Tobias Scheer Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis CNRS 6039, Faculté des Lettres; Laboratoire BCL 98, Bd Herriot B.P. 3209 F-06204 Nice France

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Markéta Ziková Masarykova Univerzita v Brně Arna Nzováka 1 602 00 Brno Czech Republic

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This article further develops Coda Mirror theory (Ségéral-Scheer 2001a): its shortcomings are identified (overgeneration: the super-weak position predicted has no empirical echo, and the four-way parametric situation predicted in domain-final position is confronted with only two attested configurations), and a solution is proposed by dispensing with the equal-rightedness of government and licensing. Government over licensing is the principle proposed: no constituent can simultaneously be the target of both lateral forces, and if both could in principle apply, government is given precedence. A welcome by-product of this move is a new definition of open vs. closed syllables that makes sense: vowels in the former, but not in the latter, are licensed.

  • Balogné Bérces, Katalin 2001. ’Ambisyllabicity’ across word boundaries: A Strict CV Phonology approach. In: DOXIMP 6. Selected papers, 1–8. Elméleti Nyelvészet Program (ELTE), MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest. (Also appeared in: SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics 11: 47–55.)

    Balogné Bérces K. , '', in DOXIMP 6. Selected papers, 1–8 , (2001 ) -.

  • Balogné Bérces, Katalin 2005. Strict CV phonology and the English cross-word puzzle. Doctoral dissertation, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

    Balogné Bérces K. , '', in Strict CV phonology and the English cross-word puzzle , (2005 ) -.

  • Brun-Trigaud, Guylaine — Tobias Scheer 2010. Lenition in branching onsets in French and in ALF dialects. In: Petr Karlík (ed.): Development of language through the lens of formal linguistics, 15–28. Lincom, Munich.

    Scheer T. , '', in Development of language through the lens of formal linguistics , (2010 ) -.

  • Carvalho, Joaquim Brandão de —Tobias Scheer — Philippe Ségéral (eds) 2008. Lenition and fortition. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.

    '', in Lenition and fortition , (2008 ) -.

  • Chomsky, Noam 2000. Minimalist inquiries: The framework. In: Roger Martin — David Michaels — Juan Uriagereka (eds): Step by step: Essays on minimalist syntax in honor of Howard Lasnik, 89–155. MIT Press, Cambridge MA.

    Chomsky N. , '', in Step by step: Essays on minimalist syntax in honor of Howard Lasnik , (2000 ) -.

  • Csides, Csaba 2000. Government and licensing: A CV analysis of consonant lenition. In: SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics 10: 41–80.

    Csides C. , 'Government and licensing: A CV analysis of consonant lenition ' (2000 ) 10 SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics : 41 -80 .

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  • Csides, Csaba 2007. A strict CV approach to consonant lenition: Bidirectional government in English phonology. In: Language Sciences 29: 177–202.

    Csides C. , 'A strict CV approach to consonant lenition: Bidirectional government in English phonology ' (2007 ) 29 Language Sciences : 177 -202 .

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  • Cyran, Eugeniusz 2003. Complexity scales and licensing strength in phonology. Wydawnictwo Kul, Lublin.

    Cyran E. , '', in Complexity scales and licensing strength in phonology , (2003 ) -.

  • Cyran, Eugeniusz 2006. Book review: A lateral theory of phonology, by Tobias Scheer. In: The Linguistic Review 23: 505–542.

    Cyran E. , 'Book review: A lateral theory of phonology, by Tobias Scheer ' (2006 ) 23 The Linguistic Review : 505 -542 .

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  • Cyran, Eugeniusz 2008. Consonant clusters in strong and weak positions. In: Carvalho, Joaquim Brandao de — Tobias Scheer — Philippe Segeral (eds) 2008. Lenition and fortition. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New Yorkde Carvalho et al. (2008, 447–481).

    Cyran E. , '', in Lenition and fortition , (2008 ) -.

