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Board, J.E., Kang, M.S. and Bodrero, M.L. (2003). Yield components as indirect selection criteria for late planted soybean cultivars. Agron. J. 95, 420–429. Bodrero
Márton, L. 2002a: Climate fluctuations and the effect of N fertiliser on the yield of rye ( Secale cereale L.). Növénytermelés , 51 , 199-210. Climate fluctuations and the effect of N
Baginskas, B. P., Zhyamaitis, A. B., Kuchinskas, I. M. (1985): Effect of fertilizers on yield of winter wheat under different meteorological conditions. Byulleten Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno issledovatelskogo Instituta
Calderini, D.F., Slafer, G.A. 1998. Changes in yield and yield stability in wheat during the 20th century. Field Crops Res. 57 :335–347. Slafer G
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1992 41 433 441 Petr, J., Cerny, V., Hruska, L. (1985): A főbb szántóföldi növények termésképződése . (Yield
yield of two rice cultivars as affected by weed competition under two methods of planting and six weed management practices. Abstr. All India Weed Sci. Conf. , Anand, Gujarat, p. 9. Natarajan, S., Kuppuswamy, G
istállótrágya és a műtrágya hatása a kukorica ( Zea mays L.) termésére és termésstabilitására monokultúrás és dikulturás tartamkÍsérletekben. [Effect of farmyard manure and mineral fertilisers on the yield and yield stability of maize ( Zea mays L) in
Aldous, A. E. (1930): Effect of different clipping treatments on the yield and the vigour of prairie grass vegetation. Ecology , 11 , 752–759. Aldous A. E
60 31 44 Giunta, F., Motzo, R., Deidda, M. (1993): Effect of drought on yield and yield components of durum wheat and triticale in a Mediterranean