Let 𝔼𝑑 denote the 𝑑-dimensional Euclidean space. The 𝑟-ball body generated by a given set in 𝔼𝑑 is the intersection of balls of radius 𝑟 centered at the points of the given set. The author [Discrete Optimization 44/1 (2022), Paper No. 100539] proved the following Blaschke–Santaló-type inequalities for 𝑟-ball bodies: for all 0 < 𝑘 < 𝑑 and for any set of given 𝑑-dimensional volume in 𝔼𝑑 the 𝑘-th intrinsic volume of the 𝑟-ball body generated by the set becomes maximal if the set is a ball. In this note we give a new proof showing also the uniqueness of the maximizer. Some applications and related questions are mentioned as well.
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