Genus Acanthamoeba is an opportunistic protozoan that is widely distributed in the environment. Within this genus, numerous species are recognized as human pathogens, potentially causing Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK). AK is a corneal disease, associated predominantly with contact lens (CL) wear; its epidemiology is related to the specific Acanthamoeba genotypes. This study reports seven CL wearer, Acanthamoeba PCR-positive patients with AK, diagnosed between January 2015 and 2018. Patients had the diagnosis of AK 1.36 months after first symptoms. Genotyping allowed the identification of six isolates of the T4 and one of the T8 genotypes. At first presentation, pseudendritiformic epithelopathy/dirty epithelium (four eyes, 57.1%), multifocal stromal infiltrates (five eyes, 71.4%), ring infiltrate (three eyes, 42.8%), and perineuritis (one eye, 14.3%) were observed. AK was healed without later recurrence in two eyes (28.5%) using triple-topical therapy, in three eyes (42.8%) following additional penetrating keratoplasty. In one patient (14.3%), AK recurred following successful application of triple-therapy and was treated successfully with repeated triple-topical therapy and in one patient (14.3%), no follow-up data were available after diagnosis. We could not observe correlation of genotype and clinical course or the necessity of corneal transplantation in our case series.