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In applied sciences, researchers use particular scientific methods to achieve practical goals. You can think of applied sciences as a broad, integrated area of various scientific fields that involve agronomy, agriculture, food science, medicine, engineering, computer science, and many other natural and social science disciplines. The main goal of applied science is to provide more knowledge and practical applications

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This study uses numerical modeling to explore the intricate relationship between low-velocity impact and composite materials. The study investigates the impact response of composite materials under low-speed loading circumstances in great detail. Two specimens were prepared for the current study the first one has a uniform thickness for each layer, and the second is prepared with altering layer thicknesses. A tensile test was employed to obtain the mechanical properties to use it in the numerical analysis. An impact test was employed in this analysis, where the impactor was modeled also on a height of 300 mm, the analysis time was taken as 0.08 s to capture all the impact. The numerical analysis was verified with other studies, and the error percentage did not exceed 2%. The results showed that the second specimen with alternating thickness had the best behavior.

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The goal of this study is to develop a linear disturbance rejection control (ADRC) based on transfer-function approach. The proposed control strategy is applied to control the angular position of knee joint for rehabilitation purpose. The Extended State Observer (ESO) is the core of ADRC strategy and the performance of all ADRC controllers are assessed based on tracking and estimations errors due to controller and observer, respectively. The transfer-based approach of ADRC (TFADRC) is characterized by simplicity and direct control design. A comparison study in performance between conventional linear ADRC (CLADRC) and TFADRC approach has been made. The results based on numerical simulation showed that the proposed approach gives better tracking performance compared to conventional one. Based on Root Mean Square of Error (RMSE) metric, the TFADRC gives less tracking error (0.0205 rad) under load disturbances than that based on CLADRC (0.0547 rad). Moreover, better noise rejection capability can be obtained by TFADRC as compared to the conventional one. However, the price of better performance gained by TFADRC is to actuate higher level of control signal compared to its counterpart.

Open access


The present work evaluates the effect of the incorporation of 6% carnauba wax (CW) and 7% monoglyceride (MG) oleogels for production of a healthy lipid mixture (linseed and sunflower oils) oleogels as a fat replacer at 30, 50, and 70% in hamburger formulation. Hamburgers' fatty acid composition, cooking loss, fat absorption, and texture and oxidative stabilities were evaluated. Incorporation of oleogels in hamburger formulation resulted in a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in amounts of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), as well as a decrease in the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and atherogenic indices, and an increase in linoleic and linolenic acids (PUFAs) content. Substitution of animal fat with CW and MG based oleogels improved the manufactured hamburgers' quality by reducing cooking loss and fat absorption. In addition, the use of oleogel improved the oxidative stability during the storage of burgers. The lower hardness of oleogels compared to animal fats, as well as their nutritional and technological properties, make them a desirable candidate for animal fat substitution.

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Az ISO/IEC 27001 szabvány alkalmazása lehetővé teszi az OT-rendszereket üzemeltető szervezetek számára, hogy egy átfogó és koherens biztonsági stratégiát alakítsanak ki, amely integrálja a kockázatkezelést és az információvédelem legjobb gyakorlatait. Az ISO/IEC 27001 kiemeli a felső vezetés elkötelezettségének szükségességét, a hatókör pontos meghatározását, a kockázatértékelést, a megfelelő biztonsági kontrollok kiválasztását és a rendszer folyamatos felülvizsgálatát és fejlesztését. Ezek a lépések kulcsfontosságúak az OT-rendszerek biztonságának fenntartása és a kibertámadásokkal szembeni védelem megerősítése érdekében. Az ISO/IEC 27001 alkalmazása OT-környezetben nemcsak a biztonsági intézkedések hatékonyságát növeli, hanem hozzájárul az üzleti folytonosság fenntartásához, az ügyfelek bizalmának növeléséhez és a szabályozási követelményeknek való megfeleléshez is. A közelmúltban megje-lent hazai és nemzetközi, OT/ICS-rendszerekre vonatkozó kiberbiztonsági jelentések legfőbb konklúziója, hogy a fenyegetettségek száma és kifinomultsága folyamatosan növekszik. A nemzetek és a szervezetek alapvető érdeke ezeknek a kockázatoknak a minimalizálása, valamint OT/ICS-rendszereik minél hatékonyabb védelme a kibertérben. Ennek legmegfelelőbb módja a kibervédelem szabványalapú megközelítése és az ajánlások hatékony alkalmazása. Ez a cikk bemutatja az ISO/IEC 27001 gyakorlati alkalmazásának kulcsfontosságú lépéseit, előnyeit és gyakorlati hasznosítását OT/ICS-rendszerek vonatkozásában.

Open access

A halálos tűzesetek számának csökkentése és a kritikus kockázati csoportok védelme egyszerűsített tűzkockázat-elemzéssel

Reducing the number of fatal fire incidents and protecting critical risk groups with a simplified fire risk analysis

Scientia et Securitas
Tamás Hábermayer
István Varga
Antal Kricskovics
, and
Miklós Vénosz

Magyarországon évente közel száz főre tehető azoknak az állampolgároknak a száma, akik tűzesetek következtében vesztik életüket. A statisztika szerint az érintettek többségében 50 év feletti férfiak, mentális, alkohol- vagy drogproblémákkal küzdők, gondozásra és felügyeletre szoruló idős személyek, illetve fogyatékkal élők vagy hajléktalanok. Ők alkotják a tűzhalál kritikus kockázati csoportját. Környezetükben mindenkitől fokozott figyelmet igényel a tüzek megelőzése, hiszen életkorukból, mentális állapotukból, anyagi helyzetükből következően ebben a körben jóval nagyobb a tűzesetek és ezek nyomán a halálesetek bekövetkezésének esélye. A szerzők engedély birtokában elemezték az elmúlt öt év tűzvizsgálatainak statisztikáit, és szakmai tapasztalataikra alapozva modern kockázatcsökkentési lehetőségeket javasolnak. A cikk megírásával céljuk a tűzhalálesetek számának csökkentése.

