Julian Schülein

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Ingo Minrath University Mainz Johannes Gutenberg Duesbergweg 10-14, 55128 Mainz Germany

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Rainer Pommersheim GmbH TULICON Erthalstrasse 1, 55118 Mainz Germany

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Holger Löwe

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To synthesize nickel(0) nanoparticles by wet chemical reduction using hydrazine with an average size distribution below 100 nm, two different reactor concepts were developed. With a cone channel nozzle, the reactant solutions were sprayed into a batch for further processing and reduction at elevated temperatures. Another concept uses a micro-coaxial injection mixer connected to a heated tube to establish a fully continuously operating reactor. To shorten the time for reduction of the nickel, salt temperatures up to 180 °C are applied. To avoid uncontrolled residence time, the whole system was pressurized up to 80 bar. Approximately 80 L reactant solution, i.e., 1 kg nickel(0) nanoparticles, could be processed within 30 h.

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Journal of Flow Chemistry
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Founder Áramlásos Kémiai Tudományos Társaság
H-1031 Budapest, Hungary Záhony utca 7.
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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ISSN 2062-249X (Print)
ISSN 2063-0212 (Online)