Maryam Farsad Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran

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Corvo, P., & Verde, F. M. L. (Eds.) (2022). Sport and quality of life: Practices, habits and lifestyles (Vol. 14). Springer Nature.

Playing sport has a significant positive effect on people's quality of life by enhancing their social, mental and physical health. Participating in sport goes beyond simple physical exercise: it has a significant impact on people's habits and lifestyles, builds community and improves mental strength. Sport also helps people develop self-control and goal-setting, which improves their mindset (Berger & McInman, 1993). The book reviewed here illuminates how sport profoundly shapes individuals' and communities' quality of life enhancing our understanding of this multifaceted phenomenon.

Paolo Corvo and Fabio Massimo Lo Verde's edited volume, Sport and quality of life: Practices, habits and lifestyles, is a significant addition to the Social Indicators Research Series (Volume 84) published by Springer International Publishing in 2022. This illustrated version explores the complex relationship between sport and life quality providing insightful information about how participating in sports activities affects people's daily routines and numerous facets of their well-being. Paolo Corvo, an associate professor at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy, stands at the intersection of academia and practical application. He focuses on themes spanning travel cultures, social change and the media's role in shaping the sociology of food. His exploration of indicators of quality of life, well-being and happiness signifies a commitment to understanding the broader implications of lifestyle choices on individuals and societies (University of Gastronomic Sciences, 2024).

The other editor, Fabio Massimo Lo Verde was instrumental in determining the book's content and thematic focus. He is associated with the University of Palermo, Italy and concentrates on Italian viewpoints and problems, which is reflected in the volume's contents, especially in the parts devoted to the Italian cases (University of Palermo, 2024). This indicates a nuanced investigation of the relationship between sport and life quality, paying particular attention to Italy's unique cultural and social aspects.

The topic of the book revolves around the relationship between sport, well-being and overall life quality. Its chapters cover a wide range of topics from the social effects of sports consumption to an individual's involvement with sport as a means of lifestyle choice and identity investment. The book examines the differences between recreational sport, professional sport and high-profile commercial sport emphasizing the former's advantages for recreation and health. It also discusses the relationship between sport and collective identity highlighting the benefits of sport for social integration, psycho-physical well-being and the elimination of inequality. Overall, it offers a thorough explanation of how sport, whether as a spectacle or a recreational activity, contribute to forming views on well-being and life quality in modern society through a sociological perspective.

The book is well-organized with several sections starting with different facets of the complex relationship between sport and life satisfaction. The introductory section sets the stage for the diverse themes covered within. Part I, Marco Ciziceno's thorough literature analysis, explores the ideas of well-being, wellness and quality of life. Next, using EU microdata, Maurizio Esposito and Ciprian Panzaru present evidence of a connection between engagement in sport, physical activity, life satisfaction and general life quality. Next, Antonio Mussino addresses conceptual and operational challenges in monitoring sports participation, while Bruno Barba provocatively explores the transformative impact of football. Shifting focus to Italian cases in Part II, Fabio Massimo Lo Verde and Vincenzo Pepe examine the evolution of sporting habits within urban populations. Stefano Martelli and Giovanna Russo probe new well-being questions arising from Italian practitioners of sport and physical activity. Paolo Corvo offers a unique perspective in “Atalanta” positioning it as a contemporary myth challenging conventional notions in “Big Football.” Then Nico Bortoletto explores authenticity in sports tourism, while Loredana Tallarita investigates social capital and inclusion paths through sports practice, particularly in the context of immigration in Italy. Part III broadens the scope with an international perspective by featuring studies on social representations of physical disability, sports activities diagnosis in Brazil, and the impact of social fitness and gamification. Finally, Part IV explores the intersection of physical activity and life quality covering topics such as jogging during the COVID-19 pandemic, aging, and the role of physical activity in active aging.

Examining the various sections of the book in greater detail, the first section, focusing on the general theme, emphasizes the necessity of conceptual clarity in understanding terms like wellness, subjective well-being (SWB) and quality of life (QOL). It is valuable for its recognition of the distinct mental categories these terms represent and for advocating for a cross-disciplinary approach in order to form a clearer conceptual framework.

Moving to the Italian cases, the second section paints a fascinating tableau of the evolving dynamics in sport and its intricate connections to life quality in Italy. It deftly discusses the transformative power of cycling in urban spaces, the changing motivations behind sports participation, the challenge of football hierarchies through the lens of Atalanta, and the impact of authenticity in sports tourism on the overall quality of life.

By offering an international perspective, the third section examines sport and physical activity on a global scale. It delicately shows the social representations of physical disability in professional environments and the challenges faced in democratizing access to physical activities in Brazil. These insights underscore the evolving nature of sport in different cultural and social contexts, and emphasize the importance of inclusive workplaces, understanding social representations and tailoring policies globally.

