Összefoglalás. Jelen cikk célja a járműipar egyes területeit érintő kiberbiztonsági kockázatok vizsgálata. Fentiekkel összhangban a cikk első részében a járműipar kiberbiztonsági szempontból releváns területei kerülnek meghatározásra. Ezt követően megtörténik a 2018. évben rögzített járműipari kibertámadások kockázatalapú értékelő elemzése.
Summary. Nowadays, cybersecurity has a critical impact to our lives. The Internet has also got a substantial role in our days since many people are constantly connected to the Internet (e.g., through online social networks) (Török et al. 2020a). Besides, numerous personal and individual devices are connected. The growing number of connected devices and cyberspace expansion make our lives easier. However, this affects our privacy, with the potential for unauthorized use of personal information. In summary, life in a networked world carries unknown dangers.
In the future, many new risk factors are expected to occur, which will significantly increase the level of cybersecurity threats. Examining the aspects of the automotive industry, we should mention the summary of Cheng et al., which explores the field’s problems through novel theoretical solutions and related practical considerations. The book pays special attention to vehicle communication and networked systems. This book examines three main scientific directions for 5G-compliant vehicle-to-vehicle communication and cooperative vehicle control: modeling and testing capabilities for vehicle-to-vehicle communication, state-of-the-art technologies related to the physical layer, and MAC design procedures (Cheng et al. 2019).
Cheng and colleagues (Cheng et al. 2019) examined the communication channels currently applied in the automotive industry or that are expected to be applied soon. Particular attention has been paid to examining the tasks and challenges that need to be addressed in order to support the spread of the connected transport systems in the future. The evaluation focused on the cooperation of connected vehicles. Their study also outlined the most important security risks and challenges associated with new communication solutions.
In the light of the above-mentioned considerations, it can be said that the emergence of connected and autonomous vehicles can make a significant contribution to the positive effects of cyberspace, but can also have a disadvantageous impact on the vulnerability of transport processes.
In line with this, it is important to examine and understand the vulnerabilities of connected and autonomous vehicles, the threats to vehicles. With this knowledge, automotive cybersecurity professionals’ responsibility is to develop appropriate security functions and capabilities for connected and autonomous vehicles and transport systems. This enables the systems to detect, evaluate, and, if necessary, treat different attacks and malicious interventions.
Along with the above objectives, many research studies in the automotive segment have already focused on identifying cybersecurity assessment frameworks for motor vehicles. Among these, it is worth highlighting the projects “HEAling Vulnerabilities to ENhance Software Security and Safety” and “E-safety vehicle intrusion protected applications” (Cheah et al. 2018).
Alzenad M. , Shakir M. Z. , Yanikomeroglu H. & Alouini M. S. , 'FSO-based vertical backhaul/fronthaul framework for 5G+ wireless networks ' (2018 ) 56 (1 ) IEEE Communications Magazine : 218 -224 .
Briand L. C. , Labiche Y. & Liu X. Using machine learning to support debugging with tarantula Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability 2007 Washington DC, USA 137 146
Cheng X. , Zhang R. & Yang L. , 'Wireless Toward the Era of Intelligent Vehicles ' (2019 ) 6 (1 ) IEEE Internet of Things Journal : 188 -202 .
Cheah M. , Shaikh S. A. , Bryans J. & Wooderson P , 'Building an automotive security assurance case using systematic security evaluations ' (2018 ) 77 Computers & Security : 360 -379 .
Khalid A. , Kirisci P. , Khan Z. H. , Ghrairi Z. , Thoben K. D. & Pannek J. , 'Security framework for industrial collaborative robotic cyber-physical systems ' (2018 ) 97 Computers in Industry : 132 -145 .
SAE Vehicle Electrical System Security Committee , SAE J3061-Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Automotive Systems. SAE-Society of Automotive Engineers , (2016 ).
Szalay Z. , Tettamanti T. , Esztergár-Kiss D. , Varga I. & Bartolini C. , 'Development of a Test Track for Driverless Cars: Vehicle Design, Track Configuration, and Liability Considerations ' (2018 ) 46 (1 ) Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering : 29 -35 .
Török Á. , Szalay Z. & Sághi B. , 'Development of a Novel Automotive Cybersecurity, Integrity Level, Framework ' (2020a ) 17 (1 ) Acta Polytechnica Hungarica .
Török Á. , Mohammed O. & Szalay Zs. , 'Acta Polytechnica HungaricReconsidering the Cybersecurity Framework in the Automotive Industrya ' (2020b ) 17 (9 ) Acta Polytechnica Hungarica .
Upstream Security Global Automotive Cybersecurity Report 2019 Upstream Security (2019) 2019 https://www.upstream.auto/