Balázs Surányi Hungarian Academy of Sciences Benczúr utca 33 H-1068 Budapest Hungary

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This paper investigates the basic syntax of verbal particles in Hungarian, proposing a two-stage syntactic derivation involving phrasal movement. The verbal particle first comes to occupy a verb phrase medial position, a stage that is followed by phrasal movement to a verb phrase external landing site. Here—in neutral clauses—the verbal particle immediately precedes the verb, which is also shown to leave the vP at surface structure. The verb phrase medial position of the verbal particle is identified as the specifier of a PredP flanked between vP and VP, while the verb phrase external landing site is analyzed as the specifier of TP. The adjacency of the particle and the verb is argued to be reducible to the specifier-head configuration they appear in, rather than to syntactic incorporation or to a PF-merger operation.

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Editor(s)-in-Chief: Katalin É. Kiss,
Ferenc Kiefer

Editor: Éva Dékány

Technical Editor: Zoltán G. Kiss

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  • Katarzyna Jaszczolt
  • István Kenesei
  • Anikó Lipták
  • Katalin Mády
  • Gereon Müller
  • Csaba Pléh
  • Giampaolo Salvi
  • Irina Sekerina
  • Péter Siptár
  • Gregory Stump
  • Peter Svenonius
  • Anne Tamm
  • Akira Watanabe
  • Jeroen van de Weijer

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Chief Executive Officer, Akadémiai Kiadó
ISSN 1216-8076 (Print)
ISSN 1588-2624 (Online)