Dalina Kallulli

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Jochen Trommer Universität Leipzig/Institut für Linguistik Leipzig Germany

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We provide a minimalist syntactic analysis for the morphological realization of non-active voice in Albanian, a paradigm that exhibits a three-way alternation: inflectional affix, clitic and auxiliary choice. We show that the morphological realization of the Albanian non-active voice reflects the hierarchy of functional categories in the clause. More specifically, we argue that the distribution of the morphological means to realize non-active voice in this language is contingent on and regulated by two independently motivated morphosyntactic operations, namely Agree and Impoverishment, which are both governed in crucial respects by closest c-command.

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  • Kallulli, Dalina 1999. Non-active morphology in Albanian and event (de)composition. In: István Kenesei (ed.): Crossing boundaries: Advances in the theory of Central and Eastern European languages, 263–292. John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia.

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  • Kallulli, Dalina 2006. Unaccusatives with dative causers and experiencers: A unified account. In: Daniel Hole — André Meinunger — Werner Abraham (eds): Datives and other cases, 271–301. John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia.

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  • Kallulli, Dalina 2007. Rethinking the passive/anticausative distinction. In: Linguistic Inquiry 38: 770–780.

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  • Trommer, Jochen 2003. Feature (non-)insertion in a minimalist approach to spellout. In: Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society 39: 469–480.

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