In 1975 C. F. Chen and C. H. Hsiao established a new procedure to solve initial value problems of systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients by Walsh polynomials approach. However, they did not deal with the analysis of the proposed numerical solution. In a previous article we study this procedure in case of one equation with the techniques that the theory of dyadic harmonic analysis provides us. In this paper we extend these results through the introduction of a new procedure to solve initial value problems of differential equations with not necessarily constant coefficients.
1 Introduction
A system formed by Walsh functions is an orthonormal system which takes only values 1 and −1. This property, which is why the Walsh system was considered to be an “artificial” orthonormal system by many mathematicians in 1923, the year of its introduction (see [21]), offers a wide range of applications in the world of digital technology. Indeed, the Walsh functions have a great advantage with respect to the classic trigonometric functions
in the sense that computers can be very effective to determine the precise value of any Walsh function at any point.
In the 1970s the potential of piecewise constant orthogonal systems for signal characterization became evident. It was the reason why several researchers began to study intensively the application of Walsh functions in communication and signal processing (see, among others, [1,12,14,16,17]). In [8] Corrington developed a method to solve nth order linear differential equations using previously prepared huge tables of the Walsh-Fourier coefficients of weighted indefinite integrals of Walsh functions.
Corrington derived n different tables for solving an nth order differential equation. In 1975 C. F. Chen and C. H. Hsiao improved the method of Corrington where only one table is needed (see [2]). Moreover, this table contains elements easy to compute (see the matrices in (7) and (8)). This was possible by considering the equivalent system of linear differential equations of first-order. The new approach is much simpler and more suitable for digital computation. Although we must also say that the method of Chen and Hsiao is only suitable for solving linear differential equations with constant coefficients having initial conditions at x = 0.
In 1975 Chen and Hsiao wrote several papers in which they show the performance of their procedure in applications. Papers [6] and [4] present a new approach to the optimal problem by using Walsh functions. In [5] they dealt with the application of Walsh functions to the time-domain-synthesis problem. Paper [3] establishes a clear procedure for the variational problem solution via the Walsh functions technique. On the basis of this method it was also possible to develop a technique for the analysis of time-invariant linear delay-differential equations by the Walsh polynomials approximation (see [7]) and also another for solving first-order partial differential equations by double Walsh series approximation (see [19]).
The basic idea of the method of Chen and Hsiao is to avoid differentiation considering the equivalent integral equations instead the original differential equations, because the Walsh functions are not differentiable. They discretize these integral equations substituting all functions in them, even the integral functions, by the partial sums of Walsh series of these functions. Every component of the exact solution is also substituted by an unknown Walsh polynomial. The aim is to find the coefficients of these polynomials which are obtained after solving a linear system.
However, Chen and Hsiao did not deal with the extensive analysis of the proposed numerical solution. We mean that they did not determine if the linear system is solvable or not, neither did they deal with the estimation of errors. On the other hand, to obtain great accuracy for the numeric solution we need to solve a linear system involving a very large number of variables and equations. The construction of Walsh polynomials from their coefficients also requires time. It is possible to design a procedure to obtain directly the values of the Walsh polynomials? What is the largest class of constant terms where the method works?
since the method requires the computation of Walsh-Fourier coefficients.
The Walsh polynomial
In this paper we establish a similar method for solving numerically differential equations with not constant coefficient. Our aim is to design a new procedure to approach by Walsh polynomials the solution of a general linear differential equation of first-order having an initial condition at x = 0. The basic idea is the same, but the the complexity of the procedure increases and the analysis of the proposed numerical solution requires a solid mathematical background. However, we obtain excellent results which are compatible with those in [11]. We summarize these results and describe our new method in the next section.
Sections 3, 4 and 5 contain the necessary mathematical concepts and statements for the precise analysis of the method which is implemented in all its details in Section 6. In this section we also deal with the solvability of the linear system, in other words, with the existence of the proposed numerical solution. It turns out that there exists an unique numerical solution, except for finite numbers of n. In Section 7 we prove that the numerical solution converges uniformly to the exact solution of the initial value problem, as we state in Theorem 1.
In Section 8 we propose a multistep algorithm to speed up the computations. In this way we directly obtain the values of the numerical solution without needing to solve the linear systems and generate Walsh polynomials. Algorithms of this kind are used frequently for solving differential equations numerically. Among them we would like to mention the method developed by Lukomskii and Terekhin in [15] to approximate the derivative of the solution by step functions for solving first order linear Cauchy problem with continuous coefficient and free term on the close interval [0,1]. Our multistep algorithm only involves the integral means of these functions, so for us it is sufficient to suppose the continuity of them on the interval [0,1[.
Our method is illustrated in Section 10 through three examples. The first one solves a Cauchy problem with continuous coefficient and free term on the close interval [0,1]. The second example shows us the uniform convergence of the numerical solution in case of integrable coefficient and free term which are only continuous on the interval [0,1[. The third example illustrates how the multistep algorithm also works in case of not integrable functions. We discuss in detail the last case in Section 9.
2 Notation and main results
at the point x.
which is a matrix having a very special form (see Section 5).