  • Harris, John 1997. Licensing inheritance: An integrated theory of neutralisation. In: Phonology 14: 315–370.

    Harris J. , 'Licensing inheritance: An integrated theory of neutralisation ' (1997 ) 14 Phonology : 315 -370 .

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  • Kaye, Jonathan D. 1995. Derivations and interfaces. In: Jacques Durand — Francis Katamba (eds): Frontiers of phonology: Atoms, structures, derivations, 289–332. Longman, Harlow.

    Kaye J. D. , '', in Frontiers of phonology: Atoms, structures, derivations , (1995 ) -.

  • Kijak, Artur 2005. Polish and English complex consonantal onsets: A contrastive analysis within the Government Phonology framework. Doctoral dissertation, University of Katowice.

  • Lowenstamm, Jean 1996. CV as the only syllable type. In: Jacques Durand — Bernard Laks (eds): Current trends in phonology. Models and methods, 419–441. European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford Publications, Salford.

    Lowenstamm J. , '', in Current trends in phonology. Models and methods , (1996 ) -.

  • Lowenstamm, Jean 1999. The beginning of the word. In: John Rennison — Klaus Kuhnhammer (eds): Phonologica 1996. Syllables!?, 153–166. Holland Academic Graphics, The Hague.

    Lowenstamm J. , '', in Phonologica 1996. Syllables!? , (1999 ) -.

  • Marotta, Giovanna 2008. Lenition in Tuscan Italian (Gorgia Toscana). In: Carvalho, Joaquim Brandao de — Tobias Scheer — Philippe Segeral (eds) 2008. Lenition and fortition. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York de Carvalho et al. (2008, 235–71).

    Marotta G. , '', in Lenition and fortition , (2008 ) -.

  • Passino, Diana 2008. Aspects of consonantal lengthening in Italian. Unipress, Padova.

    Passino D. , '', in Aspects of consonantal lengthening in Italian , (2008 ) -.

  • Rowicka, Grażyna 1999. On ghost vowels: A Strict CV approach. Holland Academic Graphics, The Hague.

    Rowicka G. , '', in On ghost vowels: A Strict CV approach , (1999 ) -.

  • Scheer, Tobias 1998a. A theory of consonantal interaction. In: Folia Linguistica (Acta Societatis Linguistica Eurpaeae) 32: 201–237.

    Scheer T. , 'A theory of consonantal interaction ' (1998 ) 32 Folia Linguistica (Acta Societatis Linguistica Eurpaeae) : 201 -237 .

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  • Scheer, Tobias 1998b. A unified model of Proper Government. In: The Linguistic Review 15: 41–67.

    Scheer T. , 'A unified model of Proper Government ' (1998 ) 15 The Linguistic Review : 41 -67 .

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  • Scheer, Tobias 1998c. Governing domains are head-final. In: Eugeniusz Cyran (ed.): Structure and interpretation. Studies in phonology (PASE Studies & Monographs 4), 261–285. Wydawnictwo Folium, Lublin.

    Scheer T. , '', in Structure and interpretation. Studies in phonology , (1998 ) -.

  • Scheer, Tobias 2000. De la localité, de la morphologie et de la phonologie en phonologie. Habilitation thesis, Université de Nice.

  • Scheer, Tobias 2004a. A lateral theory of phonology. Vol 1: What is CVCV, and why should it be? Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.

    Scheer T. , '', in A lateral theory of phonology. Vol 1: What is CVCV, and why should it be? , (2004 ) -.

  • Scheer, Tobias 2004b. How minimal is phonological change? In: Folia Linguistica Historica 25: 69–114.

    Scheer T. , 'How minimal is phonological change? ' (2004 ) 25 Folia Linguistica Historica : 69 -114 .

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  • Scheer, Tobias forthcoming. How morpho-syntax talks to phonology. A survey of extraphonological information in phonology since Trubetzkoy’s Grenzsignale. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.

