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Attila Zsolnai Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Gödöllő Magyarország; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Gödöllő Hungary

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László Rózsa Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Gödöllő Magyarország; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Gödöllő Hungary

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István Anton Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Gödöllő Magyarország; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Gödöllő Hungary

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Célkitűzés: Miosztatin (MSTN) genotípusok összefüggés-vizsgálata izomfejlődéssel és cardiovascularis paraméterekkel angol telivérekben.

Módszer: Három, MSTN-genotipizált csoportban echokardiográfiát és izomultrahangot végeztünk. Adatainkat SPSS 15.0 szoftverrel elemeztük.

Eredmények: A C/C csoport mért izomvastagságai 22,08 (p = 0,004) és 12,24 (p < 0,001) %-kal; a cardiovascularis rendszeré 6,33 (p = 0,015), 6,03 (p = 0,011) és 6,72 (p = 0,014) %-kal magasabb volt, mint a T/T genotípusnál. Pearson-féle R: anconeus pólyahossz r = 0,460; triceps r = 0,590; aorta Valsalva-öböl diasztolé r = 0,423, szisztolé r = 0,450, billentyűk síkjában szisztolé r = 0,462.

Következtetések: Az eredmények hozzájárulnak a galopplovak hatékony tréningmódszereinek kidolgozásához, így jelentősen befolyásolható eredményességük.


Background: The myostatin gene (MSTN; g.66493737) C/T polymorphism has great influence on the development of the muscles and the rates between the types of muscle fibers as well as cardiovascular performance in thoroughbred horses. Consequently MSTN gene decisively determines the optimal race distance and racing ability in thoroughbreds through the muscle development regulation. A more detailed understanding of these genetic attributions and their associations leads us to be able to maximise the athletic potential of thoroughbreds.

Objective: In this paper the relationships were investigated between the MSTN genotypes and muscle development or the main cardiovascular parameters which affect or define the cardiac performance of thoroughbreds.

Methods: Ultrasonography and echocardiography was performed on each individual selected for our study. Sixty-six thoroughbreds were applied in each measurement (22 of each genotype, C/C, C/T and T/T). All of them participated at different races or were trained at the same time in Hungary. A portable MyLab™ ultrasound system (Alfa-Vet, Animal Healthcare Ltd.) was used for the measurements. To investigate the development of the candidate muscles the size of the anconaeous and triceps brachii muscles were used as indicators. The length of the mentioned muscles was given by the size of the total length of the muscle fascia (m. fasciae anconeus and m. fasciae triceps brachii). Thickness was measured at the largest anatomical diameter of the muscles. To characterize the cardiovascular system, the diameter of the Valsalva sinus of the aorta was measured at the end of diastole and systole, respectively, as well as the diameter of the aorta in the plane of the semilunar valves. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 15.0 for Windows software. Homogeneity of variance between groups was checked with Levene’s test and multivariate analysis of variance was used to determine the correlations between the measured variables and the myostatin genotypes.

Results According to our measurements relationship was detected between individual myostatin genotypes, muscular development and cardiovascular parameters of the thoroughbreds. The muscle thickness and fascicle length of group C/C of MSTN showed significant differences compared to group T/T. Aortic diameter at the sinus of Valsalva (end-diastole and end-systole) and aortic diameter at the valve (end-systole) also indicated significant differences between C/C and T/T genotypes too. The thickness of the two muscles (anconaeous and triceps brachii) in the group C/C was 2.08 (p=0.004) and 12.24 (p<0.001) % higher; and of the parameters of cardiovascular system were 6.33 (p=0.015), 6.03 (p=0.011) and 6.72 (p=0.014) % greater, respectively, than in the T/T genotypes.

Conclusions: The results contribute to a better understanding of the effects of MSTN genetic variations on phenotypes, which help to develop new, effective training methods for racehorses in order to prepare them for their best race distance according to their genotypes. Thus, the competitive performance and racing ability of thoroughbreds can be improved significantly.

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Founding Editor-in-Chief:

  • Tamás NÉMETH

Managing Editor:

  • István SABJANICS (Ministry of Interior, Budapest, Hungary)

Editorial Board:

  • Attila ASZÓDI (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Zoltán BIRKNER (University of Pannonia)
  • Valéria CSÉPE (Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Brain Imaging Centre)
  • Gergely DELI (University of Public Service)
  • Tamás DEZSŐ (Migration Research Institute)
  • Imre DOBÁK (University of Public Service)
  • Marcell Gyula GÁSPÁR (University of Miskolc)
  • József HALLER (University of Public Service)
  • Charaf HASSAN (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Zoltán GYŐRI (Hungaricum Committee)
  • János JÓZSA (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • András KOLTAY (National Media and Infocommunications Authority)
  • Gábor KOVÁCS (University of Public Service)
  • Levente KOVÁCS buda University)
  • Melinda KOVÁCS (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE))
  • Miklós MARÓTH (Avicenna Institue of Middle Eastern Studies )
  • Judit MÓGOR (Ministry of Interior National Directorate General for Disaster Management)
  • József PALLO (University of Public Service)
  • István SABJANICS (Ministry of Interior)
  • Péter SZABÓ (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE))
  • Miklós SZÓCSKA (Semmelweis University)

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