Open access

A mesterséges intelligencia lehetőségei a megtévesztés felismerésében: technológia és jog

The potential of artificial intelligence in deception detection: Technology and law

Scientia et Securitas
Hedvig Szabó

A tanulmány célja a mesterséges intelligencia lehetőségeinek vizsgálata a megtévesztés felismerésében, valamint az alkalmazás jogi megfelelőségének értékelése. Ennek érdekében elvégeztük három adatbázis (MU3D, Bag-of-Lies, DOLOS) elemzését gépi tanulási modellek segítségével, majd a felderítésben való alkalmazás jogi értékelését. Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy a kombinált MI-technológiák javítják a csalásdetekció hatékonyságát, de a pontosság még mindig messze van az optimális szinttől. Az MI-alapú megtévesztésfelismerés alkalmazható a magyar jogrendszerben, ha megfelel az AI Act előírásainak. A tanulmány bemutatja az MI-alapú csalásdetekció technológiai és jogi aspektusait, hangsúlyozva a kombinált technológiák hatékonyságát és a jogi megfelelőség fontosságát a felderítésben.

Open access


Allium is a plant genus with high medicinal and dietary value, which encompasses commonly used culinary herbs such as scallion, garlic, and onion. In this study, we investigated whether Allium extracts exert protective effects on radiation-induced chromosomal damage in BALB/c mice. The mice were orally administered 200 mg kg−1 Allium extracts (scallion, garlic, and onion) for 6 weeks and exposed to 2 Gy gamma radiation 1 day after the final feeding. Haematological parameters and the number of micronucleated bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs) were evaluated. Additionally, we analysed the effects of Allium extracts on inflammasome activation in lipopolysaccharide-primed murine bone marrow-derived macrophages. The Allium extracts increased the numbers of peripheral white blood cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and red blood cells; significantly decreased the number of MnPCEs; and suppressed the maturation of interleukin-1β by blocking activation of the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes.

In conclusion, Allium extracts protected the hematopoietic function of bone marrow, reduced radiation-induced formation of micronuclei, and suppressed activation of the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes. Further research is needed to explore the molecular mechanisms of these effects of Allium.

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The aims of this study were to formulate 2% and 3% (w/v) hemp seed beverages and to evaluate chemical composition, colloidal stability, safety, and sensory profiles after roasting the seeds (150 °C, 15 min). Beverages with 2% and 3% roasted hemp seeds evidenced acceptable sensory attributes and nutritious profile, containing 0.6–1% protein, 0.4–0.6% dietary fibre, and 0.5–0.8% lipids –mainly unsaturated fatty acids–, respectively. The roasting treatment significantly increased the phenolic content by 49–55% and the antioxidant capacity by 15%, and improved the sensory attributes of the beverages. Low peroxide levels (<1 meq O2/kg) in roasted hemp seed beverages were detected up to five days in cold storage, with better capacity against oxidation at 2% seed content. The use of 0.03% gellan gum improved the physical stability of suspensions contributing to their overall acceptability. Roasted hemp seed beverages showed no cannabinoid and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. The advantages observed after roasting the seeds on phenolic content, antioxidant activity, sensorial acceptability and safety provided better attributes for the feasibility of beverages formulated with hemp seeds. The results showed a formulation suitable for the development of potential industrial roasted hemp seeds beverages with promising compositional profiles.

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The automated system for enhancing plant growth presents an innovative approach to optimize quality of sugarcane cultivation for four main sugarcane growing zones. It includes issues like recommendation of crops based on soil nutrients, diagnosis of disease in the leaf and stem images of sugarcane, weed detection and harvesting time prediction. The research work proposed in the article presents an innovative two-stage approach for object detection and classification in agricultural imagery. Initially, YOLOv8 (You Only Look Once) is employed to accurately detect objects within images, delineating them with precise boundary boxes. Subsequently, the focus of hybrid model integrating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, known as Contextual Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM), is employed. This dual-stage methodology harnesses the speed and accuracy of YOLOv8 for robust object localization, while the CLSTM model ensures nuanced classification, contributing to comprehensive and accurate approach for object detection and crop-weed differentiation in agricultural scenarios. The proposed approach is compared with the four DL algorithms for identifying weeds in sugarcane crops and subsequently assessed their accuracy and F1 score performance. At a learning rate of 0.002, the findings of CLSTM showcase superior precision at 98.5%, recall at 97.8%, F1 score at 98.1%, and an overall accuracy of 97.7%. The subsequent task is harvesting time prediction, which entails identifying the best time to harvest sugarcane based on the planting period, weather predictions, and sugarcane brix value. The implementation of this automated system not only enhances the productivity of sugarcane cultivation but also serves as a model for sustainable and resource-efficient agriculture.

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Surveillance video processing requires high efficiency, given its large datasets, demands significant resources for timely and effective analysis. This study aims to enhance surveillance systems by developing an automated method for extracting key events from outdoor surveillance videos. The proposed model comprises four phases: preprocessing and feature extraction, training and testing, and validation. Before utilizing a convolution neural networks approach to extract features from videos, the videos are pre-processed. Events classification uses gated recurrent units. In validation, motions and objects are extraction then feature extraction. Results show satisfactory performance, achieving 79% accuracy in events classification, highlighting the effectiveness of the methodology in identifying significant outdoor events.

