Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are widely used in modern industrial applications due to their high efficiency, reliability, and compact size. However, faults in PMSMs, such as stator winding failures, can lead to significant performance degradation and operational failures. Traditional fault detection methods often rely on signal processing and manual analysis, which may be time-consuming and lacking in accuracy. This study explores the application of deep learning techniques for automated fault detection in PMSMs. The deep learning models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are employed to classify electrical faults in the motor data, which includes the scalogram images of stator current signal allowing models to learn fault patterns. The performance of the used networks has been compared, in order to choose the reliable one for classification purposes and hence to be utilized for developing the prediction system. The experimental results show that the ResNet50 has better capability to classify the variation of data used where it could achieve 100% of accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score as compared to other techniques.
1 Introduction
One kind of motor that is well-known for its outstanding dynamic effectiveness and reliability is the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). This category of motor frequently operates under fluctuating conditions and experiences various transients such as load changes, frequent start/stop cycles, and acceleration/deceleration [1]. When PMSM is in use, performance may deteriorate or lead to failure, impacting the overall system's reliability and safety [2].
In most cases, the diagnosis of motor faults is divided into two main categories: those caused by electrical problems and those caused by mechanical problems [3, 4]. Some difficulties that can be seen in literature concerning manufacturing relate to problems of air-gap deformation, bearing failures, shaft misalignment, and mechanical imbalance [5–7]. Moreover, issues with the motor, electrical supply, and operating malfunctions were examined in the study [8–10].
Faults with the stator winding are frequently encountered and pose significant risks [11]. Mostly short circuits are a result of insulation damage. This damage can occur due to the age of the machine, during a time of significant flux weakening, because of a string of bad luck with weather and the state of the machine, because the winding is literally burning up from too much energy being put into it, or for any other number of reasons.
The first thing one might do to diagnose a problem with a turbine's stator winding is to look for short circuits between adjacent winding turns—a phenomenon called “inter-turn short circuit” (ITSC). ITSCs can rapidly escalate to more dangerous synchronous short circuits between phases or between a phase and ground. In the very early stages of the problem (when the ITSCs are still producing only very tiny changes in the amplitude of the phase currents), the motor may continue to operate safely. As the short circuiting proceeds, it will put the motor at risk. If these kinds of problems do develop, the only safe course of action—after making sure of what is happening—is to take the motor out of service [12]. It is critical to identify this fault quickly. The fault detection method for the motor has been around for more than a century, but it has been of particular interest recently due to the rapid advancement and extensive usage of PMSMs [13].
At present, electrical problems in PMSM are often detected by analyzing the stator's current in each phase. Several algorithms and diagnostic methods proposed to interpret the phase current for any fault indications [14]. Of these, the fast Fourier transform is one of the most commonly used frequency domain analysis techniques in motor current signature analysis (MCSA) applications [15]. Time-frequency domain methods consist of short-time Fourier transform (STFT) [16], and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) [17]. Within the fault diagnosis domain, the CWT analysis efficacy has primarily been explored with induction motors [18]. Nevertheless, notwithstanding its numerous advantages, this facet has not been previously investigated concerning its capacity to identify electrical malfunctions in PMSMs during their nascent phase. This study aims to assess the feasibility of using signal preprocessing to differentiate between the indications of ITSCs in the PMSM stator winding.
The signals processed can be utilized to train AI fault classifier models. Lately, this method has become widely adopted for automating the electric motor condition monitoring process. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are frequently utilized in fault diagnosis. Neural networks with shallow structures, like multilayer perceptron (MLP) [19], and self-organizing Kohonen maps (SOMs) [20] have been quite popular. Nevertheless, similar applications in recent years have widely embraced trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs). These networks use transfer learning approaches, as well as deep (and therefore large) neural networks like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [21–25]. It is important to highlight that by utilizing a suitable diagnostic signal and pre-processing technique, a basic and user-friendly machine learning (ML) algorithm like Support Vector Machine (SVM) could be effective [26].
