the present paper explores the specificities of the increasingly valorized national security training links in higher education by setting up models based on selected international examples. The used methodology is the examination of the international rankings of training programs available on the subject, as well as of the literature available on institutions.
enterprise development is in a very peripheral position. It has no formal social institutions, no professional training and very few resources available to develop social enterprises. University education is also experiencing a growing crisis in Hungary
The total attenuation cross sections in elements Ti, Fe, Ni and Zn for K and K group of liens of element 22Z92 by using tranmission method. K X-rays of seconder excitor were counted by a Ge(Li) detector with resolution 190 eV at 5.9 keV. The experimentally mesured attentuation cross sections have ben found in a good agreement with the theoretical values of Stom, Israel and Hubbell, Seltzer.
research was boiled down to social capital. Indeed, the gap between the material and immaterial dimensions is filled by social capital, which is partly a driving force in university education, partly a source of security and offers opportunities through
Detailed interpretation of data obtained from X-ray transmission measurements usually depends on the assumption that the contribution of each element is additive. This assumption yields the mixture rule for X-ray attenuation coefficients which is valid if molecular and chemical effects are negligible. We measured the total mass attenuation coefficients of V, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni in various their compounds. Absorption corrections were carried on data for ligands in the compounds. We found that V, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni have different total mass attenuation coefficients in the different compounds. We compared our results with theoretical values of Hubbell and Seltzer.
In 1945 Brudno presented the following important theorem: If A and B are regular summability matrix methods such that every bounded sequence summed by A is also summed by B , then it is summed by B to the same value. In 1960 Petersen extended Brudno’s theorem by using uniformly summable methods. The goal of this paper is to extend Petersen’s theorem to double sequences by using four dimensional matrix transformations and notion of uniformly summable methods for double sequences. In addition to this extension we shall also present an accessible analogue of this theorem.
Arcobacter cryaerophilus was isolated from naturally infected rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum), and its pathogenicity was tested by intramuscular injection using healthy 1-year-old rainbow trout under cold-water conditions (at 5 °C). The lethal dosage of 50% end point (LD 50 ) for A. cryaerophilus was calculated as 7.79 × 10 5 viable cells. Experimental infection caused gross clinical abnormalities such as fallen scales, exophthalmia, oedema in injection region and at the base of fins, pale gills, kidney necrosis, hyperaemic areas in pale liver, haemorrhagic spots in heart, elongated spleen and swollen gallbladder. Activities of aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase, and concentrations of glucose, total protein, albumin, cholesterol, triglyceride and calcium in the serum of the experimentally infected rainbow trout were significantly decreased compared with the healthy fish. Positive correlations were observed among blood parameters. Total lipid weights increased in the brain, muscle and liver tissues of infected fish and dropped in the gill and spleen tissues. Lipid peroxide contents in the brain, liver, kidney, spleen, muscle and gill tissues of infected rainbow trout were significantly higher than in healthy animals. The present work shows that A. cryaerophilus can be moderately virulent for rainbow trout at low water temperature, and changes in lipid and lipid peroxide contents of tissues and blood indices can highlight barely detectable effects of A. cryaerophilus infection in rainbow trout under laboratory conditions. However, the application of these indices in farm biomonitoring using rainbow trout will need more detailed studies and a careful consideration of the environmental parameters.