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Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are widely used in modern industrial applications due to their high efficiency, reliability, and compact size. However, faults in PMSMs, such as stator winding failures, can lead to significant performance degradation and operational failures. Traditional fault detection methods often rely on signal processing and manual analysis, which may be time-consuming and lacking in accuracy. This study explores the application of deep learning techniques for automated fault detection in PMSMs. The deep learning models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are employed to classify electrical faults in the motor data, which includes the scalogram images of stator current signal allowing models to learn fault patterns. The performance of the used networks has been compared, in order to choose the reliable one for classification purposes and hence to be utilized for developing the prediction system. The experimental results show that the ResNet50 has better capability to classify the variation of data used where it could achieve 100% of accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score as compared to other techniques.

Open access

Mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazása a diabetológiában: Innovatív lehetőségek

Application of artificial intelligence in diabetology: Opportunities and innovations

Scientia et Securitas
Judit Ildikó Hevesi

A cukorbetegség előfordulása világszerte növekszik, és egyre súlyosabb terhet ró az egyén mellett a társadalomra és az egészségügyi rendszerre. A mesterséges intelligencia gyors ütemben terjed az egészségügyben is, és új lehetőségeket kínál a diabétesz diagnosztikában és kezelésben, beleértve a betegek önmenedzselését. Munkám célja, hogy bemutassam a mesterséges intelligencia különféle alkalmazási lehetőségeit a diabetológiában, és konkrét példákkal szemléltessem annak gyakorlati jelentőségét és alkalmazhatóságát. A mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazások folyamatos fejlődése ígéretes támogatást nyújt a cukorbetegség kezelésének holisztikus és betegközpontú megközelítésében, elősegítve annak hatékonyabbá tételét.

Open access


Aircraft wings encounter multiple forces during flight, like thrust, drag, and abrupt variations caused by storms. Although these forces aid in maintaining overall stability, they can also cause the growth of cracks and expand over time, a process referred to as fatigue.

The resulting lift, drag, and pressure distribution on the wing have been analyzed using computational fluid dynamics in ANSYS. These loads were then incorporated into the wing model to evaluate the shear and equivalent stresses.

Cracks growing on the aircraft wing surface. The wing surface manufactured from AL2024-T3 alloy was investigated when subjected to non-preoperational multi-axial cyclic loading. This fracture mechanics analysis employed two methods: experimental calculation and Numerical simulations.

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Pollack Periodica
Mykola Zablodskiy
Sergey Shvorov
Natalia Pasichnyk
Oleksiy Opryshko
Viktor Trokhaniak
, and
Nadiia Spodyniuk


An urgent problem today is the industrial production of biomethane using biogas plants from organic waste, which is environmentally hazardous to the environment. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the methodological approach to the formation of the raw material base for biogas production. Achieving this goal was carried out based on monitoring and assessing biomethane emissions into the atmosphere based on data from space satellites for various areas. The most significant results are the developed methodological approach to substantiate the raw material base based on indirect measurements of biomethane emissions during satellite sensing. Based on the use of this approach, a substantiation of a promising raw material base area was carried out.

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An analysis study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the transient groundwater table with and without impacts of seismic loads on stability of excavation nailed slope using Bishop and Janbu simplified methods. The results showed that the factor of safety values increased with increasing of the groundwater table depth and reached a relatively maximum level for each of the two methods of analysis when the groundwater table drops to the depths 18, 19, and 20 m. Also, the results indicated that the percentage of increase in the factor of safety decreased significantly, starting from depth = 13 m, and the differences converge greatly to the point of fading at depths 17 and 18 m and these findings support the notion that the presence of groundwater table in the upper layers of the excavation sides poses a greater risk and increases the possibility of collapse failure.

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Pollack Periodica
Maksim Portnov
Jaroslav Hrudka
Réka Wittmanová
Ján Ilavský
, and
Štefan Stanko


Today, due to the increase in urban infrastructure, it is faced with the problem of overflowed waters. In urban areas, reduced rainwater infiltration increases the volume of wastewater in the sewer system, leading to water quality issues in the receiving bodies. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of overflowed waters can help reduce pollution in in the recipient. To do this, firstly it needs to analyze the quality of the water in the recipient and the quality of the overflowed waters during precipitation. By monitoring and analyzing water quality, it will be possible to apply protective measures to solve this problem.

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Using efficient and safe preservation technologies to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables is always an important research topic. Among numerous preservation technologies, ultrasound is one of the most available and pollution-free methods that improve the storage quality of fruits and vegetables. The paper summarises the application of ultrasound and its combined treatment in fruit and vegetable storage in recent years, including the cleaning effect, passivation of enzymes, sterilisation, and the impact on quality indicators. In addition, the limitations of ultrasound technology in fruit and vegetable preservation are also detailed. Only under the appropriate conditions can ultrasound treatment extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. However, ultrasound combined with other technologies usually can get better preservation effects, providing a broader application prospect for ultrasound technology.

Free access
Pollack Periodica
Raghad Awad
Réka Wittmanová
Štefan Stanko
Danka Barloková
, and
Jaroslav Hrudka


The main purpose of this paper is to design and model a sustainable water distribution network for the new housing development in Bernolákovo. WaterGEMS software and Microsoft Excel are used for the analysis and design of the water distribution network. The survey of the village was developed with the help of a global positioning system to ensure the layout and the satellite image of the study area. Steady-state analysis has been carried out for the calculation of hydraulic parameters. The analysis performed by the software is essential for identifying potential problems and performing quick diagnostics so that expensive errors can be avoided. The study results indicate that the proposed distribution network will provide high-quality drinking water in the required quantity.