In Section 6 we prove that this linear system is solvable and it has an unique solution, except for finite numbers of n. The solution of the linear system gives us the coefficients c0,c1,…,c2n−1 of the numerical solution yn. In Section 7 we prove that yn converges uniformly to the exact solution of the initial value problem (1) on the interval [0,1[. In other words, we obtain the following result.
Theorem 1
Let p and q be two continuous and integrable functions defined on the interval [0,1[. Then there exists an unique Walsh polynomial
The numerical solution yn may be computed without solving the linear system much more quickly by a multistep algorithm. Section 8 contains how we design this algorithm.
The established procedure can be extended for not integrable functions p and q. We have two possibilities to do this. One is to modify the functions p and q limiting their values in a neighbourhood of the point x = 1 to be integrable. The modified initial value problem has the same exact solution outside this neighbourhood, so our method gives us a numerical solution, except in this neighbourhood. The other possibility is to use the multistep algorithm. It works with the exception of the last step, generating the numerical solution
3 The 2n-th partial sums of Walsh-Fourier series
then we obtain the Walsh-Paley system. wn is called the nth Walsh-Paley function or in other words, the nth Walsh function ordered in Paley’s sense.
Among other things, the orthonormality of the Walsh-Paley system ensures the fact that two Walsh polynomial are equal at every point if and only if they have the same coefficients.
is a clear example of this. However, if in addition, the function has a finite limit from the left of 1, then it is integrable, since it can be extended to a continuous function on the interval [0,1]. In this case the function f has finite dyadic modulus of continuity, defined by
When this happens, S2nf converges to f at every point of the interval [0,1[, but not uniformly.
The following lemma is especially important in the analysis of the numerical solution that we are establishing in this paper.
Lemma 1
from which we obtain the statement of the lemma.
4 Dyadically circulant matrices
where (i0,i1,…) and (j0,j1,…) are the dyadic expansion of the integers i and j respectively. For all positive integer n the set {0,1,…,2n − 1} with the dyadic sum forms a group.
A square matrix A of size 2n is called a dyadically circulant matrix (see
We also say that A is the dyadically circulant matrix generated by the numbers a0,a1,…,a2n−1.
Lemma 2
In the computation above we use the substitution r = i⊕j and the fact that the set {0,1,…,2n −1} is a group under the dyadic sum. Moreover, we also use the elementary properties of the Walsh-Paley functions (see [18]). This completes the proof of the lemma.
This is due to the orthonormality of the Walsh-Paley system.
The following lemma is obtained directly from the diagonalization of dyadically circulant matrices and the proof is elementary linear algebra.
Lemma 3
respectively, and α,β ∈ R. Then the set of dyadically circulant matrices of the same size is a commutative algebra. Moreover,
αA+βB is the dyadically circulant matrix generated by the coefficients of the Walsh polynomial αa(x) + βb(x).
AB is the dyadically circulant matrix generated by the coefficients of the Walsh polynomial a(x)b(x) (and therefore AB = BA).
We apply the results of Lemma 3 to calculate the determinant of a matrix related to the Fourier coefficients of triangular functions.
5 The triangular functions
where Ij and 0j are the identity and null matrix of size j. Note that the matrix above is almost skew-symmetric, more precisely
Lemma 4
Note that
Finally, we obtain (9) with the addition of the results obtained for J1 and
J2, which completes the proof of the lemma. From the lemma above we obtain the following result.
Lemma 5
holds that is also triangular and the entries in the diagonal are exactly the numbers in the product of the formula which we have to prove. This means that the determinant of the matrix above is the product of these numbers, which implies .
6 The existence of the numerical solution
The solvability of the linear system (13) only depends on whether the value of
This means that
7 The uniform convergence of the numerical solution
for all x ∈ [0,1[ (see [18]). Therefore, the first addend of the right hand side of (16) tends uniformly to zero.
The functions S2np, mn and zn are constants on the dyadic intervals
By (15) the sequence
if n > n0 for all k = 0,1,…,2n − 1, and in this case 1 +
To estimate the absolute value of zn we deal first with the function mn.
Theorem 1the second part of is true ends uniformly to zero, hence .
8 A multistep algorithm for the numerical solution
for all i = 1,2,…,2n. The point is to calculate the value of
Observe that for the multistep algorithm we only need the 2nth partial sums of Walsh series of the functions p and q which are just integral means. Hence they are more simple to compute than the Walsh-Fourier coefficients that appear in the linear system. Note also that unlike others multistep algorithms the value of
9 The extension of the method for not integrable functions
Note that the functions p∗ and q∗ are continuous and integrable, hence Theorem 1 is valid for the modified problem above. The uniqueness of the solution of a general initial value problems for linear differential equations implies that the original and the modified initial problem have the same solution on the interval [0,α[. Therefore, the procedure implemented for the modified problem gives us a numerical solution yn which converges uniformly to the exact solution of the original problem on the interval [0,α[. Consequently, if we like to obtain an approximation of the solution at a point x ∈ [0,1[ we may take a value of α greater than x and numerically solve the modified initial value problem by our method.
