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Society and Economy
Dóra Horváth
Katalin Ásványi
Attila Cosovan
Tamás Csordás
Julianna Faludi
Daniella Galla
Zita Komár
Éva Markos-Kujbus
, and
Attila Endre Simay

-COVID ” world a virtual university becomes an everyday reality, while before that “ it would have been a bad idea ”. Interestingly, the responses mostly reflected the present time frustrations about imagining the loss of the symbolic meaning connected to the

Open access

Learning Alone – a kapcsolati beágyazódás vizsgálata a távolléti oktatás alatt

Learning Alone – The Study of Student Relationships during the Emergency Remote Teaching

Gabriella Pusztai
Krisztina Győri

Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-pandémia oktatásra gyakorolt hatását 2020-ban a kutatók rendkívüli gyorsasággal kezdték el vizsgálni. Jelen kutatás összehasonlította a hallgatói kapcsolatoknak a vészhelyzeti távolléti oktatás (emergency remote teaching, ERT) előtti és alatti állapotát és ezek összefüggését a hallgatói eredményesség alakulásával. Kérdőívünket 677 válaszadó hallgató töltötte ki (172 férfi és 505 nő) összesen 29 magyarországi felsőoktatási intézményből. Eredményeink rámutattak az oktatók tanítással nem szorosan összefüggő szerepköreinek nélkülözhetetlenségére, valamint arra, hogy a hallgatói kapcsolatok gyengülése összefüggésben áll a tanulmányok melletti kitartással, a tanulmányi aktivitással, a bizalommal és az elégedettséggel. Mindezt a virtuális egyetem koncepciók kidolgozásánál is szükséges figyelembe venni.

Summary. Researchers have begun studying with utmost haste the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching already in 2020. In the present study, we compared the states of the student relationships before and after the emergency remote teaching (henceforth ERT). Our questionnaire was filled by 677 students (172 males, 505 females) from altogether 29 Hungarian higher education institutes. Our results raise attention to the important dimension of the role of faculty members which are not in close relation to knowledge transfer, furthermore, the results point that the strength of the institutional relationships is in correlation with the persistence related to student persistence, student engagement, the trust, and the satisfaction. All of this should be taken into consideration when working out a concept for a virtual university.

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Shadab Nasir
Abdul Wajid
Aasma Naureen
Amina Mustafa
Gohar Ayub
Quratul Ain
Ayesha Mohiud Din
Andleeb Batool
, and
Tanveer Hussain


In this study, the prevalence of Avian orthoavulavirus-1 (AOAV-1) (also commonly known as Newcastle disease virus) was investigated in caged birds kept in bird markets in the Lahore district of Pakistan. A total of 354 swab samples were obtained from 14 different species of clinically healthy birds. The overall virus prevalence was 12.7% in 9 out of the 14 species. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete fusion protein (F) gene showed that 23 isolates from different avian species belonged to sub-genotype VII.2 while three isolates of pigeon origin clustered with sub-genotype XXI.1.2. The VII.2 viruses isolated had a high nucleotide identity to viruses repeatedly isolated from poultry in Pakistan from 2011 to 2018. To date, sub-genotype XXI.1.2 viruses have only been identified in Pakistan. These findings suggest that the Newcastle disease (ND) outbreaks occurring in Pakistan involve multiple hosts and environments. The study emphasises the importance of continuing to monitor multiple avian species for the presence of AOAV-1s and implementing effective ND control strategies.

Restricted access

Over the last decades, there has been plenty of research and publications on Political Business Cycles (PBC), aimed at analysing and explaining the use of fiscal and monetary instruments to stimulate economic growth before elections, with the intention of impressing potential voters. Previous research on PBC in Albania reveals clear evidence of fiscal expansion before elections, but no significant changes in GDP and inflation as theory predicts. One possible explanation of this result could be economic agents’ expectations, which is the subject of this paper. We analyse consumers’ expectations before elections, the main factors underlying expectations, and the way in which these expectations influence their behaviour toward spending, and consequently the macroeconomic outcomes, deploying standard econometric methods widely applied in PBC related research. According to our research results, households’ consumption spending decreases before elections because of the higher uncertainty about their future economic situation due to the highly politicised public employment.

Restricted access

best foreign universities and research institutes to settle there, and developing higher education, research and innovation hubs. Another trend that started a few years ago is the expansion of virtual training and virtual universities. All this

Open access