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This study evaluated the strength properties of concrete produced with palm bunch ash–calcined anthill clay (PBA-CAC) as pozzolans. Two groups of palm bunch ashes were produced: ashes generated by burning only palm bunches (PBA) and ashes obtained by blending palm bunches and anthill clay at elevated temperatures (PBA-CAC). The PBA and PBA-CAC satisfied the requirements of Class C pozzolans. The concrete constituents were batched by mass, and the cement–fine aggregate–coarse aggregate ratio was 1:2:4. The cement content was partially substituted with PBA and PBA-CAC at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%, with the 0% specimen serving as the control. The concrete cubes were cured for 7, 14, 28, 56, and 90 days, whereas the concrete cylinders and beams were cured for 7, 28, 56, and 90 days. The 28th day strength values of the control specimens exceeded those of the PBA and PBA-CAC concrete specimens. By the 90th day of curing, the strength values of the specimens produced with 5% PBA and 5% PBA-CAC exceeded those of the control specimen. The PBA-CAC specimens generally had higher values of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength than PBA specimens containing the same amount of pozzolan.

Open access

Az önértékelés buktatói: a tesztmegoldási erőfeszítés kérdőíves és logadatalapú elemzése

The pitfalls of self-assessment: A questionnaire- and log data-based analysis of test-taking effort

Scientia et Securitas
Róbert Csányi
Gyöngyvér Molnár

A kutatásban egyetemi hallgatók tesztmegoldási erőfeszítését monitoroztuk és hasonlítottuk össze egyrészt hagyományos önértékelő kérdőíves módszerek alkalmazásával, másrészt a számítógép-alapú tesztfeladatok megoldása során mutatott viselkedést pontosan rögzítő logadatok elemzésével. Az adatfelvételben alkalmazott teszt fiktív, ugyanakkor interaktív és komplex problémákra épített, melyek megoldása során ezért előzetes tudásra nem építhettek a hallgatók. K-közép klaszterelemzést használtunk a tesztmegoldási erőfeszítésben eltérő hallgatók csoportjainak kialakítására. Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy (1) a nem motivált válaszok kiszűrése növeli a teszten nyújtott átlagos teljesítményt, (2) azonosíthatók különböző tesztmegoldási erőfeszítéssel rendelkező hallgatói csoportok és (3) a hallgatók önértékelése, azaz az önértékelő kérdőívek kérdéseire adott válaszok nem teljesen állnak összhangban a hallgatók tényleges tesztmegoldási viselkedésével.

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Open access

Ember és vadvilág közötti konfliktushelyzetek: állat-gépjármű ütközések helyzete és társadalmi megítélése Magyarországon

Human-wildlife conflicts: the situation and social perception of animal-vehicle collisions in Hungary

Scientia et Securitas
Sándor Borza
Laura Godó
Orsolya Valkó
Zsolt Végvári
, and
Balázs Deák

A gyorsan növekvő globális úthálózat komoly nyomást gyakorol a szárazföldi ökoszisztémákra, amely a legtöbb esetben állat-gépjármű ütközésben nyilvánul meg. Az ütközéseket befolyásoló tényezők megértéséhez elengedhetetlen az emberi tényezők feltárása, amelyeket egy online kérdőív segítségével vizsgáltunk. A megkérdezett járművezetők csaknem fele szenvedett el élete során legalább egy ütközést. Több esetben találtunk kapcsolatot a járművezetők szokásai és attitűdje és az ütközések előfordulása között. A járművezetők által a leggyakrabban javasolt ütközésmegelőzési intézkedés a fizikai védelem kiépítése (kerítés és vadátjáró) volt. Kutatásunk célja az állat-gépjármű ütközések jelentőségével és veszélyeivel kapcsolatos tudatosság növelése a magyarországi gépjárművezetők körében.

Open access

Etikai megfontolások az innováció biztonságpolitikára gyakorolt hatásaival kapcsolatban

Ethical considerations on the impact of innovation in relation to security policy

Scientia et Securitas
Tamás Szilágyi

A Kooperatív Doktori Program keretében végzett „Innováció és társadalmi felelősség – A fenntarthatóság etikai aspektusai egy tudományközi megközelítésben” című kutatásom egyik fontos szelete az innováció, az ember által létrehozott technikai világ Hans Jonas-i értelemben vett „apokaliptikus potenciáljának” feltárása és etikai szempontú elemzése. Jelen tanulmány az innováció és a biztonságpolitika közötti konvergencia jelenségét vizsgálja, különös tekintettel az innovációs folyamatok biztonságpolitikai aspektusaira és az ezekből fakadó etikai megfontolásokra. A tanulmány részletesen elemzi az elmúlt évtized meghatározó technológiai fejlesztéseinek hatását a biztonságpolitikai paradigmákra, és amellett érvel, hogy az innováció és a biztonságpolitika konvergenciája új megközelítéseket követel a döntéshozóktól, beleértve a folyamatos tudásbővítést, az etikai és technopolitikai implikációk mérlegelését, vala-mint a rugalmas és agilis reakcióképességet. A tanulmány átfogó képet ad az innováció és a biztonságpolitika dinamikus kölcsönhatásáról, hangsúlyozva, hogy az etikai szempontok kulcsszerepet játszanak e két terület metszéspontjában.