The entire experiment mainly utilizes the frequency-domain characteristic of these features to detect the fault for a PMSM at different operation conditions. The fault frequency fluctuates due to the variation of fundamental frequency of stator current, which also change depends on motor operating condition. More importantly, as the primary focus of this paper is to find an efficient TL model that can classify the electrical faults accurately, bulk failures in terms of their frequency, and stator winding short-turn faults with inter-turn short circuit fault being the most prevalent type. Broadly speaking there are four basic kinds of electrical malfunction; ground faults, short circuits, connections errors, and open circuits. The Inter-Turn Short Fault is the most common of these, and it will be the only one studied in this paper. For each simulation of this cluster, the current signal measurement will be treated with a CWT operator. In other words, we should end up with an image that would keep meaningful elements of our original signal. After the defective and healthy feature libraries have been created, a total of nine different kinds of Deep Neural Networks will be developed for division in Fig. 1.
The study's primary novelty can be outlined as follows:
To the best of the author's knowledge, there is no such published work which discuses using complex generalized CWT analysis of scalogram obtained by processing diagnostic signals-based information for detecting electrical faults from stator winding using PMSM. This paper aims to remedy that shortcoming.
The second objective is to introduce a method for automatically classifying PMSM stator winding faults using specific Deep Learning Networks. Conducting a comparison of nine distinct designs - ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, Vgg16, Vgg19, GoogleNet, ShuffleNet, EfficientNetb0, and MobileNet-V2, involves analyzing the impact of model parameters on the performance of the classifiers. Analyzing such data is frequently disregarded, yet it can prove highly beneficial when developing a diagnostic system.
Here is the remaining structure of this paper: The first section includes an overview of the subject and a literature review; the second section details the technique that will be used; and the third section contains the findings. Section 4 wraps up the report by outlining potential areas for further investigation.
2 Materials and methods
Most of the time, the most common electric faults in windings have to do with poor grounding or with connections that are not made. These can lead to short circuits. By the time, a phase winding that should be connected to a load may be found wanting. The open circuit itself might be the electrical fault [27]. Stator faults are responsible for 38% of all motor defects [28]. The PMSM systems commonly suffer from a problem, which is the short circuits that occur between turns of the stator winding [29]. When an electric motor's working time increases, defects can develop in the stator wire insulation system. A short circuit is one of the most serious defects that can occur. A short circuit between the stator turns can stop the motor and possibly cause a fire if the problem is not discovered and fixed [30].
A short circuit fault is challenging to manage due to the generation of a substantial circulating current and excessive heat along the shorted path [31]. Consequently, failure to promptly detect and eradicate this phenomenon can lead to further detrimental effects on wire insulation and rapid propagation into additional stator windings. Such propagation can result in demagnetization, phase-to-phase faults, and even ground faults [32].
An open circuited phase may result from a malfunctioning internal stator winding [33], although this is frequently the result of drive system issues. The motor can have really strong mechanical vibrations and changes in electromagnetic torque. This can lead to additional problems if the motor is started up and allowed to run while the coils are shorted. So the first coil winding to reach the arms of the rotor would not be working, and the rest would be checked to follow [34]. The descriptions of a PMSM, such as vibration, current, voltage, torque, and magnetic flux, might change due to flaws. Nonetheless, the stator phase current signal conveys more advantageous information. Figure 2 illustrates the PMSM simulation model, the approach extraction and classification processes, and the SimPower system toolbox in Matlab/Simulink, which were utilized to record phase current data.
Data creation, feature extraction, and the signal-image conversation technique are some of the ideas introduced in the following sections that form the basis of the suggested categorization approach.
2.1 Data collection
Unlike the above studies, these results have been acquired by conducting experiments on the PMSM at a normal operating condition. Those details for the motor are registered in Table 1. The missing of any step-like amplitude change in the present phase signal, and steady running speed of motor indicates that motor is working properly. A leg inverter connected to 500 V DC was used to feed the three-phase PMSM which was also adopted as experimental model. However, the PMSM used in this work can be expressed as: The stator has a resistance of 2.8 Ω, leakage inductance of 0.42 H and flux linkage of 0.175 Wb with the rated speed of 3,000 RPM. There are 3 poles, with a moment of inertia (J) = 0.03 kg m−2.
