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University Rankings as the Postmodern Media Communication of Higher Education

Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation
György Fábri


This research paper explores the intricate relationship between university rankings, mass democracy, and postmodernity, elucidating the societal shift in evaluating academic excellence. As higher education experiences mass democratization, rankings emerge as vital tools in the new information market, providing accessible metrics for an increasingly diverse audience. The concept of “medialization” underscores the impact of rankings on shaping public perception, as journalists, lacking deep understanding of academic intricacies, turn to rankings for clarity. Reactivity within universities to achieve higher ranking placements underscores the internal influence of external media-driven evaluations. The paper argues that postmodern relativism challenges traditional meritocracy, disrupting the established communicative status of universities. Amidst ongoing debates about the legitimacy of rankings, the research recommends embracing a communicative meritocracy as a strategic response, emphasizing the importance of universities actively shaping their narrative. The emergence of AI, exemplified by chatGPT, is identified as a potential transformative force, offering personalized information and challenging traditional ranking methodologies. The research concludes with a call for continuous self-reflection within ranking systems and universities amidst a changing higher education landscape.

Open access

Mainland China's 2021 restrictions on under-18s' video game time were imposed when older 2019 restrictions already applied: Omitting the historical regulatory context is misleading

Commentary on: Compliance and alternative behaviors of heavy gamers in adolescents to Chinese online gaming restriction policy (Zhou et al., 2024)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Leon Y. Xiao


Investigating the impacts of addiction policymaking following implementation is important. Effective policies should be considered for emulation elsewhere, whilst ineffective policies should be repealed. Zhou et al. (2024) reported how Mainland Chinese under-18s responded to the 2021 restrictions on their online videogame playtime, which were intended to curb online gaming addiction. However, Zhou et al. failed to mention that Mainland China had previously tried to achieve the same regulatory aim by imposing rules in 2019 that were more lenient than the 2021 rules but nonetheless restricted under-18s' gameplay time. These 2019 restrictions were neither acknowledged as crucial background in the introduction section nor accounted for by Zhou et al. when interpreting their results, thus giving readers the incorrect impression that the 2021 rules were the first ones introduced and that under-18s' gameplay time was not restricted at all prior to 2021. Importantly, Zhou et al.’s entire sample of young people therefore consisted not merely of ‘heavy gamers’ as they euphemistically described them as, but ‘counterplayers’ who actively contravened the 2019 rules. The misleading omission of this context is a major limitation and misrepresentation. The results should be interpreted accordingly and not overgeneralised.

Open access


Background and aims

Conflicting findings have been reported for the longitudinal course of behavioral addictions, especially for social media addiction (SMA) and work addiction (WA). Therefore, evaluating whether these constructs are more trait-like or state-like might be informative. The aim of the present study was to examine the proportion of variance of SMA and WA symptoms (as defined by the components model of addiction) explained by trait and occasion-specific factors in addition to exploring cross-lagged relationships between SMA and WA.


Young adults from a representative sample who continuously used social media and worked at least 40 hours a week during the first three waves of the Budapest Longitudinal Study were included (N = 1,551; Females: 50.6%; Age: M = 27.7 years [SD = 4.40]). The Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale and the Bergen Work Addiction Scale were administered in all three waves.


A latent state-trait model with a general trait factor was considered for both SMA and WA. Symptomatic variability in SMA was explained approximately equally by trait and state-like factors, while WA-related symptom variability was mostly attributed to state-like factors. SMA negatively predicted WA over time, while WA showed a positive cross-lagged effect on SMA.

Discussion and Conclusions

While the symptoms of WA were more state-like, the trait-like effects were stronger in SMA. Situational influences and previous symptom severities might have to be considered in the screening process.

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Pamela Kryskow
Paul Stamets
Joseph La Torre
Katherine Sattler
Vivian WL Tsang
, and
Monnica Williams


Interest in psychedelic research in the West is surging, however, clinical trials have almost exclusively studied synthetic compounds such as MDMA, ketamine, DMT, LSD, ibogaine, and psilocybin. To date, few clinical trials have utilized whole mushroom/plant material like Psilocybe mushrooms, Iboga, or Ayahuasca. Individuals participating in the Roots To Thrive Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for End of Life Distress program were administered synthetic psilocybin, whole Psilocybe cubensis, and mycological extract on separate occasions and post-treatment interview transcripts were qualitatively analyzed to discern themes and patterns. There was broad consensus that all three forms were helpful and similar, all generating visual and perceptual distortions, emotional and cognitive insight, and mystical experiences. However, synthetic psilocybin was said to feel less natural compared to organic forms, and the overall quality of experience of synthetic psilocybin was inferior to the organic forms. Research should be conducted with whole psychedelic mushrooms and extract in addition to synthetic psilocybin given this preliminary data, especially when considering that medicine keepers around the world have utilized whole mushrooms and plant material for millennia.

