Carlos Gussenhoven Radboud University Nijmegen Department of Linguistics PO Box 9103 NL-6500 HD Nijmegen The Netherlands

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Three dimensions can be distinguished in a cross-linguistic account of information structure. First, there is the definition of the focus constituent, the part of the linguistic expression which is subject to some focus meaning. Second and third, there are the focus meanings and the array of structural devices that encode them. In a given language, the expression of focus is facilitated as well as constrained by the grammar within which the focus devices operate. The prevalence of focus ambiguity, the structural inability to make focus distinctions, will thus vary across languages, and within a language, across focus meanings.

  • Bolinger, Dwight 1983. Affirmation and default. In: Folia Linguistica 17: 505–533.

    Bolinger D. , 'Affirmation and default ' (1983 ) 17 Folia Linguistica : 505 -533 .

  • Cotter, Colleen 1996. Systems in contact: Focus in Irish and English. In: Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics 12: 85–116.

    Cotter C. , 'Systems in contact: Focus in Irish and English ' (1996 ) 12 Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics : 85 -116 .

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  • Dik, Simon C. — Maria E. Hoffmann — Jan R. de Jong — Sie Ing Djlang — Harry Stroomer — Lourens de Vries 1980. On the typology of focus phenomena. In: Teun Hoekstra — Harry van der Hulst — Michael Moortgat (eds): Perspectives on functional grammar, 41–74. Foris, Dordrecht.

    Vries L. , '', in Perspectives on functional grammar , (1980 ) -.

  • É. Kiss, Katalin 1998. Identificational focus versus information focus. In: Language 74: 245–273.

    Katalin , 'Identificational focus versus information focus ' (1998 ) 74 Language : 245 -273 .

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  • Elordieta, Gorka 2007a. A constraint-based analysis of the intonational realization of focus in Northern Bizkaian Basque. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.

    Elordieta G. , '', in A constraint-based analysis of the intonational realization of focus in Northern Bizkaian Basque , (2007 ) -.

  • Elordieta, Gorka 2007b. Constraints on intonational prominence of focalized constituents. In: Lee et al. (2007, 1–22).

  • Elordieta, Gorka — José Ignacio Hualde 2003. Tonal and durational correlates of accent in contexts of downstep in Lekeitio Basque. In: Journal of the International Phonetic Association 33: 195–209.

    Hualde J. I. , 'Tonal and durational correlates of accent in contexts of downstep in Lekeitio Basque ' (2003 ) 33 Journal of the International Phonetic Association : 195 -209 .

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  • Féry, Caroline 1993. German intonational patterns. Niemeyer, Tübingen.

    Féry C. , '', in German intonational patterns , (1993 ) -.

  • Frota, Sónia 1998. Prosody and focus in European Portuguese. Doctoral dissertation, University of Lisbon. Published by Garland, New York, 2000.

    Frota S. , '', in Prosody and focus in European Portuguese. Doctoral dissertation, University of Lisbon , (1998 ) -.

  • Gussenhoven, Carlos 1983. Focus, mode, and the nucleus. In: Journal of Linguistics 19: 377–417.

    Gussenhoven C. , 'Focus, mode, and the nucleus ' (1983 ) 19 Journal of Linguistics : 377 -417 .

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  • Gussenhoven, Carlos 1984. On the grammar and semantics of sentence accents. Foris, Dordrecht.

    Gussenhoven C. , '', in On the grammar and semantics of sentence accents , (1984 ) -.

  • Gussenhoven, Carlos 2004. The phonology of tone and intonation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Gussenhoven C. , '', in The phonology of tone and intonation , (2004 ) -.

  • Gussenhoven, Carlos 2007. Types of focus in English. In: Lee et al. (2007, 83–101).

  • Gussenhoven, Carlos — Renske Teeuw 2007. A moraic and a syllabic H-tone in Yucatec Maya. In: Z. Esther Herrera — Pedro Martin Butrageño (eds): Fonología instrumental: Patrones fónicos y variación, 49–71. El Colegio de México, Mexico City.

    Teeuw R. , '', in Fonología instrumental: Patrones fónicos y variación , (2007 ) -.

  • Hanssen, Judith — Jörg Peters — Carlos Gussenhoven 2008. Prosodic effects of focus in Dutch declaratives. In: Plinio A. Barbosa — Sandra Madureira — César Reis (eds): Speech Prosody 2008 Conference, 609–612. Editora RG/CNPq, Campinas, Brazil.