Faults created on inverter side
Phase | IGBT1 | IGBT2 | IGBT3 | IGBT4 | IGBT5 | IGBT6 |
Phase a | O | I | I | I | I | I |
Phase a | I | I | I | O | I | I |
Phase b | I | I | O | I | I | I |
Phase b | I | I | I | I | I | I |
Phase c | I | I | I | I | O | I |
Phase c | I | O | I | I | I | I |
Phase a, c | O | O | I | I | I | I |
Phase a, b | O | I | I | I | I | O |
Phase a, b | I | I | O | O | I | I |
Phase b, c | I | O | O | I | I | I |
Phase a, c | I | I | I | O | O | I |
Phase b, c | I | I | I | I | I | O |
Phase a, b | O | I | O | I | I | I |
Phase b, c | I | I | O | I | O | I |
Phase a, c | O | I | I | I | O | I |
Phase a, c | I | I | I | O | I | O |
Phase b, c | I | O | I | I | I | O |
Phase a, b | I | O | I | O | I | I |
Phase a, b, c | O | I | O | I | O | I |
Phase a, b, c | I | O | I | O | I | O |
Phase a, b, c | O | I | I | I | O | O |
Phase a, b, c | I | O | O | O | I | I |
Phase a, b, c | O | O | I | O | I | O |
Phase a, b, c | I | O | O | O | I | O |
Phase a, b, c | I | O | I | O | O | O |
Phase a, b, c | O | I | O | O | O | I |
Phase a, b, c | O | I | O | I | O | O |
Phase a, b, c | O | O | O | I | O | I |
Then a lookup table is shown built to account for the openings and shorts circuits faults on the drive side (which are simulated after obtaining different situations of conditions in PMSM – see Table 1) so that fault signals can be considered. In the motor fault model, expediently after 0.2 s of runtime there are coil-to-ground and coil-coil defects as shown from now on the lowest possible value of the fault resistance was applied before abrupt changes in the phase current signal took place. This is reflected by a nine-column vector with ones only set at five positions [35].
With 476 labels total, one for every category in the dataset. In order to train deep learning models more efficiently and with less overfitting, preparation is necessary regardless of whether the dataset has already been retrieved or not. Unfortunately, the method fails when it comes to recognizing the minority group because of bias within the ruling elite. A data balancing is performed to ensure this does not occur. Similarly, data augmentation techniques were used to supplement the quantity with a modified version of the original dataset. On top of that, we used five distinct data augmentation methods—reflection, vertical cropping, horizontal cropping, and random rotation—to the training dataset alone. These methods helped improve the model's accuracy, along with epoch-by-epoch random dataset selection.
2.2 Scalogram image acquisition
Wavelet transform has been a powerful tool for improving the signal-to-noise ratio and it is best applied on 2D photos of time-domain signals, which is suitable to nonstationary and nonlinear data. The basic functions of the wavelet transform are among an infinite number that are possible, as opposed to those of the Fourier transform. Wavelet analysis used for signal data gives a more accurate result as compared to other signal analysing techniques. It examines time and frequency-localized features simultaneously with high precision [36, 37].
Continuous or discrete, wavelet analysis is employed according to the purpose for which the data is to be used [38]. It is recommended to use CWT for in-depth time-frequency analysis. The scale parameter is discretized differently in continuous and discontinuous wavelet transformations. CWT often employs a base less than 2 exponential scale, in contrast to the constant usage of a base equal to 2 exponential scale in the discrete wavelet transform. Consequently, CWT is superior to the discrete wavelet transform in terms of scale discretization.
From the above equation, we can infer that ψ refers to our continuous mother wavelet. It is translated using a scaling factor (b) and ‘a’ represent Scaling factor i.e. resizes or shrinks it, Cw (a, b) subsequently becomes a function over two parameters: By observing that here values of j and k are also continuous means number of Wavelets will be infinite. The complex conjugate of the mother that we are analysing is φ(t) and, consequently its dual-scale function: ψ*(t). Factor 1/√a is an energy-normalized coefficient. To further qualify as a legitimate ground wavelet, the wavelet function must satisfy the subsequent mathematical requirements:
The function φ (t) is transformed using the Fourier transform, and the circular frequency is represented by w = 2πf. [41].
