Global soil degradation is one of the most challenging environmental problems which requires an effective solution. However, the issue of soil protection is almost completely lacking in the field of international environmental law, which does not help address this problem successfully. This legislative indifference can also be observed in EU decision-making, even though it intends to play a leading role in the domain of environmental protection and nature conservation at global level. In addition to highlighting the importance of soils, this paper aims at presenting major international legal instruments defining EU soil policy. It provides an overview of binding and non-binding legal sources, international initiatives and programmes that have had a significant impact on the European soil protection. The social, economic and legal environment defined by them give EU legislation the room for manoeuvre, significantly affecting the everyday life of present and future generations. The role of soil as a natural resource, however, seems to be appreciative in recent years, as demonstrated by some international documents. At the same time, until the achievement of long-term, sustainable soil management and the creation of a ‘land degradation neutral world’, there is still a long way to go and this would be greatly aided by a comprehensive, modern approach to legislation.
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