Zsolt Lippai Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Rendészettudományi Kar, Magánbiztonsági és Önkormányzati Rendészeti Tanszék Budapest Magyarország; University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Department of Private Security and Local Governmental Law Enforcement Budapest Hungary
Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Rendészettudományi Kar, Rendészettudományi Doktori Iskola Budapest Magyarország; University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement Department, Doctoral School of Police Sciences and Law Enforcement Budapest Hungary

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A KDP keretén belül végzett kutatómunkám fókuszában a biztonság megteremtése és fenntartása állami és nem állami szereplői tevékenységének jelenkori állapotanalízise, a komplementer rendészeti szereplők rendészeti szerveket tehermentesítő, nemzetgazdasági szempontból is meghatározó jelentőségű vizsgálata áll. Jelen tanulmányomban az ezzel megegyező tartalmú PhD-kutatásom eredményeiről számolok be, kutatási jelentés formájában.


The focus of my research within the framework of the KDP is the analysis of the current state of the activities of state and non-state actors in the creation and maintenance of security, and the analysis of the role of complementary law enforcement actors in relieving the burden on law enforcement agencies, which is of crucial importance from a national economic point of view. In this paper I report the results of my PhD research with the same content in the form of a research report.

I will point out that law enforcement, and thus the state actors in the creation of our security, and in particular the activities of the police, have been and are being dealt with in many different ways. However, only a small number of police researchers have focused their attention on non-state actors in the field of security, on the specialised bodies and ‘peripheries’ of policing, and on the use of methods other than those that might be called traditional policing. The joint work of state and non-state actors, the complementary and mutually reinforcing role of the police in creating and maintaining our common security, and the possibility of rethinking the respective roles are also areas that have been little researched. My PhD research seeks to fill this gap, bearing in mind the fact that law enforcement practitioners expect the Doctoral School of Police Studies to provide recommendations for applied research that can be used in everyday practice.

In my gap-filling research, I will explore my research questions and hypotheses in an unconventional way by drawing on what I consider to be relevant, almost half a thousand domestic and foreign source materials, personal interviews, study trips and the experience of an expert survey.

I will reflect on the significance of private security research and then move back in time to examine the development of the concept of policing over time. I will juxtapose key ideas from works that are perhaps little known to many, but which are still of great scientific value today. In a comparative analysis of state and non-state actors in the field of security, I will present the actors of complementary policing, the ‘stepchildren of policing’, and I will focus on the experience of the domestic organisation of a major sporting event, EURO2020, which attracts large crowds. Internationally, I will look at the development of the public and private security sectors in Estonia, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Bulgaria, England and Canada, and the activities of private military companies. On the basis of all these research experiences, I will interpret the functioning of the security industry, the value added by private security and thus the new structure of policing in the light of the “Security Rethought” questionnaire survey.

Based on my research, I will attempt to unpack and explain the mechanisms of the relationship between state and non-state actors in the creation and maintenance of security. By interpreting the path to date and suggesting a possible future, I try to combine an academic approach with the knowledge that emerges from the work of practitioners. Emphasising the scientific need for change and improvement, and the fusion of dogmatics and practice, I seek, in the framework of this research, to address some of the issues that I consider controversial and, as a result of this confrontation, to stimulate further research and the development of alternative solutions for those who are open to the development of the emerging science of policing, by setting out the legislative and theoretical problems of the subject.

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    Beke J. (2022) Közigazgatási tudományok, közbiztonsági igazgatás és a rendészet. Belügyi Szemle, Vol. 70. No. 12. p. 2690.

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    Christián L., & Kardos P. (2019) Sokszínű polgárőrség New Yorktól az NKE polgárőrségig. Magyar Rendészet, Vol. 19. No. 4. pp. 33–51.

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  • 9

    Hautzinger Z. (2020) A rendészettudomány határtudományai. Magyar Rendészet, Vol. 20. No. 3. p. 138.

  • 10

    Hodgkinson, S., & Tilley, N. (2022) Independence and impact: a typology of researcher-user relationships for policing and crime prevention. Policing and Society, Vol. 33. No. 3. pp. 315–332.

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  • 14

    Karvasy Á. (1870) A közrendészeti tudomány és a culturpolitika. Pest, Athenaeum, p. 1.

  • 15

    Katona G. (2012) A rendészettudomány terminológiája. Pécsi Határőr Tudományos Közlemények, 13. p. 13.

  • 16

    Kerezsi K., & Nagy V. (2017) A rendészettudomány kritikai megközelítése. In: Boda J., Felkai L., & Patyi A. (szerk.) Ünnepi kötet a 70 éves Janza Frigyes tiszteletére. Dialóg Campus, Budapest, pp. 273–282.

  • 17

    Kerezsi K., & Papp A. L. (2015) Rendészet, tudomány, doktori iskola. Magyar Rendészet, Vol. 15. No. 4. pp. 67–83.

  • 18

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Founding Editor-in-Chief:

  • Tamás NÉMETH

Managing Editor:

  • István SABJANICS (Ministry of Interior, Budapest, Hungary)

Editorial Board:

  • Attila ASZÓDI (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Zoltán BIRKNER (University of Pannonia)
  • Valéria CSÉPE (Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Brain Imaging Centre)
  • Gergely DELI (University of Public Service)
  • Tamás DEZSŐ (Migration Research Institute)
  • Imre DOBÁK (University of Public Service)
  • Marcell Gyula GÁSPÁR (University of Miskolc)
  • József HALLER (University of Public Service)
  • Charaf HASSAN (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Zoltán GYŐRI (Hungaricum Committee)
  • János JÓZSA (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • András KOLTAY (National Media and Infocommunications Authority)
  • Gábor KOVÁCS (University of Public Service)
  • Levente KOVÁCS buda University)
  • Melinda KOVÁCS (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE))
  • Miklós MARÓTH (Avicenna Institue of Middle Eastern Studies )
  • Judit MÓGOR (Ministry of Interior National Directorate General for Disaster Management)
  • József PALLO (University of Public Service)
  • István SABJANICS (Ministry of Interior)
  • Péter SZABÓ (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE))
  • Miklós SZÓCSKA (Semmelweis University)

Ministry of Interior
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Address: H-2090 Remeteszőlős, Nagykovácsi út 3.
Phone: (+36 26) 795 906


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Days from acceptance to publication 104
Acceptance Rate 81%

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Days from submission to acceptance 54
Days from acceptance to publication 78
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Days from submission to acceptance 33
Days from acceptance to publication 85
Acceptance Rate 93%

CrossRef Documents 13
CrossRef Cites 0
Days from submission to acceptance 30
Days from acceptance to publication 62
Acceptance Rate 93%

Publication Model Gold Open Access
Submission Fee none
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Scientia et Securitas
Language Hungarian
Size A4
Year of
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per Year
Founder Academic Council of Home Affairs and
Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates
H-2090 Remeteszőlős, Hungary, Nagykovácsi út 3.
H-1055 Budapest, Hungary Falk Miksa utca 1.
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary 1516 Budapest, PO Box 245.
Chief Executive Officer, Akadémiai Kiadó
CC-BY 4.0
CC-BY-NC 4.0
ISSN ISSN 2732-2688 (online), 3057-9759 (print)

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