The social and professional role of the 1957 Balaton Regional Outline Plan became a reference within the Hungarian architectural community, despite its numerous contradictions in methodology and the contemporary planning history context. Evaluation of the planning process becomes possible by accessing the legacy of chief architect Tibor Farkas. The goal of the study is to put the development of the Balaton region into the context of planning history. This is a chance to outline the characteristics of the pragmatic development by comparing the method of the plan to the traditions of regional aesthetics and ecological methods rooted in Patrick Geddes, and also to the contemporary planning models, with special emphasis on the defining role of architects in planning and implementation. Even though regional planning in the international practice is a multidisciplinary field, the Hungarian practice heavily relied on the involvement of architects and urban planning experts who have made an effective connection among different styles by striving to achieve the synthesis of landscape aesthetics. This was an innovative approach even by international standards, given the importance of the landscape of the recreation area. The importance of the plan is further emphasized by the early successes in the implementation, which were made possible by its institutional background having such a wide scope of authorities. The study examines the work of architects in different positions during the implementation phase, focusing mainly on Tibor Farkas, whose coordinating role and personal influence were keys to the success of the plan. Even though the plan was made considering pragmatic views and scarce funding, it is evident from the publications that the international community took interest, especially the Team X by the project participant architect Charles Polónyi and finally in 1965 the plan was awarded the UIA international grand prize.
Tibor Farkas’ personal legacy (courtesy of the family). / Farkas Tibor személyes hagyatéka. (Feldolgozása a család szíves hozzájárulásával.)
Interview by the author with Tibor Farkas (02.12.2011, Budapest), Zoltán Csorba (02.09.2015, Budapest) and Ferenc Callmeyer (10.09.2015, Budapest) / Interjúk: A szerzo interjúja Farkas Tiborral (2011. 12. 02., Budapest), Csorba Zoltánnal (2015. 09. 02., Budapest), Callmeyer Ferenccel (2015. 09. 10., Telki). Az interjúk anyaga digitálisan és kézirat formájában rögzítve.
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