A PET/CT-vizsgálatok hozzáférhetősége az utóbbi években Magyarországon is jelentősen javult, évente a három hazai PET/CT-központban megközelítően 10 000 finanszírozott vizsgálatra van lehetőség. Az FDG-PET/CT-vizsgálat kiemelkedő érzékenységével és fajlagosságával mára a tumordiagnosztika hatékony módszerévé vált. Hasonlóan más képalkotó technikákhoz a klinikus kezében a PET/CT is akkor igazán használható, költséghatékony vizsgálat, ha ismeri az előnyeit és korlátait. Ebben a tanulmányban a leggyakoribb, elsősorban sebészeti vonatkozású PET/CT-indikációkat tekintettük át, a módszer alkalmazhatóságát is figyelembe véve.
1. RS Brown TM Goodman PV Kison A Flint RL Wahl 2001 FDG uptake and expression of hexokinase II (HKII) and Glut-1 in untreated primary human non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) J Nucl Med 42 280 1.
2. DW Townsend JP Carney JT Yap NC Hall 2004 PET/CT today and tomorrow J Nucl Med 45 Suppl 1 4 14.
3. HW Prauer WA Weber W Romer T Treumann SI Ziegler M Schwaiger 1998 Controlled prospective study of positron emission tomography using the glucose analogue [18f]fluorodeoxyglucose in the evaluation of pulmonary nodules Br J Surg 85 1506 11.
4. D Lardinois W Weder TF Hany EM Kamel S Korom B Seifert GK von Schulthess HC Steinert 2003 Staging of non-small-cell lung cancer with integrated positron-emission tomography and computed tomography N Engl J Med 348 2500 7.
5. D Lardinois W Weder M Roudas GK von Schulthess M Tutic H Moch RA Stahel HC Steinert 2005 Etiology of solitary extrapulmonary positron emission tomography and computed tomography findings in patients with lung cancer J Clin Oncol 23 6846 53.
6. RJ Downey T Akhurst M Gonen B Park V Rusch 2007 Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic maximal standardized uptake value predicts survival independent of clinical but not pathologic TNM staging of resected non-small cell lung cancer J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 133 1419 27.
7. P Flamen T Lerut K Haustermans E Van Cutsem L Mortelmans 2004 Position of positron emission tomography and other imaging diagnostic modalities in esophageal cancer Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 48 96 108.
8. P Flamen E Van Cutsem A Lerut JP Cambier K Haustermans G Bormans P De Leyn D Van Raemdonck W De Wever N Ectors A Maes L Mortelmans 2002 Positron emission tomography for assessment of the response to induction radiochemotherapy in locally advanced oesophageal cancer Ann Oncol 13 361 8.
9. EM Kamel M Thumshirn K Truninger M Schiesser M Fried B Padberg D Schneiter SJ Stoeckli GK von Schulthess KD Stumpe 2004 Significance of incidental 18F-FDG accumulations in the gastrointestinal tract in PET/CT: correlation with endoscopic and histopathologic results J Nucl Med 45 1804 10.
10. RH Huebner KC Park JE Shepherd J Schwimmer J Czernin ME Phelps SS Gambhir 2000 A meta-analysis of the literature for whole-body FDG PET detection of recurrent colorectal cancer J Nucl Med 41 1177 89.
11. M Selzner TF Hany P Wildbrett L McCormack Z Kadry PA Clavien 2004 Does the novel PET/CT imaging modality impact on the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver Ann Surg 240 1027 34.
12. V Kalff C Duong EG Drummond JP Matthews RJ Hicks 2006 Findings on 18F-FDG PET scans after neoadjuvant chemoradiation provides prognostic stratification in patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma subsequently treated by radical surgery J Nucl Med 47 14 22.
13. T Torizuka N Tamaki T Inokuma Y Magata Y Yonekura A Tanaka Y Yamaoka K Yamamoto J Konishi 1994 Value of fluorine-18-FDG-PET to monitor hepatocellular carcinoma after interventional therapy J Nucl Med 35 1965 9.
14. S Heinrich GW Goerres M Schafer M Sagmeister P Bauerfeind BC Pestalozzi TF Hany GK von Schulthess PA Clavien 2005 Positron emission tomography/computed tomography influences on the management of resectable pancreatic cancer and its cost-effectiveness Ann Surg 242 235 43.
15. G Antoch J Kanja S Bauer H Kuehl K Renzing-Koehler J Schuette A Bockisch JF Debatin LS Freudenberg 2004 Comparison of PET, CT, and dual-modality PET/CT imaging for monitoring of imatinib (STI571) therapy in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors J Nucl Med 45 357 65.
16. KE Rusthoven M Koshy AC Paulino 2004 The role of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in cervical lymph node metastases from an unknown primary tumor Cancer 101 2641 9.
17. F Grunwald T Kalicke U Feine R Lietzenmayer K Scheidhauer M Dietlein O Schober H Lerch K Brandt-Mainz W Burchert G Hiltermann U Cremerius HJ Biersack 1999 Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in thyroid cancer: results of a multicentre study Eur J Nucl Med 26 1547 52.
18. BL Shulkin NW Thompson B Shapiro IR Francis JC Sisson 1999 Pheochromocytomas: imaging with 2-[fluorine-18] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET Radiology 212 35 41.
19. N Avril LP Adler 2007 F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography imaging for primary breast cancer and loco-regional staging Radiol Clin North Am 45 645 57.
20. CR Isasi RM Moadel MD Blaufox 2005 A meta-analysis of FDG-PET for the evaluation of breast cancer recurrence and metastases Breast Cancer Res Treat 90 105 12.