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Pollack Periodica
Gábor Heckenast
Marcel Ferencz
, and
András Tibor Kertész

1 Introduction The role of water in architecture is particularly significant, complex but above all unavoidable. The main question of this research is how did the presence of water influence the architectural mindset in connection with from small to

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Anita Korsós
László Rudas
, and
Éva Zöllei

Mathias, C. J.: A 21st century water cure. Lancet, 2000, 356 , 1046–1048. Mathias C. J. A 21st century water cure

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function. The volume, composition, and distribution of body fluids have profound effects on cell function. Water plays an essential role in the body cells and tissues for breathing, digestion, removal of waste, or regulation of the body temperature

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. García-Sánchez , I. M. ( 2006 ): Efficiency Measurement in Spanish Local Government: The Case of Municipal Water Services . Review of Policy Research 23 ( 2 ): 355 – 371

Open access

Karanis, P., Kourenti, C., Smith, H.: Waterborne transmission of protozoan parasites: a worldwide review of outbreaks and lessons learnt. J. Water Health, 2007, 5 , 1–38. Smith H

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2008 Molecular assessment of bacterial pathogens — a contribution to drinking water supply Current Opinion in Biotechnology 19 274 – 280 . [6

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Water states and displacements can be investigated with thermogravimetry (TG) either in its classical or in the Knudsen version (where standard pans are replaced with Knudsen cells). The case of wheat flour dough is considered in various steps of bread making, namely, mixing, proofing, baking, staling. The split of DTG signals into various components (gaussian functions) support the assumption that the overall dough water is partitioned into various fractions. Few comments are devoted to water displacements during freezing.

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A review is made about the different kinds of water in surfactant-based microstructures (liquid crystals, microemulsions and micelles) and their study by DSC.

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Application of thermomechanometry to the measurement of hydrogels containing a large amount of water was carried out by static and dynamic methods. A thermomechanical analyzer (TMA) equipped with a quartz compression probe immersed in water was used. Polysaccharide hydrogels containing ca 98% water were measured. Creep of hydrogels in water was analyzed in a stress range from 1.04⋅103 to 5.2⋅103 Pa and loading rate from 0.3⋅103 to 3.0⋅103 Pa min−1.Stress relaxation was measured in compressed ratio range from 0.02 to 0.45 m m−1 and in compressing rate was 0.09 to 0.15 m m−1 min−1. Dynamic viscoelasticity was measured by TMA when dynamic Young’s modulus which was larger than 1⋅104 Pa in frequencies ranging from 0.02~0.2 Hz.

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Non-enzymatic browning-induced water plasticization

Glass transition temperature depression and reaction kinetics determination using DSC

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Y. H. Roos
K. Jouppila
, and
Bettina Zielasko

An exotherm, observed in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) scans of amorphous food materials above their glass transition temperature,T g, may occur due to sugar crystallization, nonenzymatic browning, or both. In the present study, this exothermal phenomenon in initially anhydrous skim milk and lactose-hydrolyzed skim milk was considered to occur due to browning during isothermal holding at various temperatures above the initialT g. The nonenzymatic, Maillard browning reaction produces water that in amorphous foods, may plasticize the material and reduceT g. The assumption was that quantification of formation of water from theT g depression, which should not be observed as a result of crystallization under anhydrous conditions, can be used to determine kinetics of the nonenzymatic browning reaction. The formation of water was found to be substantial, and the amount formed could be quantified from theT g measured after isothermal treatment at various temperatures using DSC. The rate of water formation followed zero-order kinetics, and its temperature dependence well aboveT g was Arrhenius-type. Although water plasticization of the material occurred during the reaction, and there was a dynamic change in the temperature differenceTT g, the browning reaction was probably diffusioncontrolled in anhydrous skim milk in the vicinity of theT g of lactose. This could be observed from a significant increase in activation energy. The kinetics and temperature dependence of the Maillard reaction in skim milk and lactose-hydrolyzed skim milk were of similar type well above the initialT g. The difference in temperature dependence in theT g region of lactose, but above that of lactose-hydrolyzed skim milk, became significant, as the rate in skim milk, but not in lactose-hydrolyzed skim milk, became diffusion-controlled. The results showed that rates of diffusion-controlled reactions may follow the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation, as kinetic restrictions become apparent within amorphous materials in reactions exhibiting high rates at the same temperature under non-diffusion-controlled conditions.

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