The fourth and final section explores the relationship between physical activity and life quality providing nuanced insights into its various aspects. It discusses the positive impact of community engagement and digital fitness applications during the COVID-19 lockdown, their effect on joggers, and the dual role of jogging in terms of well-being perception, gender differences in the relationship between physical activity and life quality among the elderly, and the multifaceted scenario of active aging. Therefore, they contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how sport and physical activity shape and increase life quality on the individual, societal and global levels.

The book uses a sophisticated and thorough approach to analysis demonstrating professionalism in a way that makes use of many sources and analytical techniques, such as surveys, interviews, case studies, statistical analysis, etc. The writers provide a rich tapestry of insights by deftly alternating between literature assessment and practical research approaches. Chapters like Marco Ciziceno's “The Conceptions of Quality of Life, Wellness, and Well-Being” contribute to the value of the book by an extensive literature review, which provides a robust theoretical foundation to the theme. Meanwhile, Maurizio Esposito and Ciprian Panzaru's “Sports Participation, Physical Activity, Life Satisfaction, and Quality of Life” employ empirical research techniques, including regression analysis, to unravel the intricate relationships between sport, physical activity and quality of life. Moreover, the incorporation of interviews, as demonstrated in Loredana Tallarita's “Social Fitness and Gamification,” adds a qualitative dimension to the exploration. Ailton Fernando Santana de Oliveira's “Physical and Sports Activities Diagnosis in Brazil” stands out for its international perspective, employing a diagnostic study to understand and explain the reality of physical and sports activities in Brazil. Furthermore, chapters like Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco's “A Running Enemy: Jogging at the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic” highlight a responsiveness to external factors demonstrating the book's adaptability to contemporary challenges. Overall, the book seamlessly integrates diverse analytical methods, authoritative sources and international perspectives to offer a nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between sport, well-being and the quality of life.

Furthermore, the writers are dedicated to a sociological approach by staying away from the frequent mistake of taking only a psychological or philosophical position. This upholds the book's distinctive sociological contribution to the conversation on sport and its effects on life quality while also enhancing its overall coherence. With its unique and captivating writing style, the book's language highlights sports-related events and their social implications. The authors also use clear, academic language that reflects their thorough comprehension of social issues. This style makes sociological ideas understandable to a wider range of audience, including students and young scholars curious about the relationship between sport, well-being and life quality.

In conclusion, the thorough and multidisciplinary investigation, Sport and quality of life: Practices, habits, and lifestyles explores the complex connection between sport and general well-being. The anthology presents an advanced examination of various aspects of participation in sport ranging from its influence on personal lives to its wider social ramifications. It not only addresses critical issues regarding how sport affects well-being, but also contributes to the larger conversation on societal development, community cohesion and the cultivation of healthier lifestyles. The book's comprehensive investigation covers both the welfare of sports fans and more general societal ramifications, highlighting the importance of the issues raised. The research indicates that careful engagement with sport can improve the overall quality of life through an inclusive and mindful approach.

This volume is particularly valuable for scholars and researchers in the fields of sports science, sociology and well-being studies owing to its comprehensive analysis of the intricate relationship between sports participation, societal dynamics and individual well-being. The book's distinctive sociological perspective offers a fresh approach which differentiates it from works that adopt a psychological or philosophical viewpoint.


  • Berger, B. G., & McInman, A. (1993). Exercise and the quality of life. In R. N. Singer, M. Murphey, L. K. Tennant, & International Society of Sports Psychology (Eds.), Handbook of research on sport psychology (pp. 729760). Macmillan, Collier Macmillan Canada: Maxwell Macmillan International.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • University of Gastronomic Sciences. (2024, February 18). Paolo Corvo .

  • University of Palermo. (2024, February 18). Fabio Lo Verde .

  • Berger, B. G., & McInman, A. (1993). Exercise and the quality of life. In R. N. Singer, M. Murphey, L. K. Tennant, & International Society of Sports Psychology (Eds.), Handbook of research on sport psychology (pp. 729760). Macmillan, Collier Macmillan Canada: Maxwell Macmillan International.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • University of Gastronomic Sciences. (2024, February 18). Paolo Corvo .

  • University of Palermo. (2024, February 18). Fabio Lo Verde .

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Senior Editors

Founding Editor: Tamás Kozma (Debrecen University)

Editor-in-ChiefAnikó Fehérvári (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University)

Assistant Editor: Eszter Bükki (BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Associate editors: 
Karolina Eszter Kovács (University of Debrecen)
Krisztina Sebestyén (Gál Ferenc University)


Editorial Board


Address of editorial office

Dr. Anikó Fehérvári
Institute of Education, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University
Address: 23-27. Kazinczy út 1075 Budapest, Hungary




Hungarian Educational Research Journal
Publication Model Gold Open Access
Submission Fee none
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Subscription Information Gold Open Access

Hungarian Educational Research Journal
Language English
Size B5
Year of
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per Year
Founder Magyar Nevelés- és Oktatáskutatók Egyesülete – Hungarian Educational Research Association
H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary Pf 17
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary 1516 Budapest, PO Box 245.
Chief Executive Officer, Akadémiai Kiadó
ISSN 2064-2199 (Online)

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