Mangroves are the source of several bioactive secondary metabolites and have proven activity against human, animal and plant pathogens. Rhizophora mucronata is a mangrove species belonging to the family Rhizophoraceae. Betulin and lupeol are two naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpenoids having excellent biological properties. Chloroform extract of R. mucronata, collected from Pitchavaram, Muthupett and Manakudy regions of Tamilnadu, was chromatographed on silica gel 60F254 plates with nhexane and ethyl acetate (80:20) (v/v) as the mobile phase. Derivatizations were done using anisaldehyde and sulfuric acid reagents. The triterpenoids such as betulin and lupeol were identified through HPTLC method. This is the first report for the thin layer chromatographic (TLC) identification of triterpenoids such as betulin and lupeol from R. mucronata, which will be the most valuable information to identify the antimalarial and antiviral activities.
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