Összefoglalás. A mesterséges intelligencia (továbbiakban: MI) fogalma az egyik napról a másikra robbant be a tudományos világból a nemzetközi és a hazai köztudatba. Az MI számos formában jelen van életünkben és az elkövetkező pár évtizeden belül pedig olyan megkerülhetetlen és hétköznapi technológiai megoldássá válik, mint ma az internet. Ezért érdemes megvizsgálni, hogy mit mondanak a kutatások az automatizáció hatásairól, mit gondolnak erről a munkáltatók, valamint a jövő munkavállalói. Létfontosságú, hogy megmutassuk az MI-ben rejlő társadalmi és piaci lehetőségeket, biztonsági veszélyeket, ezáltal növelve a magyar vállalkozók versenyképességét és a munkavállalók karrierlehetőségeit. Ennek egyik kezdőlépése a társadalom tudatosítása, valamint az MI oktatásban történő bevezetése, mely kiterjed a technológia iskolákban történő alkalmazásától, egészen használatának, fejlesztésének, biztonsági kockázatainak az oktatásáig.
Summary. The concept of artificial intelligence (hereinafter: AI) has exploded overnight from the scientific world into international and domestic public consciousness.
AI is present in many forms in our lives, and over the next few decades it is set to become as an essential and everyday tech solution as the Internet today.
Therefore, it is worth examining what research says about the effects of automation and what employers and future employees think about it. It is therefore of critical importance to demonstrate the social and market potentials and dangers for safety of AI, thereby increasing the competitiveness of Hungarian entrepreneurs and the career opportunities of the employees.
One of the first steps in this is to raise public awareness and introduce AI into education, ranging from the use of technology in schools to the education of its use, safety risk and development.
Is it worth thinking about what the distant future can bring to humanity? There are various professional predictions as to when we will invent the “real” AI, the master algorithm that controls each process, when we will achieve the singularity, from which AI will be able to program itself beyond human intelligence. Never, according to pessimists, between 2040–2100, according to optimists. Moreover, in the meantime, genetic engineering or a brain amplified with nanorobots may precede machine intelligence. What is certain is that cooperation and coexistence will be the cornerstone, so technical, philosophical, social, ethical and legal responses must be developed as long as the decision is in the hands of the US and not the AI. However, all this is a complex task, as logical contradictions in national regulations and political opinions, for example, are very difficult to handle for a rational algorithm. (Lovászy 2019) Regulation is needed that does not hinder economic development, but strengthens transparency and security.
The opportunities inherent in AI will be decisive for both Hungary’s competitiveness and the success of the individual in the coming decades. In my study, I pointed out that the conscious use and development of AI by education, the knowledge of security risks can be a breaking point for broad strata of our nation.
So, I first examined the impact of the use of AI on the labor market, what new generations of workers think and want, and how it all affects the educator, the content and tools of education, the methodology, and what are the benefits and risks. Then I flashed a couple of possible visions in which, whether we achieve singularity in the near or distant future or not, AI will be a crucial part of our everyday lives.
The pillars, technological and sectoral focuses, and transformative projects of the newly adopted Artificial Intelligence Strategy Foundation will crucially determine how much we will be able to exploit the opportunities of the decades ahead at the individual and state levels. In order to increase Hungary’s competitiveness, it calls for further research and wide-ranging professional consultations on the conditions (infrastructure, competencies, etc.) and modern methods for the successful integration of AI, the awareness of society and the education of different age groups.
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