    Gussenhoven C. , '', in Speech Prosody 2008 Conference , (2008 ) -.

  • Heuven, Vincent J. van 1994. What is the smallest prosodic domain? In: Patricia A. Keating (ed.): Phonological structure and phonetic form: Papers in Laboratory Phonology III, 76–98. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Heuven V. J. , '', in Phonological structure and phonetic form: Papers in Laboratory Phonology III , (1994 ) -.

  • Kanerva, Jonni 1990. Focus and phrasing in Chicheŵa phonology. Garland, New York.

    Kanerva J. , '', in Focus and phrasing in Chicheŵa phonology , (1990 ) -.

  • Kubozono, Harno 1993. The organization of Japanese prosody. Kurosio, Tokyo.

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  • Kuno, Susumu 1973. The structure of the Japanese language. MIT Press, Cambridge MA.

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  • Kügler, Frank — Stavros Skopeteas 2006. Interaction of lexical tone and information structure in Yucatec Maya. In: Agnès Belotel-Grenié— Michel Grenié (eds): Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL-2), 380–388. Université de La Rochelle, La Rochelle.

    Skopeteas S. , '', in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL-2) , (2006 ) -.

  • Ladd, D. Robert 1980. The structure of intonational meaning: Evidence from English. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

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  • Ladd, Robert 1996. Intonational phonology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Ladd R. , '', in Intonational phonology , (1996 ) -.

  • Lee, Chungmin — Matthew Gordon — Daniel Büring (eds) 2007. Topic and focus: Cross-linguistic perspectives on meaning and intonation (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 82). Springer, Dordrecht.

    '', in Topic and focus: Cross-linguistic perspectives on meaning and intonation (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 82) , (2007 ) -.

  • Müller-Gotama, Franz 1996. Topic and focus in Sundanese. In: Anthropological Linguistics 38: 117–132.

    Müller-Gotama F. , 'Topic and focus in Sundanese ' (1996 ) 38 Anthropological Linguistics : 117 -132 .

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  • Pierrehumbert, Jane — Mary E. Beckman 1988. Japanese tone structure (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 15). MIT Press, Cambridge MA.

    Beckman M. E. , '', in Japanese tone structure (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 15) , (1988 ) -.

  • Rialland, Annie — Stéphanie Robert 2001. The intonational system of Wolof. In: Linguistics 39: 893–939.

    Robert S. , 'The intonational system of Wolof ' (2001 ) 39 Linguistics : 893 -939 .

  • Robert, Stéphanie 1991. Une approche énonciative du système verbal: le cas de wolof. CNRS, Paris.

    Robert S. , '', in Une approche énonciative du système verbal: le cas de wolof , (1991 ) -.

  • Robert, Stéphanie 2000. Le verbe wolof ou la grammaticalisation du focus. In: Bernard Caron (ed.): Topicalisation et focalisation dans les langues africaines, 229–267. Peeters, Louvain/Paris.

    Robert S. , '', in Topicalisation et focalisation dans les langues africaines , (2000 ) -.

  • Rudin, Catherine — Tracy Holloway King — Roumyana Izvorski 1998. Focus in Bulgarian and Russian yes-no questions. In: University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 21:209–226.

    Izvorski R. , 'Focus in Bulgarian and Russian yes-no questions ' (1998 ) 21 University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics : 209 -226 .

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  • Russell, Bertrand 1905. On denoting. In: Mind 14:479–493.

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  • Schmerling, Susan F. 1974. Aspects of English sentence stress. Texas University Press, Austin.

    Schmerling S. F. , '', in Aspects of English sentence stress , (1974 ) -.

  • Sugahara, Mariko 2002. Conditions on post-FOCUS dephrasing in Tokyo Japanese. In: Bernard Bel — Isabel Marlin (eds): Speech Prosody 2002. Proceedings of the First International Speech Prosody Conference, 655–8. Laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS and Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence.

    Sugahara M. , '', in Speech Prosody 2002. Proceedings of the First International Speech Prosody Conference, 655–8 , (2002 ) -.

  • Truckenbrodt, Hubert 1995. Phonological phrases—their relation to syntax, focus, and prominence. Doctoral dissertation, MIT.

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