Open access


Current digital education operates as a push-system, despite the content and subject characteristics suggesting a need for a pull-system. One of the features of the push-system is a tool-centered approach, where the focus on tools, including both hardware and software, is the belief that it is possible to build knowledge inventory. The consequences of the push digital education approaches are that (1) the fundamental concepts of Computer Science are not being transferred, (2) the lack of the development of supporting methods, (3) and education does not seem to be interested in revealing the root causes and to be open for fundamental changes. This paper proposes the extension of the theory of the industrial pull systems to present as a potential solution to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of digital education and reduce or eliminate data processing inefficiencies generated by undereducated but misled end-users. In addition to theoretical discussions, it also delves into the detailed analysis, design, implementation, and testing of a real-world data processing problem. The presented problem, its analysis, solution, and accompanying discussion reveal how one of the tools (kanban) of lean production can be adapted to support the Just-in-Time philosophy in digital education, focusing on end-user programming.

Open access

A kísérleti paraméterek hatásainak vizsgálata a CO2 elektrolizáló cellák hosszú távú, stabil működésének érdekében

Investigation of the effect of experimental parameters on the long-term, stable operation of CO2 electrolyzer cells

Scientia et Securitas
Angelika Anita Samu
Balázs Endrődi
Richard Jones
, and
Csaba Janáky

Korunk társadalmának aktuális, az emberi életet döntően befolyásoló feladatai közé tartozik a levegőben felhalmozódott szén-dioxid koncentrációjának csökkentése. Erre megoldásként szolgálhat a szén-dioxid elektrokémiai reduk ciója, amelyet különböző pontforrásokon alkalmazva csökkenthető a légkörbe jutó szén-dioxid mennyisége. A Szegedi Tudományegyetemen működő kutatócsoportunkban és az eChemicles Zrt.-nél olyan elektrolizáló cellák fejlesztésével foglalkozunk, amelyek segítségével a szén-dioxid gázfázisú elektrokémiai redukciója valósítható meg. Az elektrolizáló cella komponenseinek és a kísérleti körülmények hatásának feltérképezése érdekében vizsgáltuk a különböző paraméterek hozzájárulását a stabilitás, a cellafeszültség és a termékeloszlás változására. Megállapítottuk, hogy ezek jelentős hatással vannak az elektrolízisfolyamat szelektivitására, sebességére és stabilitására, így optimalizálásuk jelentősen növelheti a folyamat sebességét és energiahatékonyságát.

Open access

Mn(II)-alapú diagnosztikai szerek: az alapkutatástól a célzott diagnosztikai eljárásokig

Mn(II)-based diagnostic agents: From the basic research to targeted diagnostics

Scientia et Securitas
Balázs Váradi
Gergő Zoltán Sajtos
Károly Brezovcsik
Zoltán Szűcs
Stefan Szedlacsek
Gábor Nagy
, and
Gyula Tircsó

A célzott molekuláris képalkotás egy új, ígéretes módszer a nukleáris medicinában a diagnosztika és a terápia területén. A mangánizotópok sokszínűsége elérhető közelségbe hozta a bimodális képalkotásokat, mivel az 52 Mn pozitront emittáló izotóp a funkcionális PET, míg a paramágneses 55 Mn-izotóp kelátjai az MR kontrasztanyag-kutatások és a PET-diagnosztikumok kapcsolását tették lehetővé. Jelen közleményben kitérünk a Mn(II)-ion komplexálására leginkább alkalmas kelátorok, illetve az ezekből származtatható kétfunkciós és intelligens Mn(II)-komplexek, valamint a lehetséges biológiai vektormolekulák bemutatására. Ezekre az előzményekre alapozva példákat mutatunk be az in vivo kísérletek során jól teljesítő vektormolekulák és az általunk kifejlesztett kelátorok 52 Mn-izotóppal jelölt konjugátumainak alkalmazására.

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A pedagógusok pszichés erőforrásai a pszichológiai és társadalmi biztonság struktúrájában

Copingmechanizmusok a kiégés prevenciójában

Teachers’ psychological resources in the structure of psychological and social security

Coping mechanisms in the prevention of burnout
Scientia et Securitas
Mónika Veronika Szigeti
Barbara Di Blasio

Tanulmányunk bemutatja a pedagógusok pandémia utáni mentálhigiénés állapotát, kiégésük mértékét, illetve a nehéz ségekkel való megküzdésben mozgósítható pszichés erőforrásaikat. Kutatásunkat a KDP keretében végeztük. Vizsgálati módszerünk: Maslach-féle Kiégés Kérdőív (MBI-ES), Folkman és Lazarus-féle Megküzdési Módok, Beck-féle rövidített Depresszió Kérdőív, MOS SSS-H és a Pszichológiai Immunrendszer Felmérés (PIF) használata. A vizsgálatban 301 pedagógus munkakörben foglalkoztatott személy vett részt 2021–2022-ben. Vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen tényezők hatnak leginkább a kiégésre, illetve hogy az egyének mi alapján sorolódnak az egyes kiégési kategóriákba. Eredményeink szerint a pedagógusokat közepes mértékben sújtja a kiégés-tünetegyüttes. Pszichés állapotuk alapján prevenciós tréningprogramokon történő részvételük indokolt. Az erőforrások tekintetében főként a depreszszió, valamint az érzelemfókuszú megküzdési stratégiák alkalmazásának csökkentése, továbbá a problémafókuszú copingmechanizmusok, például a Lazarus-féle céltudatos cselekvés és a PIF megközelítő–monitorozó, továbbá önszabályozó alrendszerének támogatása nyújthat segítséget.

