Összefoglalás. Az ezredforduló időszakának egyik jelentős felismerése, hogy nemcsak az ember-ember kölcsönhatást befolyásoló környezetet és a környezet emberre gyakorolt hatását szükséges vizsgálni, de az ember környezetre gyakorolt hatását is, amely végül visszahat ránk. Írásomban a biztonság kérdését ezért egy tágabb kontextusban világítom meg: túl a közbiztonság témáján, az ember és környezet kölcsönhatásának tükrében elemzem a kérdést. A különböző környezetbiztonsági szempontokat témakörökbe rendszerezve írom le. A hangsúlyt a környezeti kérdések, szempontok áttekintésére helyezem, tudva, hogy az egyes tényezők összefüggenek, és a kölcsönhatások ismerete javítja a beavatkozások hatékonyságát. A zöldinfrastruktúra fogalma ma még kevéssé ismert, ezért szükséges a bevezetésben a fogalom ismertetése is.
Summary. One of the significant recognitions of the turn of the millennium is that today it is not enough to analyse only the environment’s influences on human: also the impact of humans on the environment has to be examined. In my present paper, I shed light on the issue of security (and safety) in a broader context. My analysis covers not only public security issues, but also the interaction of man and his environment, focusing on the toolkit of urban green infrastructure (UGI). The concept of green infrastructure is still not well known today, so I considered it is necessary to define and state this concept as an introduction.
I briefly describe the individual subject areas, which relate to SGI, and I put them in a system. I sought only to review this system, knowing that the individual factors are related to each other and interact when applied together.
The first safety factor of the UGI is to ensure public safety. It plays an important role in crime prevention, in terms of physical protection (safeguarding), transparency of spaces and controllability. I classified the issues of accident safety and comfort safety also as public safety. In the former case, the biggest challenge is the contradictions of the spatial relationship between the grey infrastructures and the UGI. In the latter case, attachment to the place, clear spatial orientation, and perception of the owner of the space/area can provide adequate security.
A second factor is helping climate security, in which UGI must play a decisive role. The basis is a balanced settlement structure, the equipartition and functional placement of green systems. The appropriate ratio of plant and water surfaces balances the climatic extremes. The diverse application of land uses and species ensures long-term stability. A strong UGI can be created by giving rise to sufficient biological diversity, varied vegetation, and habitats. The security of the system is further strengthened by the variety of space use and the continuity of the green-blue network, the healthy growth and development of the individuals is thus better ensured.
The third factor is the issue of health security. The role of UGI in maintaining physical and mental well-being has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to individual access to clean air with adequate humidity, outdoor exercise, and a stimulating, harmonious environment, community activities in the green can also be an important healing tool. In addition, health risks (allergy, disease-spreading animals etc.) in green spaces, must be also controlled.
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