Összefoglalás. Az elektronikusan tárolt információ biztonsága, általánosabban véve a kiberbiztonság, az egyik legnagyobb kihívás a 21. században. Folyamatosan jelennek meg újabb és újabb fenyegetések, melyekre innovatív és újszerű megoldásokat kell adni. Ezek az innovatív megoldások mindenképpen magukkal hozzák az olyan új típusú technológiák használatát az információbiztonságban, mint például a Nagy Adatokból (Big Data) való építkezés és az erre épülő mesterséges intelligencia. Ennek támogatása érdekében az Európai Unió a 2021 és 2027 közötti időszakban kiemelt fontosságúnak tartja a kiberbiztonsági innovációkat. A tanulmány bemutatja a kiberbiztonsági kompetenciahálózatok tervezetét, illetve ismerteti, hogy milyen kutatás-fejlesztés-innovációs lehetőségek lesznek a következő évtizedben Európában.
Summary. Security of stored digital information and more generally, cybersecurity is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Besides the negative effects of cybercrime, cyberespionage, or other state sponsored activities, like cyberwarfare, our society and economy should face the exposure of infocommunication systems all around us. At the dawn of 4th industrial revolution when the whole world is going to be digitalized and will be surrounded by networked digital devices in homes, cities and industry, new threats are constantly emerging that need to be responded with new innovative solutions. These innovative solutions should include the usage of big data and artificial intelligence built onto it. They should also give a response for the inherited risks of legacy systems that can be found in many critical information infrastructures. Meanwhile, they should protect the digital privacy of citizens by not giving out unnecessary user data which is contradictory with the need of big data and AI mentioned before.
Due to the emerging cybersecurity threats and the virtually non-existence of European cybersecurity market, European Union gives high importance for cybersecurity innovation and will support it between 2021 and 2027. In the proposed budget for this period, approximately 3 billion of euros is expected to be spent to cybersecurity related research. On the one hand, that fund may help European research institutes, enterprises, and startups to appear on the global market, on the other hand this is the only possible way to regain Europe’s digital independence from the United States and China. In alignment with the European security policy, these innovative solutions may also lead to reducing the amount of cybercrime, ensure the resilience of continental critical information infrastructure and can help to establish strong European cyberwarfare capabilities. As Ursula von der Leyden, president of the European Commission said in her op-ed in February 2020, “The point is that Europe’s digital transition must protect and empower citizens, businesses and society as a whole. It has to deliver for people so that they feel the benefits of technology in their lives. To make this happen, Europe needs to have its own digital capacities – be it quantum computing, 5G, cybersecurity or artificial intelligence (AI). These are some of the technologies we have identified as areas for strategic investment, for which EU funding can draw in national and private sector funds.” The study presents the draft of cybersecurity competence networks and describes what R&D&I possibilities will be in Europe in the next decade.
CB Insight 2019 Cyber Defenders. CB Insight CB Insight 2019 https://www.cbinsights.com/research/report/cyber-defenders-2019/ 2020. március 30.
Digital Single Market New Digital Europe Programme brings €9.2 billion investment between 2021–2027 Digital Single Market https://ec.europa.eu/isa2/news/european-commission-has-announced-investment-%E2%82%AC92-billion-align-next-long-term-eubudget-2021_en 2020. március 30.
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EU Tanácsa Az EU összefogja és hálózatba szervezi kiberbiztonsági szakértelmét – a Tanács megállapodott a kiberbiztonsági központokkal kapcsolatos álláspontjáról EU Tanácsa 2019 https://www.consilium.europa.eu/hu/press/press-releases/2019/03/13/eu-to-pool-and-network-its-cybersecurity-expertise-council-agrees-its-position-on-cybersecurity-centres/ 2020. március 30.
European cybersecurity centre of expertise: cybersecurity competence survey , (Publications Office , LU 2018 ).
NKFIH Szeptemberben startol a Hungarian Startup University Program NKFIH 2020 https://nkfih.gov.hu/hivatalrol/online-sajto/szeptemberben-startol 2020. március 30.