exist for all i = 1,2,…,2n −1. For i = 2n the integrals above may be calculated only if the functions p and q are integrable on the whole interval [0,1]. This means that the multistep algorithm can always be implemented, except the last step.
for all 1
10 Examples
Figure 2 illustrates how close is the numerical solution
sup|y(x) −
n | ||||||||
3 | 0.00006096 | 0.00090779 | 0.00387621 | 0.01020253 | 0.02086089 | 0.03647553 | 0.05725102 | 0.08291886 |
4 | 0.00005710 | 0.00066004 | 0.00248792 | 0.00612909 | 0.01202888 | 0.02044979 | 0.03144224 | 0.04482592 |
5 | 0.00004161 | 0.00039879 | 0.00140792 | 0.00335484 | 0.00645115 | 0.01081544 | 0.01646018 | 0.02328479 |
6 | 0.00002517 | 0.00021901 | 0.00074847 | 0.00175429 | 0.00333943 | 0.00556000 | 0.00841912 | 0.01186406 |
7 | 0.00001384 | 0.00011473 | 0.00038582 | 0.00089691 | 0.00169876 | 0.00281865 | 0.00425734 | 0.00598791 |
8 | 0.00000725 | 0.00005871 | 0.00019586 | 0.00045346 | 0.00085672 | 0.00141906 | 0.00214068 | 0.00300798 |
9 | 0.00000371 | 0.00002970 | 0.00009868 | 0.00022799 | 0.00043020 | 0.00071197 | 0.00107335 | 0.00150751 |
10 | 0.00000188 | 0.00001494 | 0.00004952 | 0.00011431 | 0.00021556 | 0.00035660 | 0.00053743 | 0.00075463 |
The behavior of the convergence is similar to the previous problem. We can also see in the following Table 2 that the supremum of the absolute difference between the solution and the numerical solution is reduced almost by half if the value of n increases by one.
sup|y(x) −
n | ||||||||
3 | 0.06062299 | 0.05667439 | 0.05238233 | 0.04765793 | 0.04235894 | 0.03623165 | 0.02872980 | 0.01863694 |
4 | 0.03077155 | 0.02877700 | 0.02662168 | 0.02426382 | 0.02163804 | 0.01863124 | 0.01501273 | 0.01011927 |
5 | 0.01550418 | 0.01450120 | 0.01342051 | 0.01224183 | 0.01093372 | 0.00944255 | 0.00766154 | 0.00530135 |
6 | 0.00778214 | 0.00727914 | 0.00673795 | 0.00614856 | 0.00549556 | 0.00475279 | 0.00386876 | 0.00270748 |
7 | 0.00389864 | 0.00364675 | 0.00337593 | 0.00308121 | 0.00275496 | 0.00238425 | 0.00194378 | 0.00136753 |
8 | 0.00195122 | 0.00182518 | 0.00168971 | 0.00154234 | 0.00137927 | 0.00119408 | 0.00097423 | 0.00068717 |
9 | 0.00097609 | 0.00091304 | 0.00084529 | 0.00077161 | 0.00069009 | 0.00059753 | 0.00048770 | 0.00034443 |
10 | 0.00048816 | 0.00045663 | 0.00042275 | 0.00038591 | 0.00034515 | 0.00029889 | 0.00024400 | 0.00017242 |
Value of |y(x) −
n | ||||||||
3 | 0.02993002 | 0.13766372 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
4 | 0.01208584 | 0.05776304 | 0.11082398 | – | – | – | – | – |
5 | 0.00543147 | 0.02667540 | 0.04993559 | 0.06924819 | – | – | – | – |
6 | 0.00257483 | 0.01283496 | 0.02387420 | 0.03206557 | 0.03856926 | – | – | – |
7 | 0.00125360 | 0.00629703 | 0.01168669 | 0.01553123 | 0.01807579 | 0.02033629 | – | – |
8 | 0.00061852 | 0.00311901 | 0.00578315 | 0.00765158 | 0.00880501 | 0.00958484 | 0.01043952 | – |
9 | 0.00030721 | 0.00155221 | 0.00287681 | 0.00379847 | 0.00434996 | 0.00468136 | 0.00493385 | 0.00528868 |
10 | 0.00015310 | 0.00077429 | 0.00143474 | 0.00189254 | 0.00216243 | 0.00231575 | 0.00241286 | 0.00250288 |
which has the solution
y(x) = x5.
Since p and q are not integrable functions on the interval [0,1], then Theorem 1 is not valid, but we may obtain a numerical solution
Observe that in this case, the method only works for large values of n if x is close to 1. On the other hand, we can see that in this example the absolute difference between the solution and the numerical solution is also reduced almost by half if the value of n increases by one.
11 Conclusion
The method designed by Chen and Hsiao for solving systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients may be extended in case of one equations with not necessarily constant coefficients. The proposed numerical solution is a Walsh polynomial, i.e. a piecewise constant function on intervals of length
With a few modifications the method also works in case that the function in the differential equation are continuous, but not integrable on the interval [0,1[. The multistep algorithm gives us a numerical solution on the interval
The first author is supported by the projects EFOP- 3.6.1-16-2016-00022 and EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015 supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund. The second author is supported by the project GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00055.
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