Scalograms are spectra of amplitude and time scale that result from the application of CWTs to signals. Scalograms show the absolute value of the CWT signal as a function of time and frequency. The end product of CWT is a two-dimensional function
The starting point in CWT is often set to a positive integer, such as,
The time-frequency image, which is a two-dimensional representation of the energy intensity of the impact signals, possesses high instantaneous energy properties. This facilitates the application of the Morlet wavelet as a wavelet function.
2.3 Feature extraction and image classification
The classification of stator current scalogram images was accomplished utilizing the transfer learning-based CNN algorithm implemented in this study. The major purpose of this investigation is to determine which pre-trained CNN model is most likely to be successful. In practice, CNN algorithms are implemented on large datasets as opposed to tiny ones. Transfer learning principles may prove advantageous in situations where only a limited dataset is accessible, and a model that has been trained on larger datasets can produce satisfactory results when applied to the smaller data. Transfer learning has recently been implemented successfully in numerous industries, including medical image classification, manufacturing, and baggage screening [46].
In order to classify the stator current scalogram pictures, some pre-trained deep convolutional neural network models are utilized: ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, Vgg16, V19, GoogleNet, Efficientnetb0, MobileNetv2, and ShuffleNet are all versions of the ResNet network. In Tables 2 and 3, the number of layers and magnitude of input for each structure and training parameter are detailed, respectively.
The total number of layers and the size of the input layer for each network
Network | Input layer Size | No. of Layer |
ResNet18 | 224*224 | 72 |
ResNet50 | 224*224 | 177 |
ResNet101 | 224*224 | 347 |
Vgg16 | 224*224 | 41 |
Vgg19 | 224*224 | 47 |
GoogleNet | 224*224 | 144 |
Efficientnetb0 | 224*224 | 237 |
MobileNetv2 | 224*224 | 28 |
ShuffleNet | 224*224 | 48 |
Training parameters for each network
Software | Network | Learning rate | Mini batch size | Training: Test ratio |
Matlab | ResNet18 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 |
ResNet50 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
ResNet101 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
Vgg16 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
Vgg19 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
GoogleNet | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
Efficientnetb0 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
MobileNetv2 | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 | |
ShuffleNet | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 | 32, 16, 8 | 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 |
The RGB image is pre-processed to be a 224 × 224 picture classifying it into either Healthy/Faulty using Neural Network. Now, in order to get rid of the use of pre-trained models having an ImageNet architecture we have no other option but that our data allows us to build those dense and dropout levels from scratch in the classification layers: Nevertheless, it was that, but our training dataset is fed to the convolution layer of ResNet model and after getting those output vectors of final layer. The output vectors of the final layer are shown to the Softmax classifier (classification layer), using that as training data. The experiment is done using a Matlab environment with only single CPU of use. During the beginning of each training cycle a random subset from the original dataset was taken as the trained dataset. During the first stage, three parts were considered; that is 60%, 70%, and 80% of the subsets. 10 epochs were used by default as shown below: here the learning rates were 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.001 and 0.0001, respectively, which was done using adaptive moment estimation (Adam). Thus, we started with 32/16/8 batches for training.
2.4 Performance evaluation
In the case of true positive (TP), our model accurately predicted those cases which have actually a positive 306 transaction. And a model that has correctly been able to identify these negative scenarios were the instances which are actually negative and also detected by the model. This is called true negative (TN). Also, false positives (FP) occur when the model mistakenly classifies a case as positive, while false negatives (FN) represent cases where the model incorrectly predicts a positive instance as negative.
3 Results
In this research, nine of deep learning models were utilized in this comparative analysis to classify electrical defects of the stator current in PMSM. This research aimed to study the performance and make a competition for these models by using crucial characteristics that recognize the efficacy of the classification system. The accuracy, recall, precision, and F score comprise these parameters. ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, Vgg16, Vgg19, GoogleNet, EfficientNetb0, MobileNetv2, and ShuffleNet comprised the nine models. Table 4 and Fig. 3 below show the best-achieved results and performance evaluation of all nine DL models trained in this research. However, it is very important to compare the confusion matrix of best training step for each network Fig. 4. This will allow to figure out networks ability to classify the features of faults.