  • Ségéral, Philippe — Tobias Scheer 1999. The Coda Mirror. Ms. Université de Paris 7 and Université de Nice. (Slightly less evolved English version of Segeral — Scheer 2001a.)

  • Ségéral, Philippe — Tobias Scheer 2001a. La Coda-Miroir. In: Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 96: 107–152.

    Scheer T. , 'La Coda-Miroir ' (2001 ) 96 Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris : 107 -152 .

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  • Ségéral, Philippe — Tobias Scheer 2001b. Les séquences consonne + yod en gallo-roman. In: Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 30: 87–120.

    Scheer T. , 'Les séquences consonne + yod en gallo-roman ' (2001 ) 30 Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes : 87 -120 .

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  • Ségéral, Philippe — Tobias Scheer 2005. What lenition and fortition tells us about Gallo-Romance Muta cum Liquida. In: Twan Geerts — Ivo van Ginneken — Haike Jacobs (eds): Romance languages and linguistic theory, 235–267. John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia.

    Scheer T. , '', in Romance languages and linguistic theory , (2005 ) -.

  • Ségéral, Philippe — Tobias Scheer 2008a. Positional factors in lenition and fortition. In: Carvalho, Joaquim Brandao de —Tobias Scheer — Philippe Segeral (eds) 2008. Lenition and fortition. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New Yorkde Carvalho et al. (2008, 131–172).

    Scheer T. , '', in Lenition and fortition , (2008 ) -.

  • Ségéral, Philippe — Tobias Scheer 2008b. The Coda Mirror, stress and positional parameters. In: Carvalho, Joaquim Brandao de —Tobias Scheer — Philippe Segeral (eds) 2008. Lenition and fortition. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New Yorkde Carvalho et al. (2008, 483–518).

    Scheer T. , '', in Lenition and fortition , (2008 ) -.

  • Seigneur-Froli, Delphine 2003. Diachronic consonant lenition and exotic word-initial clusters in Greek: A unified account. In: Melita Stavrou-Sifaki — Asimakis Fliatouras (eds): Studies in Greek Linguistics 23. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of linguistics of AUTH, 345–357. University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki.

    Seigneur-Froli D. , '', in Studies in Greek Linguistics 23. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of linguistics of AUTH , (2003 ) -.

  • Seigneur-Froli, Delphine 2006. Le statut phonologique du début de mot grec. Lenitions consonantiques et libértes phonotactiques initiales dans la diachronie de la langue commune et dans le dialecte de Lesbos. Doctoral dissertation, University of Nice.

  • Szigetvári, Péter 1999. VC Phonology: A theory of consonant lenition and phonotactics. Doctoral dissertation, Eotvos Lorand University/MTA, Budapest.

    Szigetvári P. , '', in VC Phonology: A theory of consonant lenition and phonotactics , (1999 ) -.

  • Szigetvári, Péter 2001. Dismantling syllable structure. In: Acta Linguistica Hungarica 48: 155–181.

    Szigetvári P. , 'Dismantling syllable structure ' (2001 ) 48 Acta Linguistica Hungarica : 155 -181 .

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  • Szigetvári, Péter 2008. Two directions for lenition. In: Carvalho, Joaquim Brandao de —Tobias Scheer — Philippe Segeral (eds) 2008. Lenition and fortition. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New Yorkde Carvalho et al. (2008, 561–592).

    Szigetvári P. , '', in Lenition and fortition , (2008 ) -.

  • Uriagereka, Juan 1999. Multiple spell-out. In: Samuel Epstein — Norbert Hornstein (eds): Working minimalism, 251–282. MIT Press, Cambridge MA.

    Uriagereka J. , '', in Working minimalism , (1999 ) -.

  • Ziková, Markéta 2008. Alternace e-nula v současnečeštině. Autosegmentální laterální analýza. Doctoral dissertation, Masarykova univerzita v Brně.

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