Open access

Szerves 14C mint a nukleáris ipar technológiai rendszereinek, környezeti hatásvizsgálatának kulcsizotópja

Organic 14C as a key isotope for nuclear industry technology systems and environmental impact assessment

Scientia et Securitas
Anita Molnár

A nukleáris létesítmények és radioaktív hulladéktárolók radiokarbon kibocsátásának környezeti ellenőrzése általában a szervetlenül kötött radiokarbon mérése alapján történik a talajvízben. Pontosabb dózisszámítás azonban csak akkor lehetséges, ha a szerves formával együtt, a teljes 14C aktivitás ismert. A kutatás keretében az Isotoptech Zrt. laboratóriumában olyan eljárásokat sikerült kidolgozni 14C AMS mérésre, amely alkalmas vízminták oldott szerves, valamint teljes széntartalmának radiokarbon meghatározására is. A kidolgozott oldott szerves és teljes 14C méréstechnika lehetőséget nyit arra, hogy teret nyerjen a szerves szénkomponensek radiokarbon vizsgálata is, és szükség szerint beépíthető legyen a környezet-ellenőrzés monitoring programjaiba, akár kampányszerű ellenőrzések keretében.

Open access


Bio-waste (51.54% of total weight) was obtained from the head and shell of giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea), and comparison with the fatty acid profiles of shrimp meat revealed a higher total polyunsaturated fatty acids content in bio-waste. The study then investigated the effect of six solvents of different polarities (hexane, acetone, chloroform, methanol, ethanol, and isopropyl alcohol) on astaxanthin yield, antioxidant activity, and colour a* values (redness) of the bio-waste using ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). As a result, hexane showed the highest astaxanthin yield with a linear correlation observed between astaxanthin yield, antioxidant activity, and colour a* values. In contrast, methanol, ethanol, and acetone exhibited the lowest quality values. These findings underline the effectiveness of low polarity solvents in achieving maximum astaxanthin yield.

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Nowadays, drone imagery is a common way to quickly obtain information on the state of vegetation, as well as a method for taking orthophotos and terrain models. For terrain modelling, aerial photographs are required to have at least 60% overlap between adjacent images. Typically, the inadequate overlap is only discovered later, during post-processing. In our previous work we have presented a method we developed to determine on the spot, whether the in-flight images are suitable for producing the terrain model or whether it is necessary to re-render a part of the area, which can be done under the same conditions (weather, ionosphere, satellite geometry). Our proposed method for calculating the overlap is different from the usual procedure. Using VBA-based calculations, we computed the overlap between the images based on the position of the centre of the images, the altitude of the flight and the rotation angle of the images. The method was tested in practice, but we felt it necessary to verify our calculations. During the verification, we checked the VBA-based calculations using a Python script. The test showed that the results obtained with a previous midpoint calculation method were 92.2 percent identical to the calculations performed with Python. The Python program is accurate and fast; therefore, the use is recommended on the field.

Open access


As of today, oil and gas wells are 6,000 m deep or more. In view of this, increased requirements are imposed on the grouting materials used in wells. Grouting fluids must have rheological properties with low values of dynamic shear stress (τ) and plastic viscosity (η). Reducing the values of τ and η will provide a turbulent flow regime of cementing fluids, which is favourable in terms of complete replacement of the washing fluid with the cementing fluid. In the course of the research, it was found that the Melamine-Formaldehyde Anionic-active Resin superplasticiser is a reagent that has a multifunctional effect on cementing dispersions. This makes it possible to use it in difficult geological and technical conditions for well cementing.

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This research highlights the role of sustainability aspects focusing on socio-cultural parameters and environmental performance in designing more comfortable and sustainable shelters. Following a two-mixed method approach, on the one hand, a comparative analysis is presented of IKEA Better Shelter, Rwandan Mud-Brick, and Nepali shelters by examining the cultural integration into their design (traditional layouts and shared spaces), their adaptability, and their environmental performance. On the other hand, a qualitative survey determines the level of satisfaction regarding space, comfort, social interaction, and cultural fit among residents. The results show that traditional building methods with the use of local materials, offer high privacy levels, excellent thermal and acoustics comfort, good cultural appropriateness and minimal environmental impact.

Open access


The rice bran waxes have a very interesting alcoholic moiety, a mixture of long-chain aliphatic fatty alcohols, collectively known as policosanol. This study aimed to investigate rice bran policosanol extract's effect on testosterone secretion in vitro and in vivo and explore the primary composition ratio. The proliferation of cells and the levels of testosterone in cultured rat Leydig cells were examined, while male sexual behaviour and serum testosterone levels were detected in hydrocortisone-induced mice. It was found that testosterone secretion in primary Leydig cells could be significantly stimulated by a policosanol extract featuring an octacosanol/triacontanol ratio of 3–5/1, with a ratio of 5/1 being the most optimal. A policosanol extract containing 68.72% octacosanol and 13.65% triacontanol was capable of reversing hydrocortisone-induced Kidney-Yang Deficiency syndrome by enhancing sexual behaviour and the weight of reproductive organs, as well as increasing testosterone levels. Consequently, the rice bran policosanol extract with an octacosanol/triacontanol ratio of 3–5/1 could stimulate the secretion of testosterone.

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The hydraulic gradient method is an effective approach for localizing hidden leaks in water supply networks. Relative errors in leakage location depend significantly on head measurement errors, necessitating the use of high-precision pressure gauges with an accuracy class of 0.25 or better. An optimization function, defined as the ratio of the localization relative error to the probability of detection, was used to determine the optimal location for the control section. Dependencies of localization relative error on the pressure gauge accuracy class, section length, and piezometric head are obtained. Presented multi-leakage estimation model enables the assessment of the multi-leakage probability, enhancing decision-making efficiency for emergency repairs in water supply networks.

