Árpád Mikó Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Művészettörténeti Intézet, Magyarország / Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Art History, Hungary

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The introductory part of the study reviews the historiography of research into jagiellonian letters patent of nobility and the art historical problems of the illuminations. a similar survey was compiled sixty years earlier by dénes radocsay. since then several deeds of granting armorial bearings have cropped up, and lots of new data have been found in historical sources about once existing, now lost or latent, letters patent. the introduction is not meant to thoroughly revise dénes radocsay’s groups compiled by style critical criteria, but it touches on several questions solved or seen more clearly now. For example, the mark of an early 16th century buda illuminator’s hand is preserved not only by letters with armorial bearings, but also by three fragmentary liturgical manuscripts, and the oeuvre of the so-called bakócz monogrammist – who painted the coats of arms in the most representative letters patent in greatest numbers during louis ii’s reign – has been considerably extended.

A few words about the arrangement of the data in the list. the letters patent follow in chronological order, the years of granting emphasized for better orientation.

Vladislav ii’s letters patent arranged by years are followed by a few items that cannot be dated accurately. line one traditionally contains the names of the grantees, modernized – if possible – but not in phonetic transcription gaining ground lately. (i attach the original form of the name in parentheses.) then come dating, measurements, place of preservation and (when known) provenance. the most important data are followed by the list of works in which the given diploma is mentioned. it includes hand-written – 18th and 19th century – mentions, copied texts, as well as items of the modern special literature.

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  • Mikó Árpád: II. lajos király címereslevelei. Egy speciális heraldikai reprezentációs forma művészettörténeti kér dései a jagelló-kori magyarországon. in: Mária Királyné 2005, 7385.

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  • Mikó Árpád: Reneszánsz, magyar reneszánsz, magyarországi reneszánsz. Részletek egy stíluskorszak kutatásának történetéből. In: Mátyás király öröksége. Késő reneszánsz művészet Magyarországon (16–17. század). I–II. Szerk. Mikó ÁrpádVerő Mária. Kiállítási Katalógus. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 2008, II., 115146.

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  • Mikó Árpád: Festett oklevelek és kódexek a késő középkori Magyarországon. A művészettörténész dilemmái. Művészettörténeti Értesítő 66. 2017, 303311.

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Senior editors

Editor(s)-in-Chief: Jávor, Anna

E-mail address:

Name of the Institute: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria
Address of the Institute: Budapest, 1250, 31, Hungary


Editor(s): Mikó, Árpád

P.O. address: Budapest, 1250, 31, Hungary


Chair of the Editorial Board: Mojzer, Miklós

Name of the Institute: Szépművészeti Múzeum
Address of the Institute: 1146, Budapest, Dózsa György út 46., Hungary


Editorial Board

  • Galavics, Géza
  • Mravik, László
  • Nagy, Ildikó
  • Prokopp, Mária

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Hungarian Nationale Gallery
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ISSN 0027-5247 (Print)
ISSN 1588-2802 (Online)