Réka Benczes Eötvös Loránd University Department of American Studies Budapest Hungary

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Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra Eötvös Loránd University Cultural Linguistics Ph.D. Program Budapest Hungary

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A number of studies have been written on the Hungarian colour terms piros and vörös, both denoting ‘red’, focusing on either one of the following questions: (1) disambiguating the meanings of the two terms; or (2) their status in Hungarian as basic colour terms. The present paper attempts to resolve these issues in one go by adopting a combined approach of corpus and cognitive linguistics. The paper makes the following three hypotheses: (1) as vörös had more time to undergo idiomatization, there will be significant differences and systematic trends between the type/token ratios of the two terms; (2) piros is a more generic term used for a larger and looser range of concepts, while vörös is associated with a more limited range of concepts; and (3) piros is mostly used in its primary, literal sense, while vörös is more inclined to be used in a figurative sense. After a thorough corpus and cognitive linguistic analysis of data extracted from the updated Hungarian National Corpus, the paper comes to the general conclusion that vörös is not a basic colour term of Hungarian.

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Acta Linguistica Hungarica
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Founder Magyar Tudományos Akadémia  
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