The issue of education faces several challenges in the 21st century as a result of accelerated technological development. Innovations are crucial in the field of education: in terms of the efficiency of the system as a whole, it’s subsystems, and it’s actors. In the period of mass education, a key question is how to put students at the centre of the educational process in order to actively participate in the learning process, which can help them become knowledge builders. A significant proportion of European and overseas schools break with traditional views on education to make increasing innovation efforts in line with labour market needs. The book demonstrates that it seeks to address the new challenges facing education systems in the 21st century, using a theoretical, research and practical approach to education. One of the focuses of the work is the understanding of the language, communication and motivational base of the growing generation. At the same time, the use of IT tools for pedagogical purposes, which play a vital role in the continuous professional development of teachers, appears. The innovative approach aims to make learning flexible and attractive to learners, thereby enabling them to become active participants in the learning process. The three major chapters of the volume intend to go around the relevant issues, from their theoretical approach to their practical implementation, formulating subject recommendations (Hungarian language and literature, history, geography, English, biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics). The theoretical chapter focuses on the study of the nature of educational processes in light of the results of a large-sample research (Innova research). In connection with the presentation of the latest trends in didactics, the focus will be on competency-based education, which will underpin the objectives of lifelong learning. The “Seamless learning” concept integrates formal and informal education, the physical and cyber worlds, academic and non-academic experiences. The presentation of gamified digital knowledge (HANNA) as a motivating tool highlights the need to use ICT in our digital world in a planned way, with precise goals, content, methods and tools. Another theoretical stage is about what possibilities and tasks are conceptualized in the world of positive psychology in school, with a special emphasis on the significance of the flow experience. In the educational process, significant emphasis is placed on the evaluation of student work. In this area the volume also highlights the innovative perspective, which highlights the promotion of autonomy, the implementation of differentiated education, the development of students’ skills and personalities. The chapter on the motivation of talented students revolves around the question of how to achieve the best possible performance, to create outstanding results and products from the talent potential. However, the focus is also on the cooperation of the learner with learning disabilities, which is helped by modern learning organization and new directions in the use of ICT tools. The subchapter covers the role of mobile learning, tablets, robots, gamification, exergame technology in supporting teaching and learning. One of the articles in the volume points out that the phenomenon of innovation shows a different picture in each country, their adaptation is desirable, but at the same time, it must be shaped to the specifics of Hungary. Successful innovations at the international level are based on supportive school management, which provides a calm work environment and opportunities for professional development, on the one hand, teachers’ human and social capital is decisive, and the active participation of students and local communities is essential. At the end of the theoretical chapter, we can get acquainted with the comparison of the methodological implementation of alternative music pedagogical trends concerning the use of tools.
The second part of the volume introduces the world of innovative practices and development methods to the reader, touching on the following topics: mobile devices, possibilities of using digital devices in the classroom, board game pedagogy, gamified curriculum and accountability, internet safety education. Below you will find subject-specific recommendations. In the last part of the book, an interview gives us an insight into the worldview of an educator with an innovative approach.
In addition to the expectations of scientificity, the language of the volume written with the intention of disseminating scientific knowledge is fluent. Therefore, it provides researchers and practising educators with well-understood information that can be utilized in practice.