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Abdel-Kawy, A. S. W., Hornok, L., Hetheye, I. (1981): Yield response to various levels of water supply in anise ( Pimpinella anisum L.). Herba Hungarica , 20 , 133-149. Yield response

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energy consumption. Water pumps play an important role in water management. Purified water is delivered from service reservoirs, wells to various water supply systems by means of a pump. The water supplier is constantly improving its water pump

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Carrot is an important source of sugars. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of water supply (precipitation + irrigation) on the concentration and ratio of fructose, glucose, and sucrose in carrot. Irrigation did not decrease the dry matter content and the summed concentration of the three measured sugars. Glucose accumulation was not influenced either by irrigation or by year. Low amount of precipitation during the early growing period was detrimental for fructose accumulation. Irrigation enhanced sucrose concentration, presumably by ensuring better photosynthetic activity. However, dry and hot weather during the irrigation cut-off period in 2011 also resulted in increased sucrose accumulation, presumably as a stress effect. It was found that irrigation did not influence the ratio of the three investigated saccharides at all, and even the growing year had just a slight effect on that.

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A növénytermesztési tér, ezen belül a csernozjom talaj vízháztartási folyamatainak sokoldalú vizsgálata, elemzése, a folyamatok parametrizálása különösen fontos. A vizsgálatokat — az 1983-ban Ruzsányi László által beállított, 2004-től Pepó Péter által vezetett — polifaktoriális tartamkísérletben kukoricával végeztük, melyet nemcsak jelentős vetésterülete, hanem a vízellátás, a növénytermesztési tér vízháztartása szempontjából kifejezett szenzibilitása, érzékenysége is indokol. A kísérletet különböző vetésváltási rendszerekben (mono-, bi- és trikultúra), három eltérő csapadékellátottságú [egy aszályos (2007), egy csapadékos (2008) és egy száraz (2009)] évjáratban végeztük. A kísérletben N120+PK tápanyagszinttel, két öntözési kezeléssel (Ö1-kezelés: nem öntözött, Ö3-kezelés: öntözött), valamint 60 000 tő·ha−1 állománysűrűséggel dolgoztunk.A mértékadó talajréteget három szintre osztottuk, (0–60; 61–120 és 121–200 cm), melyekben vizsgáltuk a talajnedvesség tenyészidőbeli alakulását. Az eredmények alapján a felső (0–60 cm) talajszint nedvességkészlet-változása volt a legintenzívebb, mind a csapadék, mind az öntözés közvetlen hatása itt mutatható ki a legegyértelműbben.Vizsgálataink alapján megállapítottuk, hogy a csernozjom talaj vízkészletét a vetésváltás nagymértékben befolyásolja. A három vetésváltás közül a monokultúrás vetésváltásban számítottuk a legkisebb talajnedvesség térfogatszázalékos értékeket, bi- és trikultúrában már az induló vízkészlet is 3–4 tf%-kal nagyobb értékeket mutatott, és ez a tendencia a teljes tenyészidőszakban megmaradt, mind a nem öntözött, mind az öntözött kezelésekben. A vizsgálati eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy a csernozjom talaj vízháztartása, a kukoricaállomány vízellátása szempontjából a monokultúrás termesztés függ a legnagyobb mértékben a vízellátottsági viszonyoktól.A kísérleti adatokból megállapítható, hogy az öntözés főként a 0–60 cm-es gyökérzónában fejtette ki hatását, megközelítőleg vízkapacitásig feltöltötte a talaj felső rétegét, ezáltal kedvező víz- és tápanyagellátási körülményeket teremtve a növényállomány számára.

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intermittent sowing, and on the other hand, in order to achieve first-class cob yield sizes and to keep the kernels tender until harvesting, it is essential to ensure adequate water supply. In numerous studies, it was found that better water supply increased

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Long aged mortars from ancient hydraulic constructions of Sicily, i.e. the Roman aqueduct of Thermae and the Punic cisterns and traditional water supply systems in Pantelleria, have been characterised by means of XRD analysis, optical microscopy and simultaneous thermal analysis to correlate the hydraulic properties to the texture and to their different role in the construction, i.e. lining, covering, roofing and joint mortars. According to a procedure proposed in the literature all of the samples, but two air hardening ones, show high hydraulicity, which somehow can be related to the characteristics of aggregates.

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The quality of drinking water is a major public concern, but the detection of most potential pathogens is not always included in drinking water hygienic monitoring or is only assessed with highly biased cultivation-based methods. In this study, the occurrence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Legionella spp. was examined with taxon-specific PCRs in samples taken at ten points of a municipal drinking water supply system in three months. Sequence analysis confirmed the positivity of samples and revealed a diverse community of legionellae. The results showed that chlorination was an important and effective disinfection method against pathogenic bacteria in drinking water, but pathogenic bacteria could reoccur in the system farther away from the chlorination point. No strong correlation was found between the presence of the investigated potentially pathogenic bacteria and the measured abiotic and biotic parameters within the investigated range. It is hypothesized that instead of physicochemical parameters, the main factors influencing the presence of pathogens in the drinking water were rather the composition of the microbial community, the biotic interactions between individual non-pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms (competition or promotion of growth) and the structure of biofilm grown on the inner surface of the supply system.

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A quick and easy method is presented to estimate the overlap of data bases, which can be used to assist the data base producers and managers in their policy towards coverage of their subject area. The method has been applied to bibliographic data bases on low-cost water supply and sanitation, yielding information for users and for the data base producers.

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Acta Biologica Hungarica
Éva Németh-Zámbori
Zsuzsanna Pluhár
Krisztina Szabó
Mahmoud Malekzadeh
Péter Radácsi
Katalin Inotai
Bonifác Komáromi
, and
Katarzyna Seidler-Lozykowska

A pot experiment was carried out with lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.). Different water supply was applied: 25%, 40% and 70% saturation of soil water capacity (SWC). Morphological traits, biomass and phenolic type active ingredients were investigated.

Among the two species, main differences were registered in biomass and TPC. Lower SWC resulted in reduced biomass production of lemon balm, while the applied stress treatments did not effect the biomass of thyme. In lemon balm, highest TPC contents were measured in control plants both in shoots and roots but in thyme, the shoots showed a significantly increased TPC at the 25% SWC conditions. Neither the content of total flavonoids nor that of the rosmarinic acid was affected by the treatments. The antioxidant capacity proved to be in tight connection with the TPC in both species (r = 0.766–0.883). The rosmarinic acid content of lemon balm plants contributed to the antioxidant capacity, as well (r = 0.679–0.869).

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.2.0. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Maintenance behavior of the owners The owners of the first unit NM get their water from a municipal drinking water supply. They decided to use the system partly because there is no sewer network available, and partly

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