Ez a tanulmány – a doktori kutatómunka részeként – egy módszertani kísérletet felhasználva mutatja be a tervezői szemléletmód (design thinking) üzleti gyakorlatba ültetésének lehetőségét az értékajánlat-tervezésben. Az empirikus vizsgálat olyan támogató metódus kidolgozására irányul, amely lehetővé teszi a növekvő mértékben diverzifikált ügyféligények személyre szabott kiszolgálását, különös figyelemmel a fogyasztói magatartás kontextuális megértésének módszerére. Az alkalmazhatóságot jelentősen befolyásoló aspektusok elméleti áttekintése után a tanulmány ismerteti a szokásos megközelítést, valamint annak hátrányait, majd vázolja az új módszer folyamatát, az eddig elért eredményeket és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó következtetéseket, továbbá a jövőben tervezett lépéseket.
This study – as part of a bigger research study – uses a methodological experiment to present the possibility of putting design thinking into business practice in value proposition design. One of the goals of the design methods applied in the business environment is to explore solutions that satisfy diversifying customer needs. In order to create these innovative value propositions (products, services and systems), enterprises require an integrative, holistic vision, systems thinking and an experimental, creative spirit. Design thinking, a creative problem-solving methodology that integrates customer, business and technological aspects, can provide practical support in this regard.
In Hungary, the number of attempts to adapt design approaches to the value proposition design processes of large service companies is not very high, and not yet been investigated in the scientific context. The analysis of relevant cases is made possible only by participating in the projects. The empirical investigation is aimed at the development of a support method that enables the personalized service of increasingly diversified customer needs, with particular attention to the method of contextual understanding of consumer behavior. After a theoretical overview of the aspects that significantly affect applicability, the study describes the usual approach and its shortcomings, then outlines the process of the new method of actionable consumer empathy, the results achieved so far and the conclusions related to them, as well as the planned steps in the future.
Notwithstanding the level of design maturity defines whether a company is successful in monetizing design value on the long run, businesses often stop at using design methodologies in superficial ways just to seem innovative. This study discusses the factors that determine the success of applicability, such as (1) the transformation of the innovation environment, (2) the change in the nature of the problems, (3) the complexity of consumer decision-making, (4) the connection between design maturity and business benefit, (5) the technological development of data-based customer understanding support, and (6) consideration of legal restrictions and security compliance in exploiting personalization opportunities.
The study also investigates what are the similarities and the substantial difference between the segment and the persona approach, describes the common misconceptions around how to build personas and why the persona approach provides better insights to understand the consumer behavior.
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