Athin-layer chromatographic (TLC) method was used for the quantification of four dominant flavonoids (rutin, narcissin, nicotiflorin, isoquercitrin) in the shoots of Cargana spinosa (L.) DC. (Fabaceae). Chromatographic separation was performed on silica gel HPTLC plates with double development of ethylacetate-1,2-dichloroethane- acetic acid-85% formic acid-water 10:2.5:1:1:0.8 (v/v) as mobile phase. The plates were scanned densitometrically at 360 and 387 nm. The method was validated for precision, repeatability, and accuracy. It was found to be precise: intraday and interday RSD were 1.48–1.87% and 1.59–1.97%, respectively. Instrumental precision and repeatability for the method were found to be 0.51–0.64 and 1.18–1.32 (CV (%)), respectively. Accuracy was checked by measuring the recovery at four levels; the average recovery was 98.19–101.36% for rutin, 98.04–101.14% for narcissin, 98.16–100.54% for nicotiflorin, and 98.11–101.98% for isoquercitrin. The method was used for the analysis of the flavonoids mentioned in C. spinosa shoots samples. Nicotiflorin was detected in Caragana genus for the first time.
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