B. Gorjanović Faculty of Agriculture Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8 21000 Novi Sad Serbia

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S. Janković Institute for Science Application in Agriculture Bulevar Despota Stefana 68b 11000 Belgrade Serbia

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Nitrogen use efficiency parameters of twelve bread wheat cultivars were studied in nine environments comprised of three nitrogen applications tested over three years. An environment-by-trait association biplot and a trait-association by environment biplot were applied to understand environmental effects on these traits and relationships among them. The following trait associations were relatively stable across environments: negative associations of straw nitrogen content vs. nitrogen remobilization efficiency, straw nitrogen content vs. nitrogen harvest index and a positive association of nitrogen remobilization efficiency vs. nitrogen harvest index. The selection of genotypes with a high nitrogen harvest index and nitrogen remobilization efficiency could be used in the development of cultivars with desired nitrogen use efficiency. A low straw nitrogen content can also be used as a reliable and cost-effective indicator in the selection of genotypes with high nitrogen use efficiency.

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Cereal Research Communications
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Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
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