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In this study, changes in the odour of apple slices throughout the drying process were monitored and documented using electronic nose sensors, while moisture levels were measured and recorded using an electronic hygrometer. The initial and final moisture contents of apple slices were determined as 86.81 ± 0.05% and 4.92 ± 0.01%, respectively. During drying, apple slices were monitored with six odour sensors powered by an Arduino microprocessor. As the moisture value of the apple slices decreased during the drying process, the electronic nose data also decreased. In addition, the image changes in the apple slices according to the drying level were taught to the Teachable Machine. In this study, it was observed that the machine was able to detect the drying level of apples with 85%–100% accuracy. When 900 apple samples were used in the test phase, machine learning was able to predict the drying level of apples with 100% accuracy based on the confusion matrix data. PCA analysis highlighted different patterns in the sensor data during drying; PLS analysis showed that the sensor data can accurately predict the colour (L*, a*, b*), diameter, and thickness of apple slices with high correlation coefficients (rCV and rPre > 0.9).

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Energy strategies at the international level increasingly support the utilization of hydrogen for energy purposes. One way to do this is to mix hydrogen into natural gas, which is delivered by the network to the combustion equipment of consumers. The paper examines the expected changes that will occur if the maximum amount of hydrogen permitted by law is mixed into the natural gas network. According to our results, the inflowing heat quantity in the gas has decreased, which is compensated by the increased flow rate due to the reduced density. The flame image changes spectacularly, the flame becomes lower, the half-cone angle increases in case of hydrogen mixing. Another noteworthy result is that the temperature of the equipment's burner did not change significantly as a result of mixing.

Open access


This study evaluated the impact of storage temperature on the antimicrobial activity of essential oil emulsions of Thymus vulgaris L. (TEOE) and Laurus nobilis (LEOE) at 0.6% against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 14579), and Listeria innocua (ATCC 33090) inoculated onto cooked chicken breast to simulate post-cooking contamination. Samples stored under: T3 (regular storage at 3 ± 0.5 °C), T8 (inadequate storage 8 ± 1 °C), and T3A (refrigerated storage with simulated temperature abuse at 25 ± 1 °C). Microbial analysis and sensory evaluations were carried out at 0, 24, 36, 72, and 120 h of storage. The GC-MS analysis showed that carvacrol 31.97% and eucalyptol 41.16% were the main components in TEO and LEO, respectively. Storage temperature influenced the antibacterial effect of EOE. TEOE exhibited greater effectiveness at T8 compared to T3, reducing microbial counts to 1 log CFU g−1. Conversely, LEOE demonstrated superior efficacy under T3 in most instances and received a higher acceptability score. Additionally, at T3A, both emulsions demonstrated comparable effectiveness against all bacterial strains, although a slight reduction in antimicrobial proprieties were noted after simulated temperature abuse at 24 h. Therefore, the optimal combination for preserving cooked chicken meat is TEOE under T8 or LEOE under T3; assuming post-cooking contamination.

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The oil and gas industry relies mainly on pipelines to transport crude and refined petroleum, so crude oil is mostly transported via pipelines. The work presented the study of light naphtha solution collected at the Al-Diwaniyah Refinery in southern Iraq, along with four different pipeline materials (Ductile Iron, Carbon Steel X60, Carbon Steel X80, A105), in which NALCO® EC1005A (neutralizing amine) was used to inhibit corrosion at three concentrations: 0.03, 0.04, and 0.05%, respectively. Analysis of acidity content and immersion method were used to test all samples. This study examined the effects of temperature 45 and 55 °C and light naphtha content. The corrosion resistance of A 105 for pipe samples is highest; ductile iron has the lowest value, and X80 steel and X60 steel is moderately valued.

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Acta Alimentaria
L.H. Zhou
W.H. Huang
L.F. Ma
J.C. Li
Y.J. Jin
X.L. Cao
M. Li
W.H. Wang
S.L. Guo
, and
X. Xia


Lotus root is a popular vegetable known for its nutritional value and unique taste. However, it can be susceptible to heavy metal contamination, which has raised concerns about its safety for consumption. This study aimed to analyse the extent of heavy metal contamination in lotus roots and assess the potential health risks associated with their consumption. The results showed that all measured heavy metal concentrations were below the maximum allowable limits, with contamination indices for all metals across nine provinces remaining below 1.0, classifying the lotus roots as “safe” for consumption. Non-carcinogenic risk assessment using the THQ showed values below 1.0 for all heavy metals in both adults and children, indicating negligible health risks. The HI was calculated as 0.107 for adults and 0.126 for children, with arsenic contributing significantly to these values at 47.76% for adults and 39.55% for children. The carcinogenic risk assessment revealed Carcinogenic Risk (CR) values of 8.37 × 10−8 for Pb, 2.04 × 10−5 for Cr, and 2.30 × 10−5 for As in adults, and 9.86 × 10−8 for Pb, 2.40 × 10−5 for Cr, and 2.71 × 10−5 for As in children. All CR values were within the acceptable range, indicating no apparent carcinogenic effects from lotus root consumption at current intake levels. However, it was noted that increased consumption could elevate risks associated with As, with limits of 174 and 93 g for adults and children, respectively, to maintain safety.

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This article aims to achieve the hardening of geopolymer binder-based metakaolin under the same setting time and hardening temperature as traditional cement. It studied the hardening of the geopolymer binder-based metakaolin at two temperatures of 60 °C and room temperature using different liquid-to-solid ratios of 0.8, 0.95, and 1.1. The bulk density, compressive strength, sitting times, thermal conductivity, and microstructure were measured for geopolymer binders. Based on the specified range for cement characteristics, the geopolymer binder was solidified at room temperature, utilizing a liquid-to-solid ratio of 0.8 to achieve optimal results stratified according to the cement's ideal characteristics. It had a bulk density of 1.264 g cm−3, compressive strength of 19.12 MPa, initial setting time of 288 min, final setting time of 358 min, and thermal conductivity of 0.49 W m−1 K.

