A KDP keretében folytatott kutatómunkám a szabványos irányítási rendszerek szerepének változása válsághelyzetben a vállalati működésben. A válság valamennyi hosszú távú hatása még nem ismert, de az nagy valószínűséggel kijelenthető, hogy ilyen és ehhez hasonló válságokra a jövőben a vállalatoknak fel kell készülniük, gyors reagálással, ellenálló képességgel, kockázatkezeléssel, illetve ahol szükséges, a folyamataik át- és újragondolásával. A válsághelyzetre való alkalmazkodáshoz, a folyamatok újragondolásához járulnak hozzá szervezeti szinten a szabványos irányítási rendszerek. Jelen írásom azt mutatja be, a kutatásom során mi volt a kutatási témám relevanciája, milyen kutatási célt tűztem ki, milyen módszertanokat használtam és milyen várható eredményeket tudhat magáénak a kutatás.
My research work within the framework of the KDP is the change in the role of standard management systems in a crisis situation in company operations. Just like society as a whole, the daily life of companies was also significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that began in March 2020. This crisis situation presented organizations with unprecedented challenges. It had a powerful impact on the world economy, the national economy, large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and especially entrepreneurs, which had significant consequences. In my KDP research, I focus on the effects of the crisis situation appearing at the company level. All the long-term effects of the crisis are not yet known, but it can be said with high probability that companies must prepare for such and similar crises in the future, with quick response, resilience, risk management and, where necessary, rethinking and rethinking their processes. At the organizational level, standard management systems contribute to adapting to these crisis situations and rethinking processes. The framework provided by the requirements of the ISO standard provides assistance in managing these challenges, management and strategic planning, and in ensuring organizational sustainability and continuous development. In the current circumstances, it is advisable for organizations to adopt and operate an integrated framework, taking into account the various requirements of ISO standards. These standards require, among other things, monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation, development and effectiveness of implementation for the organization’s management systems. The ISO 9000 standard defines the term management system as follows. Management system A set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives and processes to achieve those objectives. The concept of crisis is mainly related to an extreme, unexpected and unforeseeable event to which organizations must respond. So the crisis, for which companies must prepare, requires the use of a system of tools with which they can react quickly and efficiently to unexpected situations in the future. It can therefore be said that standard management systems, and beyond this, integrated management systems, have a right to exist in crisis management. My research objective is therefore the examination of integrated management systems, in relation to which standard requirements have strengthened and which have decreased in a crisis situation in the organizations operating integrated management systems. My present paper shows the relevance of my research topic during my research, what research goal I set, what methodologies I used and what expected results the research can have.
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