Magyarországon évente közel száz főre tehető azoknak az állampolgároknak a száma, akik tűzesetek következtében vesztik életüket. A statisztika szerint az érintettek többségében 50 év feletti férfiak, mentális, alkohol- vagy drogproblémákkal küzdők, gondozásra és felügyeletre szoruló idős személyek, illetve fogyatékkal élők vagy hajléktalanok. Ők alkotják a tűzhalál kritikus kockázati csoportját. Környezetükben mindenkitől fokozott figyelmet igényel a tüzek megelőzése, hiszen életkorukból, mentális állapotukból, anyagi helyzetükből következően ebben a körben jóval nagyobb a tűzesetek és ezek nyomán a halálesetek bekövetkezésének esélye. A szerzők engedély birtokában elemezték az elmúlt öt év tűzvizsgálatainak statisztikáit, és szakmai tapasztalataikra alapozva modern kockázatcsökkentési lehetőségeket javasolnak. A cikk megírásával céljuk a tűzhalálesetek számának csökkentése.
In Hungary, the number of citizens who lose their lives as a result of fires can be estimated at nearly a hundred people every year. According to statistics, they are mostly men over 50, people with mental, alcohol or drug problems, elderly people in need of care and supervision, the disabled or the homeless. Together, they form the critical risk group of fire death. The prevention of fires in their environment requires increased attention from everyone, since due to their age, mental state, and financial situation, there are many more fires and, as a result, deaths. According to the Hungarian Social Law, the main bodies exercising social powers are the representative body of the local municipality, the clerk, the district office, and in Budapest the general assembly of the capital municipality, the chief clerk of the capital, and the district office. In a significant number of fatal fire incidents, it can be seen that among the elements of the social administration system mentioned above, domestic and family assistance, signal system domestic assistance, community services and support services, as well as the persons working in these areas, are operatively related to the most vulnerable. They are the ones who, after proper preparation, will be able to conduct a simplified fire risk analysis at the first meeting, and then draw the attention of the affected persons and their relatives to fire-hazardous conditions and activities.
After analyzing and evaluating the statistical data, the article examines how the family support and child welfare services, elderly care, and disability care institutions maintained by the social administration bodies could address the target group most effectively with the tools of social work and social pedagogy. In addition to the procedures used so far during fire prevention (but in a different way), additional methods could be used to make the tasks more efficient. All events start from the “alarm” of the signaling system that also operates during everyday life, the simplified fire risk analysis. After appropriate preparation it would not represent “a permanent extra burden on the daily level of the disaster prevention and social specialist staff”, because it could be implemented on a case-by-case basis at the most local level, in the identified critical locations. At the same time, the use of these methods can reduce the number of fatal fire incidents in the case of certain critical fire death risk groups.
In the opinion of the authors, efficiency can be significantly increased and the number of deaths can be reduced if the social sector bodies (especially those involved in the alarm system) are trained and activated in a targeted manner in the areas of preventing fire deaths. With permission, the authors analyze the statistics of fire inspections of the last 5 years and propose modern risk reduction options based on their professional experience. By writing this article, their goal is to reduce the number of fire deaths.
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