Összefoglalás. A blokklánc-technológiákat első sikeres alkalmazásuk, a kriptopénzek tették híressé és hírhedté. Valódi jelentőségük azonban az általuk létrehozott új informatikai rendszerkategóriában, az adatbázis jellegű, több résztvevő által közösen hitelesen tartott elosztott főkönyvekben rejlik. A tanulmány ismerteti ezek alapelveit, jellemző üzleti alkalmazási mintáit és a „blokkláncosítást”, mint bevezetési stratégia tervezési elvet. Új eredményként a blokkláncosítás a biztonság területén alkalmazhatóságának megteremtéséhez felállításra kerül egy ismert példákon alapuló érték-modell.
Summary. Blockchain technologies were made famous – and arguably, infamous – by their first successful application: cryptocurrencies. Their true significance, however, lies in the novel IT system category they established: distributed ledgers, which are electronic systems of records maintained by multiple parties. The paper summarizes the key concepts of distributed ledger technologies, their key business application types and „blockchainification” as an innovation strategy planning methodology. As a novel contribution, the paper proposes the application of „blockchainification” in the complex context of security, and sets up an initial version of the necessary domain-specific value and application type framework.
Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) have reached maturity where they can be applied to, and have been demonstrated to be able to, facilitate a very broad range of cross-organizational and client-organization cooperation patterns. For enterprise and industrial usage, DLT key value dimensions, supporting blockchain capbilities and value driver application types have been already collected, facilitating the structured and benefit-based planning of their introduction.
One such approach is what we coined „blockchainification”. Blockchainification starts with a decomposition of the business architecture of an organization, to the point where specific cooperations can be characterized, both functionally and by the parties involved. Given such a decomposition, the viability of migrating or replacing the functionality with a DLT-based solution can be assessed, on a cooperation by cooperation basis, including the associated risks and benefits. This way, a blockchain introduction strategy can be formulated for the gradual introduction of DLTs. Additionally, blockchainification suggests – at least in the first phases of an introduction strategy – an emphasis on solutions where a DLT essentially just „replaces” the current information system support of already-digitized cooperations.
While in the enterprise and industrial sphere blockchainification is already facilitated by an example-based understanding of key value dimensions, blockchain capabilities and value driver applications, for many other domains, these prerequisites are missing. Importantly, what is already available is not readily applicable for organizations involved in security activities in the broad sense; in many aspects, the value these organizations seek from IT systems is markedly different from the enterprise world. Thus, the paper proposes an initial key value dimension and supporting blockchain capability model for organizations involved in providing a select set of security services.
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