Journal of Behavioral Addictions (2024) advanced online publication
The above paper has been modified as follows (with the erroneous text in bold in):
The original version of this article unfortunately contains a mistake. The corrected details are given below.
- 1.In the 9–10. lines of the Abstract:
Originally published: “…14.4% (n = 183) exhibited low positive BPS scores (1 ≤ score ≤4), and 4.5% of the sample (n = 57) screened positive for PPU (BPS score ≥4).”
Corrected to: “…9.9% (n = 126) exhibited low positive BPS scores (1 ≤ score <4), and 4.5% of the sample (n = 57) screened positive for PPU (BPS score ≥4).”
- 2.In Results, Descriptive statistics, end of the first paragraph, lines 7–8.
Originally published: “Approximately one-seventh of the total sample (14.4%; n = 183) scored 1–4 on the BPS, and 4.5% (n = 57) scored ≥4, screening positive for PPU (PPU+).”
Corrected to: “Approximately one-tenth of the total sample (9.9%; n = 126) scored 1–3 on the BPS, and 4.5% (n = 57) scored ≥4, screening positive for PPU (PPU+).”
- 3.Also in Results, Bivariate and multivariate analyses, description of Table 2
Originally published: “Table 2 presents associations between clinical and functioning variables and group membership, adjusting for sex. PPU+ versus PPU- status was linked to higher impulsivity in the domains of positive urgency, negative urgency, and sensation-seeking, with 0.56 < d < 0.83.”
Corrected to: “Table 2 presents associations between clinical and functioning variables and group membership, adjusting for sex. PPU+ versus PPU- status was linked to higher impulsivity in the domains of positive urgency, negative urgency, and sensation-seeking, with 0.56 ≤ d ≤ 0.83.”
- 4.Discussion, first paragraph, second sentence, lines 3–6
Originally published: “Approximately one-seventh of individuals seeking treatment for OUD (14.4%) scored between 1 and 4 points on the BPS, indicating some possible concerns regarding use of pornography. Additionally, 4.5% of participants reported experiencing PPU which suggests that a small but notable proportion of individual within this population may be struggling with compulsive patterns of pornography use.”
Corrected to: “Approximately one-tenth of individuals seeking treatment for OUD (9.9%) scored between 1 and 3 points on the BPS, indicating some possible concerns regarding use of pornography. Additionally, 4.5% of participants reported experiencing PPU which suggests that a small but notable proportion of individual within this population may be struggling with compulsive patterns of pornography use.”
The article's main conclusions are not affected by the correction of these descriptive errors.
The authors apologize for the mistakes.
The original publication has been corrected upon request of the corresponding author.