Open access
Acta Alimentaria
I.M. Zharkova
A.V. Grebenshchikov
A.R. Kiselev
S.A. Maksimov
N.S. Karamnova
, and
O.M. Drapkina


Gluten-free bread (GFB) consisting of amaranth flour, tigernut (chufa tuber) flour, apple powder, carrot powder, and soy protein isolate can have osteoprotective effects. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) was chosen as a model of experimental osteoporosis. Experimental studies were carried out on white male Wistar rats (n = 150): Group 1 – healthy animals receiving standard diet (StD); Group 2 – GIO rats receiving StD; Group 3 – GIO animals receiving zoledronic acid (ZA) and StD; Group 4 – GIO rats receiving ZA and GFB; Group 5 – GIO animals receiving GFB. We evaluated the general condition of animals and carried out morphological and biochemical studies. Destructive changes in the spatial structure of the bone tissue in GIO, observed in Group 2, led to the inability of the bone to withstand the functional load. At the same time, isolated treatment with ZA had virtually no effect on the final morphological picture. Including GFB in the diet of experimental animals both alone and with ZA had a noticeable protective effect on conditions triggering GIO.

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Cities worldwide are undergoing sustainable transformations driven by environmental, societal, and economic concerns. This includes improving living standards and addressing global challenges such as climate change and pollution. Urban planning strategies are being re-evaluated, emphasizing the expansion of green spaces. Pécs, Hungary, exemplify this trend through projects like the “Green Gate,” focusing on new pedestrian walkways and increased green areas. To optimize the project's impact, emphasis is placed on integrated water management and considering elements inspired by the “sponge city” concept for flood mitigation. The goal is to assess potential outcomes and feasibility in a real-world setting.

Open access


Reactive powder concrete is widely recognized for its remarkable mechanical characteristics and resilience, rendering it an ideal option for structural uses that include heavy loads. However, the intricate interaction of numerous material and geometric aspects makes constructing reactive powder concrete beams extremely difficult. By using MATLAB to provide an optimized design framework for beams, this research tackles these issues. Particle swarm optimization and evolutionary algorithms are two of the advanced techniques used in the study to solve the optimization problem. It also includes constraints other one as structural requirements and material limitations. Results demonstrate that MATLAB-based optimization facilitates effective design, lowering costs and material consumption, with potential for more applications in the building sector.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
József Zsembeli
Elza Kovács
Endre Harsányi
Péter Balogh
Péter Czine
László Huzsvai
Maria Bihuňová
Ján Jobbágy
Hana Středová
Milan Skalicky
Andrzej Strużyński
Roman Rolbiecki
, and
Csaba Juhász


Similar to other regions, in East Central Europe, agriculture is the most vulnerable sector regarding the consequences of climate change through increasing variability in weather conditions, even on the short-term and local scales. Agricultural engineers make decisions; higher education has a crucial role in taking proper actions. Our survey aimed to get up-to-date information on the knowledge and attitude of graduating students completing agriculture-related studies at 6 universities located in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia, with particular attention to weather projections, crop production, and soil protection issues. Analyses revealed adequate lexical knowledge of young engineers in each country. They are familiar with the agro-environmental actualities and future trends, issues to address at the right time, and the repertoire of tools and practices for taking efficient measures. A positive attitude toward proactive actions was proved. We report proof of a high level of preparedness resulting from the proper efficacy of agricultural higher education. The content of the curricula and the teaching methodologies meet well the receptiveness to learning in the V4 countries. Our findings confirm that frequent updating of the content of subjects as well as incorporating practical applications that promote active learning and engagement, are more critical today than ever, and it is possible to achieve a high level of preparedness for the challenges in the agricultural sector.

Open access


Many countries are moving towards investing in solar energy, and concentrated solar energy presents one of the most important of these sources, as it is currently attracting many efforts to enhance its exploitation. Parabolic trough collectors are an emerging technology. The decrease in solar energy, changes in atmospheric conditions, and the limitation of the basin area, all of these factors lead to decrease in a thermal energy gained by an endothermic tube, and thus lead to decrease in a thermal performance of a collector. The goal of the presented study is to improve heat transfer in the endothermic tube. Experimental study had been carried out in order to study friction factor and heat transfer for a parabolic trough receiver.

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Phase change material in conjunction with a passive latent heat thermal energy storage approach is a potentially effective way to solve the growing concerns about building energy usage. This research examines the thermal performance of building envelopes in Miskolc, Hungary. The factors impacting the thermal performance of phase change material integrated into the building envelope were assessed. The findings indicate that the enthalpy and melting temperature of the phase change material significantly impact the effectiveness of phase change material-based walls. It was determined the optimal location of the phase change material layer is possible. This determination is intricately related to the thermal properties of the phase change material and the prevailing environmental conditions.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Fatimah H. Naser
Maryam H. Naser
Ali Hameed Naser Almamoori
Mohammed L. Hussien
, and
Lina Mahmoud Tawfiq Jebril


Twenty-eight piles were divided into four groups. Two groups were made of natural aggregate, while the other two were made of full replacement of recycled aggregate. In each group, the cement was replaced with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% of silica fume. Two groups were stored for 270 days under normal water conditions, while the other two were stored underground water conditions. Tests results have shown that it’s possible to improve the strength and the structural behavior of piles under sulfate attack considerably by using 20% of silica fume, while 15% is sufficient when the piles are under normal conditions. However, high levels of silica fume 25–30% in recycled aggregate concretes piles and 20–30% in normal aggregate concretes piles gave a clear decrease in ultimate load capacity.

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