Open access

Az affektív érintés (simogatás) pszichofiziológiája. Narratív összefoglaló

Psychophysiology of affective touch (stroking). A narrative review

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Ferenc Köteles
Erika Nyitrai
, and
Renáta Szemerszky

Elméleti háttér: Az affektív érintés (azaz a szőrös bőrfelület lassú simogatása) humán hatásaival kapcsolatos pszichológiai és pszichofiziológiai tudásanyag az elmúlt két évtizedben megtöbbszöröződött. Cél: Narratív összefoglalónk célja e friss empirikus tudásanyag, valamint az azt magyarázó elméletek bemutatása. Eredmények: Az empirikus eredmények az affektív érintés akut fájdalomcsillapító és stresszcsökkentő hatását sugallják. Az érintést közvetítő receptorok aktivitása emellett hozzájárulhat a testséma fenntartásához. Jelentős egyéni különbségek mutatkoznak az affektív érintésre való fogé- konyságban (az érintés észlelt kellemességében), ezek mögött részben a kötődési stílus különbségei húzódhatnak meg. Következtetések: Evolúciós szempontból az affektív érintés a homeosztázis fenntar- tásának szociális eszközeként közelíthető meg, csecsemőkortól egészen felnőttkorig.

Open access

Exercise Addiction Inventory-3 (EAI-3): Psychometric properties of the Hungarian version

Testedzésfüggőség Kérdőív-3 (EAI-3): A magyar változat pszichometriai tulajdonságai

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Attila Szabo
Pálma Árok
Aleksandar Vujić
Kata Morvay-Sey
, and
Umberto Granziol

Background and aims: The Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI), based on the components model addictions, is a 6-item instrument used to assess the risk of exercise addiction (REA). Its revised version (EAI-R) was published in 2019 but only differed from the original scale in the response rating range (using a 6-point rather than 5-point Likert scale). In 2023, the EAI-3 was released with two new items (guilt when missing training and exercising despite injury). We aimed to test the validity and reliability of the Hungarian EAI-3 (EAI-3-HU). Methods: We tested 507 regular exercisers (Mage = 38.7 years, SD age = 10.63 years, range age: 18–78 years; 62.7% females) who completed the EAI-3-HU, the obsessive passion subscale of the Passion Scale, and exercise habits questions on the online Qualtrics research platform during autumn/winter 2023–2024. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis resulted in a good model fit for the two factor EAI-3-HU (CFI = .96; TLI = .94; RMSEA = .07; SRMR = .04). However, the covariance between the latent factors was .97, indicating that they measure an identical concept. Thus, a single-factor solution was appropriate (CFI = .96; TLI = .94; RMSEA = .07; SRMR = .04). Testing measurement invariance revealed the partial scalar invariance across genders. The internal reliability of the scale was good (Cronbach’s α = .81). The scale had good convergent validity with obsessive passion (r = .72), and discriminant validity based on exercise frequency as well as exercise intensity (p < .001). Conclusion: The 8-item single factor EAI-3-HU adequately assesses the Hungarian samples’ REA. Nevertheless, it should be kept in perspective that the revised tool, like its predecessors, only assesses a level of ‘risk’, which does not imply morbidity, thus it has no clinical diagnostic value.