Best achieved result for every transfer-learning model
Transfer-learning model | Evaluation metrics | |||
Accuracy | Recall | Precision | F-Score | |
ResNet18 | 99.3 | 100 | 98.5 | 99.2 |
ResNet50 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
ResNet101 | 98.6 | 98.6 | 98.6 | 98.6 |
Vgg16 | 94.6 | 100 | 89.3 | 94.3 |
Vgg19 | 94.6 | 92 | 97.8 | 94.8 |
GoogleNet | 98.9 | 100 | 97.8 | 98.8 |
EfficientNetb0 | 99.4 | 100 | 98.5 | 99.4 |
MobileNetv2 | 98.9 | 100 | 97.8 | 98.8 |
ShuffleNet | 99.3 | 100 | 98.5 | 99.2 |
4 Discussion
The performance of all nine TL models was good with our limited data, but ResNet50 shows a significant and unique accuracy percentage, where it achieves 100% when trained on 80% of the data, mini-batch 8, and a learning rate of 0.0001. Figure 4 represents the confusion matrices of nine trained models.
However, the rest of the TL model achieved a good accuracy percentage when compared with the best achieved one which is ResNet50 in our case, but one can notice the differences with the other evaluation metrics, for example, F-score which is the most important one that indicates the potentiality of the model in balancing precision, and recall harmonic mean. ResNet50 is ranked first on our list with 100%, followed by EfficientNetb0, which achieved 99.4%, then both ResNet18 and ShuffleNet, which obtained 99.2%, GoogleNet and MobileNetv2 with 98.8%, ResNet101 with 98.6%, Vgg19 with 94.8%, and finally Vgg16, which achieved 93.2%. Nonetheless, the results of ResNet50 shown in this paper give new perspectives into the feasibility of selecting such network for online electrical fault diagnosis. This makes the remote monitoring of motor performance easier and predicts what type of fault is going to happen so that necessary action may be taken before it happens. Still, even in the worst circumstances in whatever line of plant machinery you use to get your work done, it remains very possible to lower any chance that the motor would be impaired (stopping a certain manufacturing line), or other parts wrecked instead.
As shown in the results section, ResNet 50 achieved 100% in all metrics, this can be referred to the fact of its 50 residual blocks, which has proven extraordinary capability in overcoming vanishing gradient issues, enabling the effective training of deeper neural networks. However, Residual Neural Networks changed the training procedure of Deep Neural Networks in classification manner. The basic strategy depends on skip connections and residual blocks, however, these blocks are not only changed the way of training these networks, but has also accelerated the construction of more complex and efficient models.
Furthermore, more layers can make the model more complex and add more capacity, and this does not make the model perform better, but it can make it struggle to converge. In case it can escape from converge, the model can also go too far and over-fit, which means the model can perform very well with training set, but will confused with testing set.
The classification of faults can be employed or merged with different control strategies to establish fault-tolerant control schemes [47–65]. Moreover, other extension of this work is to implement in real-time environment using either FPGA (Field Programming Gate Array) format, Raspberry-pi microcomputer, or NI board using LabView software. [66–73].
5 Conclusion
This study established the basis to develop an early fault-detection system. In this research, nine TL models have been used to classify the electric faults of PMSM based on status of stator currents. Different deep learning techniques are developed for automated fault detection in PMSMs. The proposed deep learning models, which are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are employed to classify electrical faults in the motor data which includes the scalogram images of stator current signal allowing models to learn fault patterns. The performance of the used networks has been compared to choose the reliable one for classification purposes. The results showed that the ResNet50 has better capability to classify the variation of data used where it could achieve 100% of accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score, as compared to other techniques. There is a potential future development of this study to add more kinds of faults to enrich the dataset with sufficient diversity, so that more features can be extracted to train the model. This work could assist the researchers in the development of fault-detection system of motor based on the status of stator current.
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