Erratum: Agrokémia és Talajtan 69 (1-2) (2020) 127-151 DOI: 10.1556/0088.2020.00061
A közlemény angol nyelvű összefoglalója hibásan jelent meg.
In the original review the English summary was incorrect.
Authors aim was to deliver a compilation of Hungarian soil analysis methods as well as to present the advisory system for nutrient management. Both are based on several decades of work. We should learn from these past experiences of reasonable and good agricultural practices. We can only apply the present and future results of soil science and find out what direction should we develop if we were aware of the results of the past and we calculate with their governing effects. The majority of our recent methods are based on historical researches and the current state of our scientific field can only be judged and developed if we knew the former history of the methodological findings. The recent Hungarian soil analysis system provides useful results; however, the adaptation of new international methods might open new perspectives for the Hungarian laboratory analyses methodology. The never-met demand for cost and time effective, environmentally friendly soil analysis methods underpin how actual and hot the topic is.