Open access

A policisztás ovárium szindróma (PCOS) pszichológiai következményei

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and its psychological consequences

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Erika Tóth
Hajnalka Sz. Makó
, and
Szidalisz Ágnes Teleki

A policisztás ovárium szindróma (PCOS) egy genetikai prediszpozícióval rendelkező, összetett endokrin betegség, amely súlyos fiziológiai és pszichés komorbid szövődményekkel járhat. A tünetegyüttes természetéből adódóan a PCOS-sel élő nők úgy elsődleges (hormonális változások okozta), mint másodlagos (a betegséggel járó, teherként megélt tünetek által kialakult) pszichés szövődményekkel szembesülhetnek. Ennek ellenére a tünetegyüttes orvosi terápiája általában a betegség fiziológiai tüneteire korlátozódik, és a pszichés problémák feltárása és kezelése annak ellenére figyelmen kívül marad, hogy ezek sokszor a fiziológiai változókra (pl. inzulinrezisztenciára, cukorbetegségre, terméketlenségre) is visszahatnak, ezzel tovább súlyosbítva a kórképet. A tanulmány célja, hogy megismertesse ezt az összetett, többdimenziós és az egyes biológiai, pszichés és szociális tényezők cirkuláris egymásra hatásában alakuló betegséget és a vele való együttélés pszichés vonatkozásait. Elsőként bemutatjuk a PCOS szomatikus, illetve biomedikális vonatkozásait, a PCOS kórélettanának, diagnosztikus kritériumainak, fenotípusainak, patogenézisének és fiziológiai következményeinek tárgyalásával. Ezután részletesen ismertetjük a primer és szekunder pszichés szövődményeket, valamint a pszichés problémák megjelenését a PCOS fizikai tünetei mentén, többek között a depresszió, a szorongás, az életminőség, a szexuális funkcionalitás és a demográfiai változók hatásán keresztül, kiemelve a pszichés támogatás jelentőségét. Következtetéseink szerint a pszichológiai szövődmények megelőzése, szűrése és terápiája fontos része kell, hogy legyen a PCOS-sel élő nők kezelésének, ahogy fontos a betegek pontos tájékoztatása a betegség várható következményeiről is, a hosszú távon fenntartott életmódváltozás elérése céljából.

Open access

Psychometric evaluation and validation of the Hungarian version of the Physical Activity Affect Scale (PAAS-H)

A Fizikai Aktivitás Affektus Skála (PAAS-H) magyar változatának pszichometriai vizsgálata és validálása

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Ferenc Köteles
Aleksandar Vujić
, and
Attila Szabo

Background: Feelings and emotions during sports and exercise determine commitment, adherence, and enjoyment of the activity. The Physical Activity Affect Scale (PAAS) combined two earlier instruments, the Exercise-Induced Feelings Inventory and the Subjective Exercise Experiences Scale, to investigate affective states generally characterizing post-exercise feelings based on the circumplex model of affect. Therefore, the PAAS measures positive affect, negative affect, fatigue, and tranquility on a five-point Likert scale having only 12 items. Aim: Its ease of administration and interpretation renders the PAAS a valuable tool in both research and practice, but it is unavailable to Hungarian scholars and sports and exercise professionals due to the lack of adaptation. Hence, this work aimed to develop and validate the Hungarian version of the PAAS. Methods: Three hundred sixty-two recreational exercisers (64.1% women), aged from 18 to 62 (mean of age: 27.0 [SD = 10.0]) years completed the questionnaires before and during their exercise (briefly interrupting activity). Measures: PAAS was used to measure positive affect, negative affect, fatigue and tranquility aspects of internal affective experience. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) was utilized to assess the actual mood state, consisting of positive affect and negative affect subscales. Arousal was measured with Felt Arousal Scale (FAS), while the pleasure–displeasure affective valence was assessed with the Feeling Scale (FS). Results: A confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit of the four-factor model. The results also revealed configural, metric, and scalar measurement invariance between sexes. The internal reliabilities of the scales varied between (Cronbach’s α) .73 and .85 before and during exercise. PAAS scales largely showed the expected associations with other measures of positive and negative affect and activation. The lowest association was between Tranquility (PAAS) and Felt arousal (r = .14), followed by Tranquility and Feeling (r = .27). Feeling and Felt arousal correlated negatively with Fatigue (PAAS, r = –.42 and r = –.44), as well as with the Negative affect (PAAS, r = –.61 and r = –.40). Positive affect from PAAS (PAAS PA) had a positive correlation with Feeling and Felt arousal (r = .64, r = .54). PAAS PA and Positive affect from PANAS (PANAS PA) correlated strongly (r = .77), similar to the Negative affect from both inventories (r = .78; p < .01 for all cases). Conclusion: Therefore, the Hungarian PAAS could assess exercise-induced affect in a reliable and valid way in recreational exercisers. However, its validity in competitive sports remains to be tested.

Open access